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                                                                                                  BUSINESS Thursday 3 sepTember 2020
            Edmunds: Now is a great time to sell or trade in your car

            By RONALD MONTOYA                                                                                                   miles  than  expected  due
            of Edmunds                                                                                                          to  the  pandemic.  Finance
            Historically,   Labor   Day                                                                                         companies  are  good  at
            weekend  is  an  opportune                                                                                          predicting  what  a  vehicle
            moment  to  get  a  great                                                                                           will be worth at the end of
            deal  on  a  new  vehicle.                                                                                          a  lease  in  normal  circum-
            But  this  time  around,  the                                                                                       stances, but no one could
            great deal could very well                                                                                          foresee  today's  rising  used
            come  about  by  selling  or                                                                                        vehicle values.
            trading in your car. Factory                                                                                        So it's worth appraising your
            shutdowns  or  slowdowns                                                                                            leased  car  to  see  if  you
            related  to  the  COVID-19                                                                                          get  an  offer  greater  than
            pandemic  have  limited                                                                                             the  residual  value  on  your
            the  number  of  new  2021                                                                                          lease  contract,  minus  any
            vehicles arriving at dealer-                                                                                        remaining payments.
            ships,  blunting  dealerships'                                                                                      The  process  can  seem
            need to offer big inventory-                                                                                        complicated  because  the
            clearing sales. At the same                                                                                         vehicle technically belongs
            time,  there's  an  increasing                                                                                      to  the  finance  company.
            trend of consumers looking                                                                                          But  essentially  the  dealer-
            to save money by purchas-                                                                                           ship  is  buying  the  vehicle
            ing a used vehicle.                                                                                                 on  your  behalf,  keeping
            As  such,  dealerships  are   In this March 28, 2019, photo, a salesperson uses a tablet to find a car for prospective buyers as   the vehicle to sell later, and
            hungry  for  used  cars  that   they look over a 2019 Encore sports-utility vehicle at the Buick display at the auto show in Denver.     then handing you a check
            they  can  turn  around  and                                                                       Associated Press  for the difference it had ap-
            sell.  The  resulting  spike  in  With an eye to maximizing  pay attention to what's la-  an  offer  for  your  vehicle  praised for.
            trade-in  values  could  give  your  trade-in  value,  here  beled  the  trade-in  value  if  based  on  the  appraised  The  dealership  will  still  be
            your next car deal an unex-  are a few tips to help you  you're trading in at a deal-  value.                       able  to  make  money  on
            pected boost.                sell or trade in your car.   ership, or what's called the  It's worth noting that some  your car later, so it's a win-
            Specifically,  the  average  USE   ONLINE    APPRAISAL  private-party  value  if  you  websites might ask for your  win  situation.  But  not  all
            value  for  a  traded-in  ve-  TOOLS  TO  ESTABLISH  A  plan  on  selling  it  yourself.  contact  information  in  or-  lease   companies   allow
            hicle  rose  by  $2,000  from  BASELINE VALUE             Private-party  value  tends  der  to  generate  the  offer.  this  type  of  transaction,  so
            June  to  July,  according  This is the first and most im-  to  be  higher,  but  you'll  As such, you can expect to  make  sure  you  check  be-
            to  Edmunds'  sales  data,  portant step to take when  have to weigh that poten-       receive  emails  and  phone  fore proceeding.
            marking a 16% month-over-    determining  the  value  of  tial  against  the  value  of  calls  from  dealerships  fol-  KEEP  THE  TRADE-IN  NEGO-
            month increase. In this sell-  your  vehicle.  An  online  your  time  and  the  hassle  lowing  up  about  your  ve-  TIATIONS SEPARATE
            er's  market,  your  trade-in  appraisal  tool  will  start  by  of  dealing  with  strangers.  hicle. This can be a hassle,  A  vehicle  purchase  in-
            should be a critical part of  asking  for  your  vehicle  Keep in mind that the ap-    but your goal is to get mul-  volves many moving parts,
            your buying strategy.        identification  number,  li-  praisals  are  only  estimates  tiple offers and see who will  and  overlooking  the  value
            "Knowing  how  much  your  cense plate or year/make/      and will need to be verified  offer the most competitive  of your trade-in is a mistake
            current  vehicle  is  worth  is  model  information.  Make  by the dealership when the  price.                      that's easy to make. In the
            arguably  as  important  as  sure to enter your vehicle's  time  comes  to  sell  the  ve-  CHECK   YOUR   EXPIRING  heat  of  the  moment  you
            the  price  you're  consider-  trim level, mileage, options  hicle.                    LEASE FOR VALUE              might be so focused on the
            ing  paying  for  your  next  and  condition  accurately  COMPARE OFFERS ON YOUR  If  your  car  lease  expires  selling  price  of  the  vehicle
            vehicle,"  said  Ivan  Drury,  since  this  data  will  impact  TRADE IN               soon, there might be some  you  want  to  buy  that  you
            Edmunds'  senior  manager  the  bottom  line.  Once  Some  appraisal  tools  may  equity  in  it,  especially  if  fail to give the trade-in of-
            of insights.                 your appraisal is complete,  give you the option to get  you've  rolled  up  fewer  fer a proper assessment. q

            Survey: US companies added just 428,000 jobs last month

            By CHRISTOPHER RUGABER       ADP  said  the  bulk  of  the  government  workers  and
            AP Economics Writer          gains were at large compa-   frequently diverge from the
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  U.S.  nies, which added 298,000  Labor  Department's  offi-
            companies  added  jobs  at  jobs.  Small  businesses  with  cial jobs report. The August
            a modest pace last month,  less  than  50  employees  jobs  report  from  the  gov-
            a  private  survey  found,  a  gained just 52,000 positions,  ernment  will  be  released
            sign  that  while  hiring  con-  while  medium-sized  firms  Friday.  ADP  revised  up  its
            tinues, it is only soaking up  —  with  between  50  and  July job gain to 212,000, but
            a relatively small proportion  499  employees  —  added  that is still far below the 1.8
            of the unemployed.           79,000 jobs.                 million  additional  jobs  that
            Payroll  processor  ADP  said  "Given  the  enormous  job  month reported by the fed-
            Wednesday  that  business-   losses  during  the  Viral  Re-  eral government.
            es  added  428,000  jobs  in  cession,  job  growth  of  Economists  forecast  that
            August, a figure that before  around  400,000  per  month  the  Labor  Department  on
            the pandemic would have  means  that  it  would  take  Friday  will  report  that  1.4
            represented    a    healthy  years  for  the  labor  market  million jobs were added in
            gain. But the increase rep-  to  recover  from  the  coro-  August,  while  the  unem-
            resents  a  small  slice  of  the  navirus  pandemic,"  Gus  ployment rate is expected   In  this  May  28,  2020  file  photo,  a  "Now  Hiring"  sign  rests  in  a
            12  million  jobs  that  have  Faucher,  an  economist  at  to have fallen to 9.8% from   window as a man walks out of the Corner Market in Lyndhurst,
            been lost to the spread of  PNC, said.                    10.2%,  according  to  data                                          Associated Press
            the coronavirus.             ADP's figures do not include  provider FactSet.q
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