P. 23

                                                                                                       SPORTS Thursday 2 November 2017

             Duke is No. 1 in AP preseason poll for second straight year

            By JOHN MARSHALL             ami,  Notre  Dame,  Minne-   year’s final poll.
             AP Basketball Writer        sota, Louisville, Xavier, 2017  “It is an honor to be picked
            Duke was in good position  national  runner-up  Gonza-    No.  1  in  your  sport,”  Blue
            to  be  ranked  No.  1  in  The  ga  and  No.  19  Northwest-  Devils  coach  Mike  Krzyze-
            Associated  Press  poll  be-  ern, which is ranked in the  wski said. “At this time of the
            fore landing Marvin Bagley  preseason  poll  for  the  first  year, it truly is a prediction,
            III.  Once  the  nation’s  top  time.                     so you haven’t earned No.
            recruit  decided  to  reclas-  Purdue  was  No.  20,  with  1 yet. More than likely, past
            sify for this season, the Blue  UCLA,  Saint  Mary’s,  Seton  teams that have played at
            Devils  became  the  voters’  Hall, Baylor and Texas A&M  Duke  have  put  this  team
            clear choice.                filling the final five spots.  in  a  position  where  peo-
            Led  by  Bagley  and  senior  North Carolina was ranked  ple might say, ‘How is that
            guard Grayson Allen, Duke  No. 6 in the 2016 preseason  team going to do?’ or ‘They
            was  the  preseason  No.  poll  before  going  on  to  have a lot of talent’ and all
            1  for  the  second  straight  beat  Gonzaga  for  its  sixth  of the sudden, you’re No. 1.
            season  a  ninth  time  over-  national title.            Certainly, it’s an honor and
            all,  matching  rival  North  Duke  had  three  players  we’ll look forward to trying
            Carolina  for  most  all-time.  leave  school  early,  but  to  achieve  and  earn  that
            The Blue Devils received 33  coach  Mike  Krzyzewski  re-  ranking  at  some  time  dur-
            of 65 first-place votes from  stocked  the  Blue  Devils  ing  the  season,  hopefully     This  Oct.  25,  2017,  file  photo  shows  Duke  head  coach  Mike
            a  national  media  panel  in  with another stellar recruit-  at  the  end.”The  Atlantic   Krzyzewski answering a question during the Atlantic Coast Con-
            the AP Top 25 released on  ing class. The class is led by  Coast Conference had the    ference  men’s  NCAA  college  basketball  media  day  in  Char-
            Wednesday.                   Bagley,  an  athletic  6-foot-  most  ranked  teams  with   lotte, N.C.                            Associated Press
            No.  2  Michigan  State  re-  11 forward was widely con-  five,  while  the  Big  12  and
            ceived 13 first-place votes,  sidered the No. 1 recruit of  Big Ten had four each. The   tant coaches from Arizona  Adidas  for  committing  to
            No.  3  Arizona  had  18  and  the  2018  class  before  re-  Big  East  and  Pac-12  each   and USC — along with Au-  the Cardinals.
            No. 4 Kansas got one.        classifying.Duke, which lost  had three.                  burn  and  Oklahoma  State  The first regular-season poll
            Kentucky  rounded  out  the  to  Final  Four-bound  South  Kansas  extended  the  na-  — were arrested in a feder-  will  be  Nov.  13.  The  sea-
            top  5,  followed  by  Villa-  Carolina  in  the  second  tion’s  longest  consecutive   al investigation into bribing  son  will  have  an  early  1-2
            nova,  Wichita  State  and  round  of  the  2017  NCAA  poll  streak  with  its  162nd   players.  Louisville  will  play  matchup  the  next  day,
            Florida. Defending national  Tournament,  is  ranked  No.  straight  Top  25,  a  run  that   under interim coach David  when Duke plays Michigan
            champion North Carolina is  1 for the 129th time, five be-  started on Feb. 3, 2009. Ari-  Padgett  after  coach  Rick  State  in  Chicago  in  the
            No. 9 and Southern Califor-  hind  all-time  leader  UCLA.  zona is next with 98.      Pitino was fired in the wake  Champions  Classic.  No.
            nia is 10th.                 The Blue Devils were first the  Arizona, USC and Louisville   of the scandal that alleged  4  Kansas  plays  No.  5  Ken-
            West  Virginia  was  No.  11,  preseason No. 1 in 1978-79  enter  the  season  clouded   that a recruit was supposed  tucky in the second half of
            followed by Cincinnati, Mi-  and finished seventh in last  in  uncertainty  after  assis-  to  receive  payments  from  the doubleheader.q
             Cordeiro, Guilati protege, running for USSF president

            MIAMI  (AP)  —  Carlos  Cor-  cized  since  the  U.S.  failed  ernance,  national  team   chief executive officer and  should  report  to  the  CEO
            deiro is running for U.S. Soc-  to  qualify  for  next  year’s  structure  and  leadership,   recommend   all   coach  or a new general manager
            cer  Federation  president  World Cup, ending a streak  improving  soccer’s  acces-    hirings.  He  said  coaches  for soccer position.q
            after being brought into the  of  seven  straight  appear-  sibility  to  everyone,”  he
            governing body by current  ances.                         wrote.
            USSF President Sunil Gulati.  Retired  U.S.  forward  Eric  He  said  he  would  launch
            The  61-year-old  Cordeiro,  Wynalda has taken a leave  “Mission  26/27”  to  elevate
            a  retired  Goldman  Sachs  from Fox Sports to run. Bos-  the men’s national team to
            executive,  became  an  in-  ton lawyer Steve Gans and  a  higher  level  by  the  2026
            dependent director of the  Paul  LaPointe,  Northeast  World  Cup  and  the  wom-
            USSF  board  in  2006/2007,  Conference  manager  of  en’s  national  team  by  the
            served as treasurer starting  the  United  Premier  Soccer  2027  tournament.  The  U.S.,
            in  2008  and  was  elected  League,  also  are  running.  Mexico  and  Canada  are
            to a four-year term as vice  Retired  U.S.  forward  Land-  bidding  to  host  the  2026
            president  in  2016.  He  has  on  Donovan  is  said  to  be  tournament, and Morocco
            been  viewed  as  a  prote-  considering a run.           also  has  said  it  wants  to
            ge  and  potential  succes-  Cordeiro  released  a  letter  host.  Cordeiro  wants  the
            sor  to  Gulati,  who  has  not  Wednesday   announcing  2027 women’s tournament
            said whether he will seek a  his candidacy.               to be held in the U.S.
            fourth four-year term at the  “We  need  a  comprehen-    Cordeiro would establish a
            election in February.        sive  and  fearless  review  technical  committee  that
            Gulati   has   been    criti-  of  all  major  issues:  gov-  would  report  to  the  USSF
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