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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Saturday 30 June 2018

            To Infinity: Toy Story Land opening at Disney in Florida

            By FREIDA FRISARO                                                                                                   and thermos.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    The  park  features  primary
            LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. (AP)                                                                                         colors  and  larger-than-life
            — For children of the mid-                                                                                          versions  of  classic  toys  like
            1990s,  Disney’s  new  Toy                                                                                          Rubik’s Cube, colorful Coo-
            Story Land offers the oppor-                                                                                        tie  bugs,  Scrabble  letters,
            tunity to visit the imaginary                                                                                       building blocks and Tinker-
            world they grew up in. For                                                                                          toys. There are also bench-
            their parents, it brings back                                                                                       es built from Lincoln Logs.
            sweet memories of a magi-                                                                                           “We  wanted  to  make  this
            cal time of toys and make-                                                                                          for all generations,” Minich-
            believe.  And  for  everyone                                                                                        iello  said.  “As  you  walk
            else,  the  new  theme  park                                                                                        through  you’ll  probably
            land offers a whimsical ex-                                                                                         discover  a  lot  of  toys  you
            perience from the moment                                                                                            played with as a child.”
            a  nearly  20-foot  (6-meter)                                                                                       There’s a little bit of some-
            statue  of  Sheriff  Woody                                                                                          thing  for  everyone,  said
            welcomes guests as if they                                                                                          Tom  Vazzana,  show  direc-
            are  honorary  toys  in  An-                                                                                        tor for Toy Story Land enter-
            dy’s  backyard.  “We  are    In this Saturday, June 23, 2018 photo, Jessie pulls on a string of giant lights tangled around Rex the   tainment. “Buzz and Woody
            welcoming  everyone  who     dinosaur at Toy Story Land in Disney’s Hollywood Studios at Lake Buena Vista, Fla.     and Jessie ... are out on the
            has  ever  dreamed  of  be-                                                                        Associated Press  avenue,”  interacting  with
            ing a part of their own ‘Toy  moments  and  characters    ket   melt,   old-fashioned  ordered  from  a  walk-up  guests,  stopping  for  photo
            Story,’”  said  Bob  Chapek,  in the ‘Toy Story’ films in the   soda  floats  and  other  re-  window  fashioned  out  of  opportunities  and  signing
            Disney’s chairman of parks,  new land.”                   freshments  which  can  be  Andy’s  vintage  lunchbox  autographs.q
            experiences and consumer  But  you  will  find  other  fa-
            products,  speaking  Friday  vorite  characters  —Sheriff
            at an opening ceremony.      Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Jes-
            The  new  11-acre  land  in-  sie,  Slinky  Dog,  Mr.  Potato
            spired  by  the  movie  “Toy  Head and the Green Army
            Story”  opens  to  the  public  Patrol — in the brightly col-
            Saturday  at  Disney’s  Hol-  ored  land,  along  with  two
            lywood Studios just outside  new rides: Slinky Dog Dash
            Orlando.  Tim  Allen,  the  and Alien Swirling Saucers.
            voice  of  Buzz  Aldrin  in  the  They  join  the  pre-existing
            films, made a surprise guest  Toy Story Mania ride, which
            appearance  at  the  Friday  has been one of the most
            event.   “Somehow      you  popular attractions at Hol-
            never imagined you would  lywood Studios since it de-
            be  able  to  play  in  Andy’s  buted  in  2008.  Toy  Story
            backyard,” Allen said. “This  Mania gets a colorful new
            is just amazing.”            entrance  in  the  new  Toy
            The  opening  of  Toy  Story  Story  Land.  Once  inside,
            Land  is  one  of  the  most  guests  “magically  make  a
            anticipated  events  at  U.S.  transition,”  appearing  to
            theme parks this year. And  become equal in size to a
            it  continues  Disney’s  tradi-  toy  because  of  the  scale
            tion  of  bringing  movies  to  of  the  attractions,  said
            life.  Last  year,  Pandora-  Minichiello. In fact, he add-
            World  of  Avatar  opened  ed, “you are about the size
            at the Florida theme park.  of the Green Army Men.”
            Next year, lands themed on  The  movie’s  Green  Army
            “Star Wars” open at Disney  Men are called the Green
            parks  here  and  in  Califor-  Army  Patrol  here.  They
            nia. But visitors to Toy Story  have been updated to be
            Land will never actually lay  more inclusive and diverse
            eyes  on  Andy,  the  human  —  including  female  char-
            boy  who  owns  the  toys  in  acters.  They  also  interact
            the  “Toy  Story”  films.  Ac-  with guests throughout the
            cording to the park’s story  park,  saluting  and  even
            line,  he’s  just  been  called  performing  fun  games  like
            inside  by  his  mother,  leav-  “Sarge  Says,”  inspired  by
            ing  his  toys  —  and  you  —  the classic children’s game
            scattered in the backyard.   “Simon Says.”
            “As  in  the  ‘Toy  Story’  films,  In addition to the rides and
            when  the  humans  go  characters,  the  Woody’s
            away,  the  toys  come  to  Lunchbox     eatery   offers
            life,” said Dave Minichiello,  some  modern-day  twists
            executive creative director  on  classic  foods.  There  is
            of  Toy  Story  Land.  “We’ve  the  three-cheese  grilled
            tried to include most of the  cheese  sandwich,  a  bris-
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