P. 24
Thursday 2 November 2017
You can stymie the iPhone X Face ID - but it takes some work
By ANICK JESDANUN head so it gets a more
AP Technology Writer complete picture of you
NEW YORK (AP) — Apple is — analyzing some 30,000
offering a nifty way to un- points on your face, to be
lock its new iPhone X — just specific. So if you’re wear-
stare at it. ing glasses, the iPhone can
Face ID, Apple’s name for still recognize you using
its facial-recognition tech- other parts of your face.
nology, replaces the fin- Same goes for wearing a
gerprint sensor found on hat.
other models. And Apple’s system contin-
How well does it work — ually learns. Each time you
not just technically, but in use your face to unlock
everyday use? After all, it’s the phone, it automatically
much easier to align your keeps tabs on small chang-
finger with the sensor than es, such as growing a mus-
to align your face with the tache or simply getting
phone. older. With Android, you
The iPhone X costs about have to go into the settings
$1,000 — $300 more than to teach the phone’s face
the iPhone 8. Advance recognition to get better.
orders began this past Fri- There are limits. If you shave
day, and Apple is now giv- your beard, it’s too big of a
ing delivery times of five to change for the iPhone X to In this combo of Monday Oct. 30, 2017, photos, Associated Press reporter Nick Jesdanun demon-
strates Face ID, Apple’s name for its facial-recognition technology, on an iPhone X in New York.
six weeks. Apple says it will be sure it’s you. You’ll need Associated Press
have limited supplies at a passcode, but the phone
stores for same-day pickup should remember you the important, as I expect the sunlight — not every time, after getting a haircut.
on Friday, but you’ll have next time . same performance with or but enough to be satisfy- I didn’t try to fool the
to get there early. RECOGNIZING YOU without spectacles. That ing. It also worked in the iPhone into unlocking with
BETTER FACE DETECTION I tested the iPhone X said, Face ID unlocked dark, thanks to the use of someone else’s face. I’m
Many rival Android phones against Samsung’s iris scan- with just one of the two infrared sensors rather than sure hackers will spend the
already use facial-recogni- ner on the Galaxy Note sunglasses I tried; the other just the standard camera. coming weeks trying. Ap-
tion technology. Samsung 8 and face systems on was too big. That’s important when you ple says Face ID could be
also has an unlock feature Google’s Pixel 2 and LG’s Costumes and disguises wake up in the middle of unreliable with twins and
that scans your iris. But the V30 phones. V30 improves also challenged Face ID. the night and must abso- other siblings who look like
systems can be tripped upon the standard Android A Santa hat was OK, but lutely check Facebook or you, as well as for children
with something as simple technology in asking you a Santa beard wasn’t. Nor Tinder. For those keeping under 13 — though young
as eyeglasses. to turn your head slightly did it like funny glasses and score, the Pixel worked in children don’t really need
While Android largely bas- during the setup, though in a fake nose. Winter cloth- sunlight, but not in the dark; a $1,000 phone. Give them
es its match on a two-di- practice the Pixel was far ing was fine, as long as the it’s the reverse for Samsung. a $200 iPod Touch — or
mensional camera shot of better at recognition. scarf wasn’t covering too Samsung also worked with better yet, a book to read.
you, the iPhone X goes 3-D. Only the iPhone and the much of my face. the Santa beard, as it’s fo- NO MORE FINGERPRINT
During setup, the iPhone Pixel recognized me with Face ID worked better cused on your eyes. The home button is gone to
guides you to rotate your standard eyeglasses — than expected in bright The iPhone also unlocked increase screen space. q
Google-bred Waymo aims to
shift robotic cars into next gear
By MICHAEL LIEDTKE reporters rides in Chrysler but passengers.
AP Technology Writer Pacifica minivans travel- Waymo CEO John Krafcik
ATWATER, Calif. (AP) — ing through faux neighbor- told reporters that the com-
Google’s self-driving car hoods and expressways pany will be making some
spin-off is accelerating ef- that Waymo has built on cars and freight trucks to-
forts to convince the public a former Air Force base tally driverless fairly soon,
that its technology is almost located in the Californian though he didn’t provide a
ready to safely transport Central Valley city of Atwa- specific timetable. “We are
people without any human ter. really close,” he said. “We
assistance at all. The minivans smoothly are going to do it when we
Waymo, hatched from a cruised the roads — driver’s feel like we are ready.” This Sunday, Oct. 29, 2017, photo provided by Waymo shows
a Chrysler Pacifica minivan that are equipped with Waymo’s
Google project started seat empty and passengers Since Google began work- self-driving car technology, being tested at Waymo’s facility in
eight years ago, showed in the back — at speeds of ing on self-driving cars in Atwater, Calif.
off its progress Monday dur- up to 35 mph (56 kph). By 2009, dozens of estab- Associated Press
ing a rare peek at a closely contrast, the Waymo-pow- lished automakers such as Uber , alleging that one of fuse its technology into
guarded testing facility lo- ered minivans that have General Motors and Ford its former managers stole ride-hailing services such
cated 120 miles (193 kilo- been driving volunteer rid- Motors have entered the its trade secrets and took as its current partner, Lyft,
meters) southeast of San ers in the Phoenix area still race, along with other big them with him when he and big-rig trucking com-
Francisco. That’s where use safety drivers to take technology companies, joined Uber in 2016 as part panies. It also intends to
its robots complete their over control if something including Apple and ride- of an elaborate scheme. license its automated sys-
equivalent of driver’s edu- goes wrong. hailing service Uber. The The trial in that high-profile tem to automakers such as
cation. But Waymo’s real goal is competition is so fierce case is scheduled to begin Fiat Chrysler Automobile,
The tour included giving to get to the point where and the stakes so high that in early December. which is already using it in
more than three dozen people in cars are nothing Waymo is currently suing Waymo is hoping to in- 100 Pacifica minivans.q