Page 15 - KPA 17 OCT,2015
P. 15

                                                                                                                           Saturday 17 October 2015

New York City police recruits

to watch a play for training

AP Drama Writer
NEW YORK (AP) — The New
York City Police Depart-
ment is turning to a new
tool in its effort to teach its
future officers about toler-
ance and understanding
— drama.

The city’s Police Academy         In this Dec. 29, 2014 file photo, NYPD police commissioner Bill                       In this Sept. 16, 2015 file photo, Republican presidential candi-
has added the one-act             Bratton stands on stage during a New York Police Academy                              dates, businessman Donald Trump, right, and Ben Carson ap-
play “Anne & Emmett” by           graduation ceremony in New York.                                                      pear during the CNN Republican presidential debate at the
Janet Langhart Cohen to                                                                                                 Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley,
its recruit training this fall.                                                                       Associated Press  Calif.
The play is an imaginary
conversation between              in 2014, he has sought to      stop and frisks?’” Cohen                                                                                                   Associated Press 
Anne Frank, who died in a         change how the depart-         said. “They don’t always
Nazi concentration camp,          ment interacts with the        see us the way they see                                3rd Republican
and Emmett Till, who was          communities it serves, fol-    each other.”                                           presidential debate
killed by racists in Mississippi  lowing years of rising mis-    “Anne & Emmett” pre-                                   to be capped at 2 hours 
in 1955.                          trust and a stop-and-frisk     miered in 2009 at the United
                                  policy that was found to       States Holocaust Museum                                DAVID BAUDER
The play will be performed        have targeted minorities.      and has been performed                                 AP Television Writer
for some 1,100 recruits at        But the death last year of     in Washington, D.C., India-                            NEW YORK (AP) — CNBC and the Republican presidential
their academy in Queens           Eric Garner, an unarmed        napolis and Chicago. Its                               candidates agreed on the format for their third debate a
over two performances on          black man, helped fuel a       message of humility, dignity                           day after leaders Donald Trump and Ben Carson threat-
Thursday, part of a push          national public outcry over    and empathy has played                                 ened to boycott unless they got their way, the network
by the department to pre-         how communities of color       for students and Supreme                               said.
pare future police officers       are treated by police.         Court justices. The New                                The Oct. 28 debate will be two hours long and will include
to overcome community                                            York police department is                              closing statements from the candidates, CNBC spokes-
mistrust and their own bias.      In the play, the two teens     discussing making it a per-                            man Brian Steel said Friday.
“Sometimes you can’t get          meet and find similarities     manent part of its recruit                             The billionaire businessman and the retired neurosurgeon,
it in a text book. Sometimes      between their harrowing        training.                                              in a joint letter to CNBC’s Washington bureau chief on
you can’t get it in a lecture.    experiences. Cohen, a for-                                                            Thursday, had told the hosting network they would not
But you can get it when hu-       mer journalist who grew up     “We’re always looking for                              appear at the debate unless it was capped at two hours
man emotions are played           in segregated housing in       new ways for recruits to                               including commercials and the candidates were allowed
live on the stage and that        Indianapolis and is the wife   tackle the challenges of                               to speak directly to the camera at its opening and close.
humanity can connect,”            of the former Secretary of     policing in a multicultural                            The Republican National Committee and candidates be-
Cohen said Friday.                Defense William S. Cohen,      society like we have in New                            gan discussing the format on Wednesday, RNC spokes-
“If the play can reach            said she jumped at Brat-       York City,” said Inspector                             man Sean Spicer said.
one man or woman with             ton’s idea.                    Richard Dee, the execu-                                CNBC had proposed two hours of debating time not in-
a badge and a gun, I’m            “I thought, ‘Where better      tive officer of the police                             cluding four commercial breaks, meaning the time the
happy. Their training can         than at the tip of spear of    academy. “It’s a way for                               candidates would be onstage would be about 15 min-
take them only so far. The        law enforcement, where         recruits to self-reflect. I think                      utes longer.
body cams will only cover         we African-Americans, in       the production is going to                             The most recent debate, on CNN, lasted three hours with
so much. At some point,           particular, are having so      cause them to reflect on                               commercial breaks, a duration that left some of the can-
I’m hoping their humanity         much trouble with exces-       the history of race relations                          didates complaining. Since the debates have set records
will kick in and hopefully        sive force, with police bru-   and now their new-found                                for high ratings, television networks have an incentive to
this play with revive that        tality, with disproportionate  role.”q                                                keep the candidates onstage and on the air for as long
humanity.”                                                                                                              as they possibly can.
                                                                                                                        CNBC had initially called for no opening and closing
It was Commissioner Wil-                                                                                                statements, which made some candidates unhappy be-
liam J. Bratton who, after                                                                                              cause it would take away their best chance to speak di-
seeing a production down-                                                                                               rectly to voters without having to be called on to respond
town, asked to take it to                                                                                               to a question.
the recruits. In a statement,                                                                                           Spicer confirmed the agreement.
he called the play “a poi-                                                                                              Debate format squabbles are common in presidential
gnant and thoughtful pro-                                                                                               campaigns, an issue magnified this year because of the
duction that explores the                                                                                               number of candidates running and their popularity as
respective histories and                                                                                                television events. Trump had threatened not to appear
common experiences of                                                                                                   on the second GOP debate on CNN unless the network
two people cruelly victim-                                                                                              made a $10 million donation to charity; no donation was
ized by racial and religious                                                                                            made, and Trump appeared.q
Since Bratton took office
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