Page 23 - Aruba Today
P. 23
Monday 9 November 2015
Japan its own enemy in push to improve cybersecurity
GERRY SHIH With evidence from the posed a threat to privacy. a security firm. “The reality nancial incentives for
Associated Press contractors pooled to- But the problem may be is companies either have firms that demonstrate im-
OKINAWA, Japan (AP) — gether, Nawa matched particularly acute for Ja- been hacked or will be proved security capabili-
Apart from rogue hack- the digital fingerprints to a pan’s private sector be- hacked. My message is, ties and requiring compa-
ers, criminal organizations Mexican group that he be- hemoths and government ‘It’s not your fault.’” nies to fill a chief cyberse-
or even state-backed cy- lieves was responsible for a ministries — sprawling bu- In 2013, the latest year of curity officer role.
berwarfare units, Japan’s previous attack on Japa- reaucracies wrapped in available data, the Japa- The Cabinet report also
businesses and govern- nese diplomatic servers. a “negative culture that nese government net- highlighted the issue of
ment agencies are fac- The breach was patched, cuts against wanting to work faced an eightfold disclosure, saying “it is es-
ing a unique cybersecurity but Nawa walked away communicate quickly,” increase in cyberattacks sential to relieve (network)
foe: themselves. flustered. said William H. Saito, the from two years prior, with operators’ psychological
Even with the frequency “In the U.S., if they find a top cybersecurity adviser attacks spreading into civil burden of possibly losing
and severity of cyberat- problem, they have to re- to Prime Minister Shinzo infrastructure, as well as credit or ruining reputation
tacks booming worldwide, port,” he said. “The Japa- Abe. the telecommunications of their business if provid-
efforts by the world’s ing information to
No. 3 economic pow- others.”
er to improve its data Jim Foster, a former
security are being U.S. diplomat and
hobbled by a wide- Microsoft Japan ex-
spread corporate ecutive who heads
culture that views se- the Keio Interna-
curity breaches as a tional Center for the
loss of face, leading Internet and Society
to poor disclosure of in Tokyo, said the
incidents or informa- fast-evolving threat
tion sharing at critical of hacking poses a
moments, Japanese looming challenge
experts and govern- for Japanese in-
ment officials say. dustry, which never
Improving cyberse- developed a deep
curity practices has pool of cybersecurity
emerged as a top expertise with active
national priority for exchange of ideas
Japan, stung in re- and know-how.
cent years by embar- “Japanese compa-
rassing leaks at Sony nies grew up too big
Pictures, the national too quick and didn’t
pension fund and have to cooperate
its biggest defense or rely on outside ex-
contractor, Mitsubi- pertise,” he said. “But
shi Heavy Industries, In this Dec. 18, 2014 file photo, a man walks out from the headquarters of Sony Corp. in Tokyo. now there’s this new
which possibly suf- Associated Press threat unlike any-
fered the theft of subma- nese engineer feels he While rank-and-file work- and energy sectors. thing else and things sud-
rine and missile designs. fails his duty if he esca- ers fear reports of security Against that backdrop, denly get difficult.”
Toshio Nawa, a top Japa- lates a report. They feel lapses may get them pun- the Abe administration has But changing habits is
nese security consultant ashamed.” ished, the problem reflects pinpointed the 2020 Tokyo hard, said Nawa, the se-
who is advising the Tokyo To be sure, the cyberse- a broad lack of under- Olympics as a chance to curity adviser for the Olym-
2020 Olympics organizers, curity industry around the standing of cybersecurity upgrade Japan’s national pics, who is now holding
said he encountered a world, not just in Japan, in the Japanese C-suite, security capabilities while simulations and educa-
telling instance this sum- frequently echoes the call Saito said in an interview calling for a more hands- tional sessions around the
mer when he was called for greater transparency on the sidelines of the Cy- on government role to country, where he empha-
to investigate a breach at within and among orga- ber3 conference in Oki- nudge companies to take sizes to security engineers
a major Japanese govern- nizations. The U.S. Senate nawa. cybersecurity seriously. — who do not necessarily
ment agency. last month passed the “This is Japanese culture A Cabinet-level cyber- lack technical chops —
Nawa found that five dif- Cybersecurity Information where in some situations security agency in Sep- the importance of sharing
ferent cybersecurity con- Sharing Act to ease data the upper management tember published a strat- findings and speaking up
tractors employed by the sharing between private doesn’t know how to use egy paper that proposed, when they spot a problem.
agency had discovered companies and the gov- email and IT integration is among other things, ex- He said he uses a simple
the breach — but that not ernment for security pur- voodoo magic,” said U.S.- tending government-run mantra on the training cir-
one reported or shared poses, although civil liber- born Saito, also an execu- cybersecurity classes to cuit: “What I say is: ‘Please
their findings. ties advocates warned it tive at Palo Alto Networks, companies, awarding fi- remove your pride.’”q