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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 3 sepTember 2020
            Damaged Venezuelan oil tanker drawing international concern

            By  JOSHUA  GOODMAN                                                                                                 maritime industry. An indus-
            and SCOTT SMITH                                                                                                     try executive, who spoke to
            Associated Press                                                                                                    The Associated Press on the
            CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)                                                                                             condition of anonymity for
            —  The  sight  of  a  huge  oil                                                                                     fear of retaliation, said the
            tanker  that  has  taken  on                                                                                        lack  of  maintenance  ap-
            water and is leaning to one                                                                                         pears  to  have  damaged
            side off a remote stretch of                                                                                        valves in the ballast system
            Venezuela's coast has trig-                                                                                         used to stabilize the ship.
            gered international calls for                                                                                       Today it dangerously leans
            action.                                                                                                             more  than  5  degrees  on
            After years of neglect, the                                                                                         its  right  side,  the  execu-
            FSO  Nabarima,  a  rusting                                                                                          tive  said.  Shipping  track-
            hulk full of thick crude, is in                                                                                     ing  data  shows  that  it  has
            a dangerous state of disre-                                                                                         also sunk 14.5 meters (47.57
            pair. While the full extent of                                                                                      feet), right at the waterline,
            the damage is unknown, if                                                                                           a sign of excess weight.
            not  repaired  soon  it  could                                                                                      A potential spill in the shal-
            sink  and  spell  environmen-                                                                                       low  inland  sea  that  Ven-
            tal  disaster,  polluting  tur-                                                                                     ezuela shares with Trinidad
            quoise seas along the vast                                                                                          &  Tobago  could  damage
            coastline of Venezuela and                                                                                          fragile mangroves, fisheries
            several  neighboring  Carib-                                                                                        and bird sanctuaries.
            bean nations, government                                                                                            The  situation  has  raised
            critics and maritime experts                                                                                        alarm  in  Trinidad  and  the
            say.                         This satellite image released by Maxar Technologies shows the FSO Nabarima oil tanker off the   nearby  Dutch  Caribbean
            Adding  to  concerns,  Ven-  coast of Trinidad and Tobago, Sunday, Aug. 9, 2020.                   Associated Press   islands  of  Aruba,  Bonaire
            ezuela's  socialist  govern-                                                                                        and  Curacao,  said  a  sec-
            ment has said nothing pub-   disaster.                    five  times  the  amount  the  VSA  say  the  double-hulled  ond  industry  executive,
            licly about its plans for the  "I invited you, Mr. President.  Exxon Valdez spilled in 1989.  tanker  —  built  in  2005  for  who also insisted on speak-
            container.                   Take  a  helicopter.  Go  out  It was used as a stationary  ConocoPhillips  by  South  ing  anonymously  because
            However,  anti-government  there. Do your own inspec-     platform  anchored  in  the  Korea's  Samsung  —  is  just  they  weren't  authorized  to
            oil  workers  like  Eudis  Girot,  tion,"  Girot  said  in  an  on-  Gulf  of  Paria  designed  to  one example of the social-  discuss the matter publicly.
            head of the Unitary Federa-  line  video  in  recent  days.  help  export  the  OPEC  na-  ist  government's  corrup-  To prevent an environmen-
            tion of Petroleum Workers of  He  has  also  posted  three  tion's  oil.  But  it  has  fallen  tion  and  mismanagement  tal  disaster,  PDVSA  would
            Venezuela,  has  launched  photos  of  what  he  said  is  inactive  with  the  recent  that  has  bankrupted  the  have  to  transfer  crude  off
            a campaign seeking to get  the  ship's  flooded  engine  plunge in global energy de-   nation's petroleum industry  the  tanker's  cargo  to  an-
            President  Nicolás  Maduro  room. "By God, I hope I am  mand due to the coronavi-      that  once  made  Venezu-    other  vessel  in  a  risky  ship-
            to pay attention. He is urg-  wrong."                     rus  pandemic  and  to  U.S.  ela wealthy.                to-ship transfer.
            ing  the  embattled  leader  The    Venezuelan-flagged  sanctions on Maduro's gov-     "That ship should not be in  But U.S. sanctions that ban
            to  look  beyond  years  of  Nabarima  is  a  264-meter  ernment  that  have  scared  this  shape  except  for  ne-  Americans from doing busi-
            bitter disputes between his  (866-foot)  long  ship  be-  away  potential  buyers  of  glect  and  stupidity,"  said  ness with Venezuela could
            government  and  the  oil  lieved  to  be  almost  filled  the country's heavy crude.  Russ Dallen, head of Cara-   scare  off  many  foreign
            workers  union  to  head  off  to its capacity of 1.4 million  Critics  of  Venezuela's  col-  cas  Capital  Markets,  who  companies from getting in-
            a  potential  environmental  barrels  of  crude  —  about  lapsing state-run oil firm PD-  closely  tracks  Venezuela's  volved. q

            Thailand’s king reconciles with ousted consort

            BANGKOK  (AP)  —  Thai-      Bloggers  who  follow  royal  the  throne  after  the  2016
            land's  king  has  reconciled  news  had  reported  last  death  of  his  father,  King
            with his royal consort, whom  week  that  Sineenatra  had  Bhumibol  Adulyadej,  who
            he stripped of her titles last  been  rehabilitated.  She  reigned for 70 years.
            year  after  accusing  her  of  had not been seen publicly  Then last October, less than
            seeking  to  undermine  his  after her fall from grace last  three months after making
            official  wife,  the  country's  year and her whereabouts  Sineenatra  his  royal  con-
            queen.                       were never made clear.       sort, the king issued a com-
            The restoration of Sineena-  In July last year, Vajiralong-  mand  rescinding  the  ap-
            tra  Wongvajirabhakdi  to  korn  gave  Sineenatra  the  pointment. In a statement,
            the  good  graces  of  King  title of chao khun phra, or  he  accused  her  of  misbe-
            Maha  Vajiralongkorn  was  royal  noble  consort,  reviv-  having by actively seeking
            confirmed  by  an  official  ing an old palace tradition  to block Suthida's appoint-
            announcement  published  of taking a junior wife that  ment as queen in order to
            Wednesday  in  the  Royal  had not been practiced for  take  the  position  herself,
            Gazette.  The  announce-     almost a century.            and  saying  that  when  she   This undated file photo posted on Aug. 26, 2019, on the Thailand
            ment,  dated  Aug.  29,  said  In May last year, Vajiralong-  failed to block Suthida, her   Royal  Office  website  shows  King  Maha  Vajiralongkorn  with
            she was being given back  korn named longtime com-        "ambitions and aspirations"   Major  General  Sineenatra  Wongvajirabhakdi,  the  royal  noble
            her royal and military titles.  panion  Suthida  Vajiralong-  led her to continue to seek   consort.
            It  said  Sineenatra  was  not  korn Na Ayudhya his queen  ways to promote herself.                                            Associated Press
            tainted  by  any  wrongdo-   when they were married a  Both  Queen  Suthida,  42,  da  was  previously  a  flight  old king has seven children
            ing, and the record should  few days before his formal  and  Sineenatra,  35,  have  attendant  with  Thai  Air-    by  three  previous  marriag-
            not show that she ever lost  coronation.                  served  as  senior  officers  in  ways, while Sineenatra was  es,  all  of  which  ended  in
            her privileges.              Vajiralongkorn    assumed  palace security units. Suthi-  an army nurse. The 68-year-  divorce.q
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