Page 16 - KPA 17 OCT,2015
P. 16
U.S. NEWSSaturday 17 October 2015
Spokeswoman for Lamar Odom’s aunt says he woke up and spoke
SALLY HO This 2013 photo shows Los Angeles Clippers’ Lamar Odom (7) during an NBA basketball game in cal Center in Las Vegas.
Associated Press Kardashian rushed to his
LAS VEGAS (AP) — A family Oakland, Calif. A family representative said Lamar Odom has regained consciousness, speaking side that night and since
representative said Lamar then, friends, teammates
Odom has regained con- and even offering a thumbs-up from his hospital bed, just days after being found in extremely criti- and loved ones have vis-
sciousness, speaking and ited and posted messages
even offering a thumbs-up cal condition at a Nevada brothel. on social media asking for
from his hospital bed, just prayers. On Wednesday at
days after being found in (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) the hospital, the Rev. Jesse
extremely critical condition Jackson said Odom was on
at a Nevada brothel. day, with blood test results many as 10 supplements the Kardashians” show was life support.
Alvina Alston, publicist for Friday’s latest update on
JaNean Mercer, Odom’s to determine what caused sold as “herbal Viagra.” mentioned. But he was Odom’s health condi-
maternal aunt and god- tion comes as Mercer and
mother, said that Odom his medical episode still One brand that he took, generally in a good mood, Kardashian just hours ear-
spoke a greeting and gave lier started speaking out to
a thumbs-up Friday morn- pending. Reload, was the subject of even suggesting that he thank fans.
ing, his first communication Kardashian had said her
since being hospitalized in The brothel’s owner and a 2013 warning from the stay an entire week at the family won’t be posting
Las Vegas Tuesday. content on their apps while
A person who is close to spokesman have said that Food and Drug Administra- brothel in the rural commu- attending to his health cri-
estranged wife Khloe Kar- sis. The online message
dashian, who spoke on the he chose two women to tion, which said the pill con- nity. read: “As a family, we’ve
condition of anonymity be- decided to hold off on
cause she was not autho- accompany him in a VIP tained sildenafil, the active Odom was then found un- publishing content across
rized to release details of our apps while we contin-
Odom’s condition to the suite on his first visit to the ingredient in prescription conscious there Tuesday ue to support and pray for
press, also said that he was Lamar.” She also thanked
able to say hi to Kardashi- ranch. Odom had said Viagra. with white and reddish sub- fans for their kindness and
an. understanding. The mes-
It serves as the first signifi- that he had done cocaine The brothel also said he stances coming from his sage was addressed to
cant update on Odom’s fans as a note from Kar-
health since he was found before his arrival, and the became upset Sunday fol- nose and mouth. He was dashian on her blog-like
unconscious and face- app. Announcing a posting
down at the Love Ranch in brothel said they saw him lowing a phone call where breathing and taken to black-out is a rarity for the
Crystal, Nevada, Tuesday family, who meticulously
afternoon. drink alcohol and take as his ex’s “Keeping Up with Sunrise Hospital and Medi- document their lives on
Authorities are still retracing various social media chan-
Odom’s $75,000, three-day nels and on the “Keeping
visit to the brothel that start- Up with the Kardashians”
ed late afternoon Satur- television show.q
Teen wanted to leave church before beating, members say
C. THOMPSON Friday. might join the Army. she caused the fatal inju- the case to go forward.
Associated Press “We still have not conclud- Police have said church ries. Bruce and Deborah Leon-
NEW HARTFORD, New York ed why the session turned members were trying to get Meanwhile, the boys’ fa- ard are charged with man-
(AP) — The fatal beating so violent,” Inserra said the brothers to confess their ther, Bruce Leonard, said slaughter, while the victims’
of a teenager at his church ahead of a court hearing sins and seek forgiveness. what happened stemmed 33-year-old sister, Sarah
erupted during a counsel- for six people — including After hours of being pound- from a family matter un- Ferguson, and three other
ing session over his desire the victim’s parents — who ed with fists, whipped with related to the church and people face assault charg-
to leave the congrega- have been charged in the cords and kicked, the elder that the parents didn’t in- es. All have pleaded not
tion, members of the insular attack that left 19-year- teen died, and his brother tend their son’s grave inju- guilty.
group told police. old Lucas Leonard dead was hospitalized. ries, according to his law- The roughly 30-year-old
Congregants explained and his 17-year-old brother Their mother, Deborah yer, Donald Gerace. Word of Life church once
that was why the ses- Christopher seriously in- Leonard, felt helpless to At Friday’s preliminary had perhaps 40 or more
sion was called Sunday at jured. stop an “intervention” that hearing, prosecutors were members but now counts
the Word of Life Christian A neighbor, James Con- she didn’t expect to be- expected to outline what closer to 20, Inserra said.
Church in this town in north- stantine, also said Lucas come so harsh, said her they believe happened. Some live at the church,
ern New York state, Police had talked about moving lawyer, Devin Garramone. They must reveal enough to which occupies a former
Chief Michael Inserra said on and had mentioned he He said he doesn’t believe persuade a judge to allow school in New Hartford.q