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Saturday 30 June 2018
‘This Is Congo’ explores everyday voices amid conflict
By CARLEY PETESCH schools and breaking the
Associated Press cycle of poverty. The dan-
DAKAR, Senegal (AP) — “To gerous work, as she crosses
grow up as a child in Con- borders to sell, shows how
go, according to God’s will, entrepreneurial Congolese
is to grow up in paradise,” make money from the rich
Col. Mamadou Ndala says mineral resources around
in the opening scenes of them. Often the proceeds
“This Is Congo,” a film mak- from exports never trickle
ing its theatrical release Fri- down. “This Congo” also
day in the United States. follows Hakiza Nyantaba,
Strolling outside the east- a tailor who has been dis-
ern city of Goma where he placed for years by conflict,
is stationed, Ndala adds: as he ekes out a life at the
“Perhaps because of the kind of camp that is home
will of man, growing up in to many Congolese. As of
Congo is to grow up in mis- January 4.5 million people
ery because of these end- had been displaced, ac-
less, unjust wars imposed cording to the United Na-
on the people.” This photo provided by Abramorama shows a scene from the film “This Is Congo.” tions refugee agency.
Congo has been in the Associated Press “It seems God has forgot-
headlines as it faces its lat- ten us,” Nyantaba says.
est outbreak of the deadly tary commander, a min- were pushed out the fol- and badly paid. McCabe honors his resil-
Ebola virus, and as a long- eral dealer, a tailor and a lowing year. He gained “This is a revolving cycle of ience.
delayed presidential elec- high-ranking, anonymous unprecedented access conflict,” McCabe told The “There are displacement
tion is set for December. military intelligence officer through Ndala, the film’s Associated Press. “The film camps where people have
Dozens of armed groups — to show the humanity in main subject. to me is about the banality been living for 20 years. It’s
continue to wreak deadly the middle of crisis. Though filming mostly took of war and the corruption unfathomable,” the film-
havoc on the vast, mineral- Traveling around the Kivu place in 2012 and 2013 the of man. Our hope is that maker said.
rich nation. regions in the east, Mc- scenes of fighting appear the audience can identify Alleged corruption by of-
“This Is Congo,” directed Cabe sought to explore timeless, reflecting Congo’s with the characters.” ficials and mining compa-
and filmed by former pho- the root causes of conflict continuous upheaval as Another of the four main nies in part drives the fight-
tojournalist Daniel Mc- in Congo. He ended up on some soldiers are recruited characters is Mama Ro- ing in Congo, which has
Cabe, gives an insider’s the front lines of fighting be- by ever-changing rebel mance, who turned to sell- trillions of dollars of mineral
view on the diverse lives tween the army and M23 groups and later reinte- ing gemstones to support deposits ranging from dia-
behind the headlines. It fol- rebels as they marched grated back into the army, her family, eventually send- monds and zinc to copper
lows four people — a mili- into Goma in 2012 and which is poorly organized ing her children to good and tin.q
Florence + the Machine looks
back with regret, hope
cade since breaking out in There’s oodles of operatic
2009 with the debut album drama, but the album’s
“Lungs.” There have been biggest pleasures often
three U.K. chart-topping come in subtle moments.
albums and an acclaimed Opening track “June” be-
headlining set at Glaston- gins with a sigh, before
bury, but also detours into swelling in a swirl of strings
drink and self-doubt. to an exhortation: “Hold on
On “High as Hope,” Welch to each other.”
picks over the traces of her “Sky Full of Song,” released
sometimes misspent youth as a single, pares back the
This cover image released and looks ahead with ten- musical shrubbery and lets
by Republic Records shows tative hope. Lyrically, it’s a Welch’s voice convey re-
“High as Hope,” a release by delight: reflective, wry and gret and elation, as she
Florence + The Machine.
Associated Press rueful. Musically, it retains sings “Grab me by the an-
the extravagance Welch’s kles, I’ve been flying for too
fans love: big hooks em- long.”
By JILL LAWLESS bedded in a wall of sound. The quest for connection
Associated Press Produced chiefly by Welch with others is a recurring
Florence + The Machine, and Emile Haynie, with con- theme. On “Hunger,” an-
“High as Hope” (Republic tributions from musicians in- other single, Welch alludes
Records) cluding Sampha, Jamie xx to an eating disorder — “At
“High as Hope” could be and Tobias Jesso Jr., “High 17, I started to starve my-
seen as Florence Welch’s as Hope” cushions Welch’s self” — and recounts at-
quarter-life crisis album. raw and soaring vocals tempts to banish loneliness
The Florence + the Machine on a lush bed sound — with drugs, art and love.
frontwoman has had some keyboards, strings, drums, The angst is offset by an
ups and downs in the de-
handclaps, the works. anthemic chorus.q