Page 6 - AT Sept 3 2020
P. 6
Thursday 3 sepTember 2020
U.S. suspends some aid to Ethiopia over dam dispute with Egypt
By CARA ANNA that Washington was siding
Associated Press with Egypt. Now the three
JOHANNESBURG (AP) — On countries are reporting
the guidance of President any progress to the African
Donald Trump, the State Union, which is leading ne-
Department said Wednes- gotiations.
day the U.S. is suspending Ethiopia had said it would
some aid to Ethiopia over fill the dam with or without
the "lack of progress" in the a deal with Egypt and Su-
country's talks with Egypt dan. The dam's 74 billion-
and Sudan over a mas- cubic-meter reservoir saw
sive, disputed dam project its first filling in July, which
it is completing on the Nile Ethiopia's government cel-
River. ebrated and attributed to
It was an unusual example heavy rains, while a startled
of Trump's direct interven- Egypt and Sudan hurriedly
tion on an issue in Africa, sought clarification and ex-
a continent he hasn't vis- pressed skepticism.
ited as president and rarely "The United States previ-
mentions publicly. The dam ously and repeatedly ex-
dispute centers on two of pressed its concern that
Africa's most populous and commencing the filling of
powerful nations, Ethiopia the GERD before all nec-
and Egypt, and some have In this Wednesday, Aug. 5, 2020 file photo, Egyptian farmer Makhluf Abu Kassem, 55, center, sits essary dam safety mea-
feared it could lead to mili- with farmers under the shade of a dried up palm tree surrounded by barren wasteland that was sures were implemented
once fertile and green, in Second Village, Qouta town, Fayoum, Egypt.
tary conflict. Associated Press created serious risks for the
A State Department populations of the down-
spokesperson told The As- guidance from the presi- government. Ethiopia's am- ment that will pull millions stream countries," the State
sociated Press the deci- dent," the spokesperson bassador to the U.S., Fitsum of people out of poverty. Department spokesper-
sion to "temporarily pause" said. Arega, this week tweeted Sudan, in the middle, wor- son said. "In addition, filling
some aid to a key regional Ethiopia this week said it that his country is deter- ries about the effects on its while negotiations were
security ally "reflects our was asking the U.S. for clari- mined to complete the own dams though it stands underway undermines the
concern about Ethiopia's fication after a media re- dam, saying that "we will to benefit from access to other parties' confidence in
unilateral decision to begin port said Pompeo had ap- pull Ethiopia out of dark- cheap electricity. the negotiations."
to fill the dam before an proved cutting up to $130 ness." Pope Francis recently The spokesperson also said
agreement and all neces- million in aid because of the Africa's largest hydroelec- urged Egypt, Ethiopia and "the United States has been
sary dam safety measures dam dispute. The report by tric dam has caused severe Sudan to continue talks increasingly concerned by
were in place." Foreign Policy last week set tensions with Egypt, which amid regional concerns the lack of progress in the
It is not clear how many off an uproar among some has called it an existential about a potential military negotiations of a trilateral
millions of dollars in aid are in Ethiopia, which sees the threat and worries that it will conflict. agreement" on the dam's
being affected, or for how dam as a source of nation- reduce the country's share The U.S. earlier this year filling and operation, but
long. The decision was tak- al pride. of Nile waters. Ethiopia says tried to mediate the discus- said the U.S. continues to
en by Secretary of State There was no immediate the $4.6 billion dam will sions, but Ethiopia walked work with all three countries
Mike Pompeo "based on comment from Ethiopia's be an engine of develop- away amid accusations on the issue.q
Philippine court orders U.S. Marine’s early release in killing
der Filipino which sparked nila. The place of deten- dependent foreign policy,
anger in the former Ameri- tion was agreed to under Americans continue to
can colony. the terms of the treaty al- have the status of con-
The Regional Trial Court lies’ Visiting Forces Agree- quering colonials in our
Branch 74’s order on Tues- ment, although Laude’s country,” Roque said.
day for the release of family had demanded Pemberton’s lawyer, Ro-
Lance Cpl. Joseph Scott that Pemberton be held in wena Garcia Flores, said
Pemberton drew protests an ordinary jail. his detention was short-
from the family and law- “I deplore the short period ened by authorities un-
yers of Jennifer Laude, of imprisonment meted der a Philippine law that
who was found dead in a on Pemberton, who killed also applies to Filipinos. If
motel room in Olongapo a Filipino under the most all of Pemberton’s good-
city, northwest of Manila, gruesome manner,” said conduct merits in jail were
after they met at a disco presidential spokesman applied, “he’s already
In this Dec. 1, 2015, file photo, convicted U.S. Marine Lance bar in October 2014. Harry Roque, who once overstaying,” she said by
Cpl. Joseph Scott Pemberton is escorted to his detention cell Pemberton has been held served as the Laude fam- phone.
upon arrival at Camp Aguinaldo at suburban Quezon city, six years of a maximum 10- ily’s lawyer. “Laude’s Military spokesman Maj.
northeast of Manila, Philippines. year jail term, mostly in a death personifies the Gen. Edgard Arevalo
Associated Press compound jointly guard- death of Philippine sover- said the military will help
By JIM GOMEZ ordered the early release ed by Philippine and eignty.” Bureau of Corrections jail
Associated Press for good conduct of a U.S. American security person- “The light penalty imposed personnel release Pem-
MANILA, Philippines (AP) Marine convicted in the nel at the main military on Pemberton proves that berton once it receives
— A Philippine court has 2014 killing of a transgen- camp in metropolitan Ma- despite the president’s in- the court order.q