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               Thursday 3 sepTember 2020
              Trump administration plans expanded use of personal data

              By BEN FOX                                                                                                      tained  a  draft  of  the  pol-
              Associated Press                                                                                                icy,  reported  earlier  Tues-
              WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                        day that it included a pro-
              Trump  administration  an-                                                                                      vision  for  U.S.  Citizenship
              nounced  plans  Tuesday                                                                                         and  Immigration  Services,
              to  expand  the  collection                                                                                     which is also a component
              of personal "biometric" in-                                                                                     of DHS, to collect biomet-
              formation  by  the  agency                                                                                      ric  data  from  non-citizens
              in  charge  of  immigration                                                                                     legally  working  and  living
              enforcement, raising con-                                                                                       in the U.S. or seeking to do
              cerns  about  civil  liberties                                                                                  so.
              and data protection.                                                                                            It  would  also  require  U.S.
              In  a  statement,  the  De-                                                                                     citizens  sponsoring  rela-
              partment  of  Homeland                                                                                          tives to come to the coun-
              Security said it would soon                                                                                     try  to  provide  biometric
              issue a formal proposal for                                                                                     data,  including  in  some
              a  new  regulation  for  ex-                                                                                    cases  their  DNA,  if  it  was
              panding  "the  authorities                                                                                      needed  to  verify  some-
              and  methods"  for  collect-                                                                                    one's identity.
              ing  biometrics,  which  are                                                                                    "This  is  a  remarkable  ex-
              physical    characteristics                                                                                     pansion of surveillance, es-
              such  as  fingerprints  used                                                                                    pecially  the  idea  that  im-
              to identify individuals.                                                                                        migrants  could  be  called
              U.S.  Customs  and  Border                                                                                      in  at  any  point  to  give
              Protection,  a  component                                                                                       these   biometrics,"   said
              of  DHS,  already  collects   In this Dec. 10, 2015, file photo, a pedestrian crossing from Mexico into the United States at the   Sarah  Pierce,  an  analyst
              biometric  data,  includ-   Otay Mesa Port of Entry has his facial features and eyes scanned at a biometric kiosk in San   with  the  Migration  Policy
              ing iris scans, from people                                                                    Associated Press  Institute.
              captured  trying  to  enter                                                                                     It  typically  takes  several
              the  country  without  legal  ment  that  the  new  rule  and  facial  recognition  to  lease  the  proposed  regu-  months  for  a  new  regula-
              authority.                  would authorize new tech-   verify people's identity.   lation  or  provide  details.  tion to take effect after a
              DHS said in a written state-  niques,  including  voice  The  agency  did  not  re-  BuzzFeed News, which ob-   public comment period.q

            75th anniversary of end of WWII is mostly virtual amid virus

                                                                      who  live  on  the  mainland  grandchildren   gathered  States  had  claimed  neu-
                                                                      watched  a  livestream  of  around a laptop set up on  trality.  And  that  neutrality
                                                                      the event from their homes  a  dining  table.  The  family  ended  on  the  morning  of
                                                                      instead  of  seeing  it  in  per-  clapped and hooted when  December  7th,  when  Jap-
                                                                      son on the ship as they had  his name was called; Ped-    anese  forces  …  launched
                                                                      planned.  "Well, I was very  ersen  smiled  and  gave  a  an all-out assault on the is-
                                                                      disappointed,  yes.  I  was  fist pump.                   land of Oahu."
                                                                      hoping  to  maybe  see  a  "For  me,  it  was  the  end  of  The  result  was  thousands
                                                                      friend or two," he said. "I just  the killing, the war that had  of  dead  and  wounded,
                                                                      want to share with at least  taken  millions  of  soldiers  about  half  of  which  died
                                                                      my family and a couple of  and  many,  many,  many  on  the  USS  Arizona,  which
                                                                      other folks some of the feel-  millions  of  civilians  in  wars  still  sits  submerged  in  Pearl
                                                                      ings that I was going to ex-  in  Europe  and  finally  in  Harbor next to the USS Mis-
                                                                      press when I got there."     the  Pacific  that  came  to  souri  Memorial,  a  floating
                                                                      Those  feelings  are  compli-  an  end  that  day.  And  we  museum.  Four  years  later,
            In this Aug. 11, 2020, file photo, a plaque marks the spot where   cated, said Pedersen, who  were  celebrating,"  he  told  after massive losses on both
            World  War  II  surrender  documents  were  signed  on  the  USS   dedicated his life to peace  The Associated Press as he  sides  that  included  the
            Missouri Memorial in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.                after the war ended.         watched the screen.          dropping of atomic bombs
                                                     Associated Press  "War  must  not  happen  "I had the feeling that day.  on Hiroshima and Nagasa-
            Continued from Front         friend."  Organizers  limited  again,"  he  said,  recalling  I  made  a  pact  with  my-  ki, the Japanese indicated
                                         the ceremony less than two  the words uttered by Gen.  self that I'm going to be a  they  would  surrender  on
            "We  honor  the  legacy  of  weeks  before  the  anniver-  Douglas MacArthur on the  peacemaker  in  my  life,"  Aug.  15,  then  met  with  Al-
            those  who  came  before  sary because of a surge in  day  the  Japanese  surren-      said Pedersen, who went to  lied forces aboard the Mis-
            us and recommit ourselves  coronavirus cases in Hawaii  dered.  But  "we're  still  oscil-  college  after  the  war,  got  souri on Sept. 2 to sign the
            to defending today's inter-  and other parts of the na-   lating on many of the things  his doctorate and became  Instrument of Surrender.
            national rules and norms so  tion. That left dozens of vet-  that are necessary to bring  a minister. The U.S. entered  "The jubilation of the coun-
            that the road is safer and is  erans in their 90s or beyond  us peace."                the  war  after  Japanese  try  was  convulsive,"  Mar-
            better  for  generations  yet  giving what could be their  Pedersen wore a blue Ma-    warplanes  attacked  Pearl  tinez said. "Pictures that you
            to  come,"  Esper  said.  "The  final salute from afar.   rine  uniform  recently  sent  Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.    see in Manhattan, pictures
            United States' commitment  Jerry  Pedersen,  95,  was  a  to  him  for  the  ceremony  "The  clouds  of  war  were  here  in  Honolulu,  which
            to  the  role  today  is  the  U.S.  Marine  when  he  wit-  while he watched the lives-  gathering  all  around  the  had an incredible celebra-
            same one we made to the  nessed  the  end  of  World  treamed  ceremony  at  his  United  States,  and  the  tion of peace. Young men
            freedom-loving  people  of  War  II  on  the  deck  of  the  son's  house  in  rural  West  world for that matter," said  and  young  women  know-
            the world in 1941 — that we  Missouri.  On  the  75th  an-  Sacramento, California. He  Daniel  Martinez,  Pearl  Har-  ing they would not be risk-
            will  remain  ready  to  fight  niversary,  Pedersen  and  and his three adult children,  bor   National   Memorial  ing  their  lives  out  there  in
            any  foe  and  defend  any  his    surviving   comrades  their  spouses  and  some  chief  historian.  "The  United  that war."q
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