Page 25 - Aruba Today
P. 25
Monday 9 November 2015
America’s housing recovery divided on age, race and place
JOSH BOAK Sellers in San Francis- Milwaukee and Tampa, homebuyers has fallen for years. A quarter of the first-
AP Economics Writer co pocketed $463,505. Florida. the third consecutive year time buyers identified sav-
WASHINGTON (AP) — It’s Manhattanites reaped “In some cases, it may have to its lowest level since ing for a down payment
the most profitable time $385,909. Those in Washing- to do with outlying areas 1987, according to a sur- as their biggest challenge,
to sell a house since the ton, D.C. made $130,593, that people were willing to vey by the National Asso- with the majority of this
Great Recession started in while sellers in Los Angeles buy into during the housing ciation of Realtors. group saying that educa-
late 2007. But first-time buy- came away with $115,573. bubble,” Blomquist said. First-timers accounted for tion loans hurt their ability
ers are increasingly scarce. to set aside money.
More Americans are quali- This problem may only
fying for mortgages, yet worsen as student debt
minorities still get dispropor- burdens continue to ex-
tionately rejected. pand.
Three new industry analy- College borrowers who
ses released late last week graduated in 2014 finished
show that the recovering on average with $28,950
economy has produced a in debt, a 31 percent in-
divided U.S. housing mar- crease over the past de-
ket. Where people live, cade after adjusting for
their age and the color of inflation, according to a
their skin have largely influ- report last week by The In-
enced who has benefited stitute for College Access
as real estate continues to and Success.
heal from the bursting of
a mortgage bubble that This photo shows a sign in front of a home for sale in Roswell, Ga. Three new industry analyses MORTGAGE APPROVALS
triggered the worst eco- It’s gotten easier to receive
nomic downturn in nearly released late last week show that the recovering economy has produced a divided U.S. housing a mortgage, yet black and
80 years. Hispanic homebuyers con-
Budding sales growth over market. Where people live, their age and the color of their skin have largely influenced who has tinue to lag substantially
the past year has over- behind whites and Asians.
whelmingly helped existing benefited as real estate continues to heal from the bursting of a mortgage bubble that triggered The mortgage rejection
owners who are seeking an rate fell last year to 11.2
upgrade. But the millenni- the worst economic downturn in nearly 80 years. (AP Photo/John Bazemore) percent from 12.4 percent
als buying their first home in 2013, according to Zil-
are being priced out of the Meanwhile, housing in oth- “They’re not close enough less than a third of sales low, the real estate market-
market because student er major U.S. counties sold to jobs to make sense for that are expected to com- place. The rejection rate
debt has prevented them on average at a loss. buyers now.” fortably exceed 5 million for blacks also fell over the
from saving. And a ma- This includes the Chica- this year. This group has tra- past year, but it remains
jor gap exists among who go suburbs outside Cook FIRST-TIME STRUGGLES ditionally represented 40 elevated at 23.5 percent.
qualifies for a mortgage County, with McHenry Millennials, ages 18 to 34, percent of sales. Just 2.5 percent of ap-
even as the overall ap- County sellers losing an face a less affordable The Realtors survey indi- provals for conventional
proval rate improves. average of $19,849. Sellers housing market than their cates that student loans mortgages went to blacks
tended to unload proper- parents, forcing them to and other debts have de- in 2014, even though they
SELLER’S MARKET ties for less than they paid put off ownership. layed down payment sav- represent 12 percent of the
Between July and Septem- in Baltimore, Cincinnati, The share of first-time ings by a median of three U.S. population.q
ber, sellers unloaded their
homes for an average of Corporate deals set to rise despite global jitters
$40,658 more than they
paid for their properties, PAN PYLAS The figure for October is are focusing on M&A to se- by Anheuser Busch InBev
according to RealtyTrac, Associated Press up from 56 percent in April cure innovation, competi- is to cope with faltering
the California-based real LONDON (AP) — There is and 40 percent at the tive advantage and mar- beer consumption in many
estate information compa- no let-up in executives’ same time last year. It rep- ket share for the foresee- parts of the world.
ny. This was the largest prof- appetite for corporate resents the highest inter- able future,” she added. Other big deals this year
it recorded since the third takeovers despite volatil- est in acquisitions that EY’s M&A activity has really include Royal Dutch Shell’s
quarter of 2007, although it ity in the stock market and survey of corporate deal- gathered pace this year 47 billion-pound ($71 bil-
remains below profits aver- mounting concerns over making has found in its six- with deal values, accord- lion) yet-to-be-completed
aging in excess of $100,000 the global economy, par- year history. The low point ing to EY, already up 35 acquisition of BG Group,
during the height of the ticularly China. was at the start, when only percent on 2014 and more as well as the $62.6 billion
boom in late 2005. According to a survey re- 24 percent of companies megadeals — those val- merger between Heinz
The financial gains might leased recently by con- signaled the intention to ued above $10 billion — in and Kraft Foods, which is
be enough to coax more sulting firm EY, the recent make a takeover. 2015 than in any previous now called Kraft Heinz.
people to list their proper- wave of mergers and ac- “With modest increases year of the survey’s history. EY said the boundaries
ties for sale, ending a short- quisitions, or M&A, is set to in global GDP, organ- Earlier this month, the between industries looks
age of homes on the mar- continue over the coming ic growth alone is not world’s top two beer mak- set to blur, with 48 percent
ket. year. It found that 59 per- enough for companies to ers agreed to join forces of executives planning
The profits are “enough to cent of global companies expand and reshape at to create a company acquisitions in a different
say, yes, I can leverage this are planning to secure at the pace they need,” said that would control nearly sector as new technology
into moving up and buying least one deal over the Pip McCrostie, EY’s global a third of the global mar- impacts almost everything
a bigger home,” said Dar- next 12 months, partly as a head of transactions. ket. Much of the logic be- along the business chain.
en Blomquist, a vice presi- means of cushioning wan- “The search for growth is hind the 69 billion-pound The manufacturing and
dent at RealtyTrac. ing global growth as Chi- lifting deal-making to re- ($106 billion) takeover of retail sectors are set for the
But not all markets are na’s economy slows. cord highs, and executives British-based SAB Miller most such activity.q