P. 28

             Thursday 2 November 2017

            2 states warn Trump against big changes in sage grouse plan

            By DAN ELLIOTT                                                                                                      governor on this and many
            Associated Press                                                                                                    other  issues,”  Smith  said  in
            FORT COLLINS, Colo. (AP) —                                                                                          an email to The Associated
            Two Western governors on                                                                                            Press.
            Tuesday warned the Trump                                                                                            Mead  said  protecting  en-
            administration     against                                                                                          dangered species has be-
            making  big  changes  in  a                                                                                         come  a  serious  problem,
            plan  to  protect  a  ground-                                                                                       citing figures that show less
            dwelling  bird  across  the                                                                                         than 2 percent of the spe-
            West, saying it would send                                                                                          cies  protected  under  the
            a message to states not to                                                                                          act  since  it  was  passed
            bother working together to                                                                                          in  1973  have  recovered
            save  other  imperiled  spe-                                                                                        enough  to  be  removed
            cies.                                                                                                               from the list.
            Colorado  Democrat  John                                                                                            “Now,  if  you  care  about
            Hickenlooper  and  Wyo-                                                                                             species, or you care about
            ming    Republican    Matt                                                                                          energy  production  or  you
            Mead  said  a  2015  con-                                                                                           care  about  commerce,
            servation  plan  designed                                                                                           we’ve  got  to  do  better
            to  save  the  greater  sage                                                                                        than that, and a collabor-
            grouse was the product of                                                                                           ative process that brings in
            long  negotiation  among                                                                                            Western  states  on  endan-
            state  and  federal  gov-     In this April 20, 2013 file photo, male greater sage grouse perform mating rituals for a female   gered species, in my mind,
            ernments,     conservation   grouse, not pictured, on a lake outside Walden, Colo.                                  is the best way to go,” he
            groups,  industry  and  agri-                                                                      Associated Press  said.Not  all  Western  gov-
            culture.                     to protect the bird without  and an invasive grass that   Despite Mead’s support for   ernors  support  the  2015
            “If  we  go  down  a  differ-  putting  it  on  the  Endan-  encourages  wildfires  has   the  2015  plan,  Interior  De-  plan. Idaho Republican C.
            ent  road  now  with  the    gered Species List, an out-  reduced its number to few-   partment    spokeswoman      L. “Butch” Otter filed a law-
            sage  grouse,  what  it  says   come  that  most  states  try  er than 500,000.        Heather Smith said the de-   suit  shortly  after  the  plan
            is, when you try to address   to avoid because it usually  The  2015  plan  covers  11   partment has been in con-  was  released,  contending
            other endangered species     brings  strict  restrictions  on  states and had the approv-  tact with Wyoming officials   the Obama administration
            problems  in  this  country,   oil and gas drilling, mining,  al  of  the  Obama  adminis-  “and  many,  many  others   illegally  imposed  federal
            don’t  have  a  collabora-   agriculture  and  other  ac-  tration. It took years to ne-  who took serious issue with   land-use restrictions. A fed-
            tive  process,  don’t  work   tivities to protect habitat.  gotiate and was hailed as   the Obama-era plans.”       eral  judge  dismissed  the
            together,  because  it’s  go-  But  Interior  Secretary  Ryan  a  model  for  saving  a  spe-  “We  look  forward  to  con-  lawsuit in January, but Ot-
            ing to be changed,” Mead     Zinke  said  in  June  his  de-  cies  through  cooperation,   tinuing  to  work  with  the   ter has appealed.q
            said.  “To  me,  that  would   partment  would  consider  rather than the hammer of
            be  a  very  unfortunate  cir-  changing the plan to give  the  Endangered  Species
            cumstance.”                  states more flexibility to al-  Act.
            Hickenlooper said, “We are   low  mining,  logging  and  The Interior Department has
            both  very  concerned  that   other  economic  develop-   not released the full details
            the  new  administration  is   ment.   Environmentalists  of its planned revisions, but
            going to take away all the   have said the planned re-    the  agency  announced
            guide rails that allowed this   vision was just a back-door  in  early  October  it  would
            collaboration to exist.”     attempt  to  open  up  more  withdraw  protections  for
            They  appeared  together     land to mining and drilling.  about  15,600  square  miles
            at  an  energy  conference   Millions  of  sage  grouse  (40,000  square  kilometers)
            at  Colorado  State  Univer-  once  lived  across  the  U.S.  of  sage  grouse  habitat  on
            sity.                        West,  but  development,  federal  lands  to  allow  en-
            The  2015  plan  is  designed   disease,  livestock  grazing  ergy development.
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