P. 31
PEOPLE/ARTS Thursday 2 November 2017
Shemar Moore says he's 'proud' of role on prime-time series
By ALICIA RANCILIO wanted to continue to
Associated Press grow and push himself.
NEW YORK (AP) — When "I knew what I was yearn-
Shemar Moore's new crime ing for (was) something
drama "S.W.A.T." premieres fresh and new that chal-
Thursday on CBS, he will be lenged me so I could be
the only minority to lead a excited to go to work and
prime-time series on that not be comfortable in the
network, which has been beginning," Moore said.
criticized for not casting "To earn my stripes, to earn
people of color in starring my way. But as long as it
roles. was something that moved
"I'm very proud of the op- me, that inspired me."
portunity but it also sheds "S.W.A.T." is based on the
light on a divide or an ab- 2003 film of the same
sence," the 47-year-old name. It was also a 1970s
actor said in a recent inter- TV series.
view. "I'm very passionate about
"I get this opportunity to this show for so many rea-
hopefully shine and show sons because I've been in
my chops, but also then be the game for 24 years and In this Sept. 17, 2017 file photo, Shemar Moore arrives at the 69th Primetime Emmy Awards in Los
bigger than me, and open here I get to be a lead, I'm Angeles.
doors for others and open very proud of that," he said. Associated Press
minds." "But I'm also smart enough trust between his old neigh- individual that brings some- doors and tacklin' guys, but
Moore appeared on the and humble enough to borhood and the police. thing to the table." what I tell my fans is Hondo
CBS daytime soap "The understand that I can't do "Art is imitating life," he said. Moore says his "S.W.A.T." is Derek Morgan from 'Crim-
Young and the Restless" this by myself so it's not all "Me, Shemar, is leading a persona is tougher than inal Minds' on steroids. Not
for eight years, then joined about me." cast, a supporting cast. I'm "Criminal Minds" character. just physically and, no, I'm
the cast of the network's Moore plays Sgt. Daniel a producer on this show, so "Hondo is a bad dude in a not taking steroids.
prime-time procedural "Hondo" Harrelson, who is I get to give up my ideas good way," he said. "Physi- I just changed my diet, I got
"Criminal Minds," where he promoted after his prede- to make the whole piece cally I gained 10 pounds in the gym but also emo-
played the role of Derek cessor is fired for acciden- better, not just myself, just from what people remem- tionally and mentally and
Morgan for 11 seasons. tally shooting a black teen the whole show. I'm about ber from my run on 'Crimi- the stakes that Hondo has
He decided to exit "Crimi- in South Central Los Ange- the success of the show nal Minds.' I was a tough to play with and the pres-
nal Minds" because he les. Hondo wants to rebuild and the success of each guy there, kickin' down sure that's on him."q
Stars celebrate Halloween with costume cavalcade
NEW YORK (AP) — Heidi donna and the late singer
Klum morphed into a Mi- Aaliyah. The Aaliyah outfit
chael Jackson-style were- generated controversy
wolf, Neil Patrick Harris amid accusations of cul-
masqueraded as a carni- tural appropriation.
val barker and singer Cardi Like many celebrities, Harris
B transformed into Disney stuck to social media for his
villain Cruella de Vil as Hol- family's highly anticipated
lywood kept up a tradition costume reveal.
of elaborate costumes and The actor donned a top
lavish events to celebrate hat and held a mega-
Halloween. phone to lead what he
Klum's annual bash in New called a "Carnival of Curi-
York on Tuesday night may osities."
have been the highlight of Harris' husband, David
the season. Burtka, took the look of a
The supermodel and deranged clown with their
"America's Got Talent" children dressed as side-
judge was unrecogniz- show acts for the photo.
able under makeup and The family's previous Hal-
prosthetics that helped loween themes include
her replicate the look of "Star Wars" and Batman.
Michael Jackson's were- Actress Kristen Bell dis-
wolf from the King of Pop's played a sense of humor
landmark "Thriller" video. Heidi Klum, dressed as a werewolf from Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video, attends her 18th Annual about her costume by
Halloween Party at Moxy Times Square on Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2017, in New York.
Klum documented each Associated Press dressing as Elsa, the sister
step of her transformation of her Anna character in
on Instagram and showed ica" anchors dressing as su- respectively, while Al Roker up at a New York party on "Frozen."
up at the party with an perheroes and the "Today" put on a gray beard and Monday as the villainous "When your daughter de-
entourage of "Thriller"-style show taking on a country wig to become Willie Nel- Cruella de Vil from Disney's mands you BOTH be ELSA
zombies. music flavor. Co-hosts Sa- son. "101 Dalmatians." Kim Kar- for Halloween," she wrote
Network morning shows vannah Guthrie and Matt The holiday capped days dashian West channeled on Instagram .
kicked off the fun Tuesday Lauer dressed as Kenny of star-studded Halloween several different celebri- "You GRIN AND FORKING
with "Good Morning Amer- Rogers and Dolly Parton, bashes. Cardi B showed ties, including Cher, Ma- BEAR IT."q