Page 12 - MIN TTC AUG 03, 2015
P. 12
Monday 3 August 2015
Jim and Anna of Virginia Love Tango Argentine Grill!
PALM BEACH - Tango Ar- it’s nice people and fantas-
gentine Grill in the Arawak tic beaches. They are also
Garden is the favorite of crazy about Tango restau-
Jim and Anna Adams. They rant and the nice waiting
are from Virginia and have staff there.
been coming to this island Their favorite choices are
fifteen years already. Love the juicy tenderloin and
plays a big part in their the huge T-bone steak. For
lives - they fell in love 22 dessert they splurge on the
years ago when they first Tango crepes: mmmmm.
laid eyes on each other at So great to hear such good
work. Since then they have comments, Jim and Anna.
been inseparable. Have a great holiday and
Jim and Anna love Aruba, come back soon, please!q