Page 26 - MIN TTC DEC 13 2014
P. 26
Saturday 13 December 2014

Mr. Anton & Mrs. Emmy Bergman honored by the Aruba
Tourism Authority as Goodwill Ambassadors of the Island

SPAANS LAGOEN - Re- Wauben and her family, line de Cuba of the Aruba
cently, Ms. Darline S. de the warm inviting sun, the Tourism Authority honored
Cuba had the great plea- gracious treatment from them as Goodwill Ambas-
sure to honor a couple of everyone, the absolute
loyal and friendly visitors of feeling of safety every-
Aruba as Goodwill Ambas- where and anytime and
sadors at their home away all the friends they have
from home. made over the years.
The symbolic honorary title Some interesting facts of
was presented in the name the Bergman family: Anton
of the Minister of Tourism was Dutch Champion Bar-
as a token of appreciation ber in1961, and Emmy was
to guests who visit Aruba Dutch Gymnastics Cham-
between 20-or-more con- pion 1957!
secutive years. On Decem- Congratulations to Anton
ber 11 the honorees were & Emmy on their 52th wed-
Mr. Anton and Mrs. Emmy ding anniversary!
Bergman of Utrecht, the The Bergman family sure
Netherlands, honored as did enjoy their 52nd wed-
Goodwill Ambassadors for ding anniversary on Aruba.
27 consecutive years. During the day both of
The certificate was present- them were treated like a
ed to them by the represen- king and queen around
tative of ATA Ms. Darline de the breath taking pool un-
Cuba in presence of Mrs. der a private cabana with
Brigitte and Gino Wauben constant help at their side,
at Spaans Lagoen. over at the world famous
The main reasons for re- Ritz-Carlton hotel.
turning to Aruba, as much The afternoon was filled
as Anton and Emmy can, with the surprise of a life-
are their daughter Brigitte time where the friendly Dar-

sadors of the Island. on this amazing day was
To top of the unforgettable the presence of their son
day, dinner was served at Angelo, his wife Amal and
their local hang out called their grandson Noa, who
“Zeerovers” where Na- were here for one entire
thalya, their only grand- month last November.
daughter, handpicked The entire staff of the Aruba
all the golden oldies, like Today and Bon Dia Aruba
“Boney M”, “the Cats” and wishes them many more
“Bob Marley” from the juke- happy and healthy years
box. The only thing missing together!q
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