Page 22 - AHATA
P. 22

                    Monday 30 april 2018

            Plastic Recycling Project at the University of Aruba

            ORANJESTAD - It was at the  come  up  with  innovative                                                              bin with 8 plates was made
            University  of  Aruba  in  the  solutions  for  certain  envi-                                                      with 320 plastic bottles. The
            Academic Foundation Year  ronmental issues.                                                                         border for each plate was
            program  that  a  couple  of  M.A.G.E.C. is a club consist-                                                         made  with  approximately
            students  were  inspired  by  ing of 13 dedicated mem-                                                              26  bottle  caps.  Therefore,
            the  course:  Introduction  to  bers  who  share  the  same                                                         for  the  whole  bin  that
            Earth  and  Environment,  to  vision  and  within  in  five                                                         would be 208 bottle caps.
            make a change.               months  we  have  accom-                                                               This was excluding the top,
                                         plished  great  things  that                                                           bottom and extra fillings to
            This class made the students  have  made  a  difference                                                             stick the borders together.
            more  aware  about  the  for  the  environment  and                                                                 There are five bins that will
            damage that is being done  community of Aruba.                                                                      be placed around the uni-
            to our planet and how im-                                                                                           versity  campus.  Three  bins
            mense  these  problem  are  To mention them:                                                                        are  of  the  official  design
            world  wide.  With  these  ●  We  have  organized  a  ticipated in this project.       for the competition.         and  two  are  temporary
            concerns  in  mind,  a  new  successful coastal cleanup  ●  We  helped  AHATA  with    ●  We  were  granted  the  bins that were made differ-
            non-profit  student  organi-  at  Dunes  beach,  where  their campamento project       opportunity  to  have  a  ently with HDPE plastic. The
            zation  called  M.A.G.E.C.  we collected over 200 kilo-   2018  that  brought  aware-  M.A.G.E.C.  representative  plan  is  to  engage  Univer-
            was  formed.  M.A.G.E.C.  grams of waste.                 ness  to  the  campers  to   on  the  AHATA’s  Environ-   sity  students  in  our  project
            stands for Making Aruba a  ● We volunteered for Plas-     keep their campsite clean.   mental Committee             by getting them to recycle
            Greener Environment Club.    tic  Beach  Party  during  the  The members of M.A.G.E.C.   ●  We  volunteered  for  Aru-  their  plastic.  From  this  col-
            The  organization  strives  for  carnival  period  asking  the  helped   by   asking   the   ba  Doet  in  collaboration  lected  plastic  we  plan  to
            a  more  sustainable  Aruba  public to participate in re-  campers for their participa-  with the University of Aruba,  replace the temporary bins
            by  organizing  events  and  cycling  their  plastic  used  tion in this project and we   were  we  had  created  an  with official ones.
            working  on  new  ideas  to  during  the  parades.  Ap-   also got the opportunity to   edible garden for St. Domi-  We  are  grateful  to  Plastic
            raise  awareness  and  to  proximately  70  kavels  par-  be a part of the examiners   nicus  College  Elementary  Beach Party for helping us
                                                                                                   school.                      on our journey and always
                                                                                                   Our biggest project to date  keeping their door open to
                                                                                                   has  been  our  recycling  us.  We  would  also  like  to
                                                                                                   project at the University of  thank the University of Aru-
                                                                                                   Aruba.                       ba. When we approached
                                                                                                   While  working  with  Plastic  the university of Aruba with
                                                                                                   Beach Party we were intro-   our  proposal,  they  were
                                                                                                   duced to the process of re-  very excited and offered to
                                                                                                   cycling plastic.             always  help  us  whichever
                                                                                                   Because of this M.A.G.E.C.  way possible.
                                                                                                   thought of the idea to im-   We are appreciative of Ms.
                                                                                                   plement  plastic  recycling  Charisse  Hoen  has  helped
                                                                                                   bins on the campus of the  us with planning the launch
                                                                                                   University  of  Aruba.  The  day  and  guided  us  in  the
                                                                                                   idea  was  to  create  bins  process  of  marketing.  We
                                                                                                   composed  100%  of  recy-    would  also  like  to  give
                                                                                                   cled  plastic  with  the  help  a  special  thanks  to  Mr.
                                                                                                   of the equipment at Plastic  Giovanni Lew Jen Tai who
                                                                                                   Beach Party. After creating  has recently been appoint-
                                                                                                   several samples, we creat-   ed as one of M.A.G.E.C.’s
                                                                                                   ed  our  final  official  design  advisors,  and  who  has  al-
                                                                                                   that consisted of:           ways  gone  the  extra  mile
                                                                                                   - Eight plates of PET plastic  for us.
                                                                                                   (type 1) from plastic bottles  We  hope  that  this  project
                                                                                                   for example.                 will be a success. Our goal
                                                                                                   -  A  border  around  the  is  to  demonstrate  to  other
                                                                                                   plates and a top and bot-    schools  and  organizations
                                                                                                   tom that consisted of HDPE  that they can recycle and
                                                                                                   plastic (type 2) from plastic  make something beautiful.
                                                                                                   bottle caps for example.     However, our grand goal is
                                                                                                   Each  bin  took  approxi-    to  inspire  as  many  people
                                                                                                   mately 48 hours to produce.  as possible to implement it
                                                                                                   Each plate was made from  in their lifestyle.
                                                                                                   an  estimated  40  plastic    If  you  believe  it  you  will
                                                                                                   bottles.  Therefore,  each  achieve it.q
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