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Wednesday 1 november 2017
Life’s Pauses - Peri, Andro and Meno
to thirteen years! hibited and reported few off synthetic, artificial hor- terone is responsible for
Statistics indicate symptoms of menopause. mone changing birth con- muscle strength, beautiful
that approximately one in Moreover, socioeconomic trol. We recommend us- hair and a healthy libido.
a hundred women goes status was strongly corre- ing safer methods to keep Get The Point! Ag-
through menopause at lated to menopausal wom- track of their fertility status ing and menopause are
age 40 or younger. Early en’s experience of symp- together with natural fam- natural, not diseases, so
menopause can occur as toms. Women in higher ily planning and hormone a “cure” is unnecessary.
a result of surgery, for ex- income brackets showed balancing. A simple to use Only with factual informa-
ample, when a woman has an elevated rate of symp- at home “fertility scope” tion can we begin to man-
a hysterectomy or uterine toms. This study indicates can be effective in keep- age normal changes in our
removal with ovarian re- that psychological factors, ing track of a perimeno- bodies. Having symptoms?
moval. According to some rather than physical ones, pausal woman’s chang- Acupuncture and Chinese
experts, early menopause may strongly determine ing cycles. Herbs such as herbs have been used for
- By: Dr. Carlos Viana
can also be caused by var- menopausal symptoms. Dong Quai, Red Chestnut, more than 5,000 years to
ious factors, such as an au- Belief systems, feelings and Rhodiola, Black Cohosh help rejuvenate the body
Medically, meno- toimmune disorder related attitude can go a long in and Kudzu have long been and treat menopausal
pause is defined as: when to poor nutrition or chronic affecting many health con- known for menopausal and symptoms. Acupuncture
you have not had a men- stress resulting in the pro- cerns. perimenopausal support as can help ease symptoms
struation in a year. In fact, duction of anti-ovarian an- Major factors influ- well as B vitamins. such as insomnia, night
Menopause is really the tibodies. encing a woman’s emo- Since women’s hormone sweats, mood swings and
end of a long, slow process Menopausal symp- tional and physical pas- levels vary greatly, natu- stress. A diet designed
called perimenopause, toms include hot flashes, sage through the change ral alternatives work best for the individual, includ-
marked by changes in a mood swings, heart palpita- of life include: personal when used under profes- ing dietary supplements
woman’s body. Meno- tions, insomnia, anxiety, de- health and childbearing sional guidance. Some and nature’s herbs can
pause is a normal part of pression, weight gain, de- history, health of her fe- women should not use es- make your transition easi-
a woman’s life, just like cline in skin quality, muscle male ancestors and living trogen. Some need DHEA er. Counseling can bring a
puberty. A woman’s ova- loss, low or lost libido and female relatives, past and or testosterone, a hormone positive change in attitude.
ries in her mid-30 begin inability to concentrate. present dietary habits, past found in men, as well. Hor- With information and guid-
to change how much es- Becoming less able to han- and present tobacco and mone levels can fluctuate ance, men and women
trogen and progesterone dle daily tasks for women, alcohol use, medications, greatly during menopause can journey through these
they produce. These two who are masters at juggling exercise, life style, stress and women may need test life’s changes with healthy
female hormones are both or multi-tasking, may come and self-esteem. Another their hormone levels and “pauses” for rebalancing
important for normal men- as a surprise and cause very influential factor is adjust their hormone thera- and enjoyment. Call us for
strual cycles and success- feelings of inadequacy or the amount of circulating py throughout the change. a guided journey.
ful pregnancy. frustration. Although bewil- glucose and insulin in the Accurate, comprehensive
In our clinic, when dered husbands, children blood stream. tests are available from CARLOS VIANA, Ph. D. is
I inform women between and a society that thrives Many women have laboratories specializing in an Oriental Medical Doctor
35 and 50years old that on youth seem to believe been led to believe that hormones using saliva or (O.M.D.) having studied in
the symptoms they are all menopausal women there is a cure for meno- blood spot rather than a Shanghai, China; a Board
feeling, which seem to be experience symptoms for pause by using estrogen or tube of blood. Cert. Clinical Nutritionist
Premenstrual Syndrome years on end, research in- other forms of hormone re- Specialty hormone testing (C.C.N.), a fellow mem-
(PMS) are actually “Pre” dicates that 15 percent of placement therapy (HRT). is not only for menopausal ber of the Board Certified
or Peri-menopause symp- women are symptom-free New medical findings have women, but should be- Association of Addiction
toms. Many women re- at menopause. Medical re- proven that synthetic hor- gin in “pre” or peri-meno- Professionals (C.Ad.), the
mark that since they are searchers have document- mone replacement may pause. And, let’s talk Chairperson of the Latin
not over fifty, this cannot ed that while some women do women more harm than about the men. Men’s hor- American Committee of
be! Although, the current simply stop menstruating good. Younger women us- mone levels also change the International Academy
average age of meno- and have no symptoms ing synthetic birth control with age. This is known as of Oral Medicine and Toxi-
pause is about 52. The age whatsoever, 85 percent will pills, patches or injections andropause. All men over cology (IAOMT), a Rejuve-
span is usually from 45 to experience some degree are using a form of HRT. This 50 need to check not only nating Cell Therapist and
55. However, symptoms of of hot flashes. As a medi- can be a big factor affect- prostate, but also hormone specializes in Anti-Aging
the body’s changes during cal anthropologist, I can ing women of perimeno- levels. Testosterone can Medicine, has a weekly
perimenopause can begin tell you some cultures, such pausal age. In our clinic, diminish even in younger radio program, writes and
in the late 30”s and last up as traditional Navahos, ex- we try to get all women men and women. Testos- lectures extensively. q