Page 13 - AT Sept 3 2020
P. 13
FEATURE Thursday 3 sepTember 2020
Prince Harry and Meghan sign production deal with Netflix
By The Associated Press ticity, optimism and leader-
NEW YORK (AP) — The Duke ship." He said the company
and Duchess of Sussex is proud they have made
have a new home: Netflix. Netflix their creative home
Six months after detangling and looks forward to "tell-
their work lives from the Brit- ing stories with them that
ish royal family, Prince Har- can help build resilience
ry and his wife, Meghan, and increase understand-
have signed a multiyear ing for audiences every-
For Sale deal to produce nature where." Netflix also airs its
Time share series, documentaries and award-winning series "The
La Cabana Beach children's programming for Crown," following the reign
& Racquet Club Aruba the streamer, according to of Harry's grandmother,
Week 30 one bedroom a statement Wednesday. In this Jan. 7, 2020, file photo, Britain's Prince Harry and Meghan, Queen Elizabeth II. News of
$2000; more info The two, who recently re- Duchess of Sussex leave Canada House in London. the Sussex production deal
Associated Press
(297) 730 9304 located to Santa Barbara, comes after Netflix teased
_________________________ California, plan to focus on has said she will not return Phoenix," in which he also the fourth season of the
Private Tours stories and issues that el- to acting. She has done appears. It premiered last popular drama, scheduled
Minivan A/C 4 hour evate diverse voices and some voice work since the week on Netflix. for release Nov. 15.q
Tour at your choice other issues close to their couple left the U.K. with Ted Sarandos, co-CEO
Nat. Pool and Nat. Park hearts. Several projects are baby Archie in search of and chief content officer
not included already in development, their financial indepen- for Netflix, said in the state-
$150 including a nature docu- dence. ment that the decamped
TU Tours series and a series focused The prince worked close- royals have "inspired mil-
Cell +297 7312727 on women who inspire. ly with the filmmakers of lions of people all around
"Our lives, both indepen- the documentary "Rising the world with their authen-
dent of each other and as
FOR SALE a couple, have allowed us
1) Phoenix, week 34, 8/22 to understand the power
to 8/29, room 107 (16 of the human spirit: of cour-
weeks left on contract) age, resilience, and the
2) Divi Dutch Village, 7/4 need for connection," the
to 7/11, week 27, unit 13 ( pair said in the joint state-
16 weeks left on contract) ment. "Through our work
3) Divi Dutch Village, with diverse communities
week 35, unit 128 (18 and their environments, to
weeks left on contract) shining a light on people
4) Divi Golf, week 35, unit and causes around the
4201, (26 weeks left on world, our focus will be on
contract) creating content that in-
Price $9,050.00 for each forms but also gives hope."
unit plus $95 admin fee The couple also pledged
and buyer pays all trans- to promote diversity be-
fer fees ($400) hind the camera as their
Contact: production company gets off the ground. Meghan
Solution on Page 14