Page 13 - MIN TTC AUG 03, 2015
P. 13


LOCALMonday 3 August 2015

KukooKunuku Guests in the Spotlights

PALM BEACH - Last week          to Aruba, so they didn’t    island girl now that I am
we had the honor to have        know what to expect.        retired”. So they went on
Kay and Jimmy on board          They chose our island for   our bus to celebrate 40
our Dinner & Nightlife Tour.    many reasons, to name       years of teaching school
They flew all the way from      a few, because it’s safe,   and at the same time their
Tennessee, USA to spend         windy, fun and beautiful.   retirement. And not to for-
two beautiful weeks on          But the winning reason of   get to mention Kay and
Aruba. It was their first time  them all: “I want to be an  Jimmy are also married

                                                                                         for 42 years now. Reasons   and Jimmy enjoyed the
                                                                                         enough to celebrate this    tour from the beginning till
                                                                                         on the Kukoo Kunuku bus.    the end. Luckily they will
                                                                                         “We loved the sundown       be returning, as soon as
                                                                                         toast, the crew, the graf-  possible, to our beautiful
                                                                                         fiti on the bus, the bars   island and again on the
                                                                                         and the dinner. A special   Kukoo Kunuku. We will be
                                                                                         thanks to Mama!!!” So, I    happy to have you again,
                                                                                         guess we can say that Kay   thanks Kay and Jimmy!q
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