P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 20 July 2017

                  Brazil freezes accounts of ex-President Silva in graft case

            By MAURICIO SAVARESE         he  requested  the  freezing
            Associated Press             of up to 10 million Brazilian
            SAO PAULO (AP) — Brazil’s    reals,  but  the  bank  said  it
            central  bank  has  frozen   only found what was in the
            four  bank  accounts  be-    four  accounts.  The  judge
            longing to ex-President Luiz   said the measure was nec-
            Inacio Lula da Silva due to   essary  “for  the  reparation
            his  recent  conviction  on   of  damages  that  originat-
            corruption  charges,  the    ed in the crimes.”
            federal  judge  overseeing   “It  was  not  possible  to
            the case said Wednesday.     trace the rest of the bribes
            The  assets  in  question    paid  in  connection  with
            amount  to  more  than       the  corruption  at  Petro-
            600,000    Brazilian   reals   bras,”  Moro  wrote.  “It  is
            ($190,000),  according  to   possible  it  has  been  used
            the  office  of  Sergio  Moro,   to  illegally  finance  elec-
            who  last  week  sentenced   toral   campaigns.”    Last
            Silva to 9½ years in prison in   week the judge also seized
            connection  with  a  sprawl-  a  beachfront  apartment
            ing  graft  probe  involving   in the city of Guaruja, Sao
            state-run  oil  giant  Petro-  Paulo  state,  that  is  the   In this July 13, 2017 photo, former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva prepares to speak to
            bras. Moro also barred the   centerpiece  of  the  cor-   the press and supporters at the headquarters of the Worker’s Party, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. A Brazilian
            ex-president  from  using    ruption  and  money  laun-   judge said on Wednesday, July 19, 2017 bank accounts belonging to the ex-president have been
            three apartments, a piece    dering  case  against  Silva.   frozen due to his conviction on corruption charges.
            of land and two cars linked   The apartment is valued at                                                                (AP Photo/Andre Penner)
            to  him.  None  can  be  sold   about  2.2  million  Brazilian
            until there is a final ruling on   reals ($700,000), according   supporters  and  loathed  the  apartment  to  Silva  as  was  never  his  and  he  and
            the  case.  In  a  statement,   to investigators.         as  a  zealot  by  detractors,  a bribe for three contracts  his  wife  only  visited  once
            Silva’s defense denied any   Moro,  who  is  hailed  as  an   said  construction  compa-  with Petrobras.           before  declining  to  buy  it.
            wrongdoing  and  called      anti-corruption  hero  by    ny  OAS  promised  to  give  Silva  says  the  apartment  q
            the  decision  illegal  and
            abusive.  The  former  presi-  Chile:
            dent  —  who  is  commonly
            known  as  Lula  —  remains   Senate OKs bill allowing abortion in some cases
            free pending an appeal.
            “This  decision  makes  all
            Lula’s  assets  and  values   By EVA VERGARA              proved in 2016 by the lower  hibit  abortion  in  all  cases,  try in Latin America to allow
            unavailable  to  him,  which   Associated Press           house,  where  a  vote  on  according to the New York-    cannabis-based medicines
            hampers  his  and  his  fam-  SANTIAGO,  Chile  (AP)  —  changes introduced by the  based  Center  for  Repro-      at pharmacies.
            ily’s  ability  to  live.  It  is  yet   Chilean  lawmakers  took  a  Senate  was  postponed  to  ductive Rights. A handful of  The   changing   attitudes
            another  arbitrary  decision   major  step  toward  legaliz-  Thursday.                others have rules so restric-  mark  a  generational  shift
            among many others com-       ing abortion in some cases  President  Michelle  Bach-    tive that they amount to de  as  younger  people  born
            mitted by the same judge     on Wednesday, a dramatic  elet  supports  the  measure  facto bans.                    after the 1973-1990 military
            against  former  president   development in one of Lat-   and  has  said  she  would  But  views  have  been  shift-  dictatorship  of  Augusto  Pi-
            Lula,”  his  lawyers  Cristiano   in America’s most tradition-  sign the law.          ing  in  Chile  on  a  number  nochet come of age.
            Zanin  and  Zuleika  Martins   ally conservative countries.  But  opposition  lawmak-  of  social  issues  that  were  The  trend  has  been  more
            said.  His  defense  has  re-  In a marathon session last-  ers  from  the  conservative  once taboo.               evident since a wave of stu-
            peatedly  called  the  graft   ing  well  past  midnight,  political  bloc  Chile  Vamos  The  predominantly  Roman  dent  protests  demanding
            conviction  politically  moti-  the  Senate  voted  to  allow  said  they  would  appeal  it  Catholic  nation  began  to  education reform began in
            vated and a plot to sideline   abortions when a mother’s  to Chile’s Constitutional Tri-  allow divorce only in 2004,  2011 and has accelerated
            Silva, a front-runner for next   life  is  in  danger,  when  the  bunal,  which  could  rule  it  and in 2015, Congress rec-  as  a  string  of  priest  sex-
            year’s presidential election   fetus  is  not  viable  and  in  unconstitutional.      ognized  civil  unions  for  abuse  scandals  prompted
            according to recent polls.   cases of rape.               Chile  is  one  of  just  four  same-sex couples. Recent-  many Chileans to question
            Moro said in his ruling that   A version of the bill was ap-  countries that currently pro-  ly it became the first coun-  Catholic doctrine.q
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