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                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Wednesday 1 november 2017
             NYC votes to repeal 91-year-old                                                                                       dOCTOR ON dUTY
             law that banned dancing in bars                                                                                             Dr. Thuis
                                                                                                                                         Tel. 588 2600
            By KAREN MATTHEWS            pleased  to  celebrate  its                                                                       San Nicolas
            Associated Press             death. We are very proud     Timeshare For Sale / Rent    Marriott Ocean Club
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Cut  of our city government for       wk 50 12/16   12/23          1 br Gold ocean view $4000
            loose!  New  York  City  law-  doing  the  right  thing  and   sale  at divi Golf unit 2314,   2 br Gold ocean view $8500  EMERGENCIA 911
            makers  voted  Tuesday  to  for  all  the  hard  work  and   studio 3500$ and week 44   2 br Gold ocean Front $16,000
            legalize dancing in bars, re-  support we have received   divi village 10/29 For sale/rent    Platinum weeks available
            pealing  a  91-year-old  law  from fellow advocates and   email:        Call :(297)6301307
            that banned boogieing at  the residents of this incred-   5086510016         
            most city nightspots.        ible  city,”  said  John  Bar-  ________________________________208363                 POLICE           100
            The  anti-dancing  law  was  clay, a bar manager and a    TIME SHARE FOR SALE          Marriott Surf Club           ORANJESTAD     527-3140
            first  enacted  in  1926  and  founder  of  the  pro-repeal   Divi  Phoenix Resort     2 br Gold ocean view $7000   STA. CRUZ        527-2900
            prohibited dancing in bars  Dance Liberation Network.     1 bdrm Unit # 633 sleeps up to 6   2 br Gold ocean side $8000  SAN NICOLAS     584-5000
            and restaurants that don’t  “After banning dancing for    peoples week 1 and 2. Have 37   2 br Gold ocean Front $16,000  POLICE TIPLINE    11141
            have a cabaret license.      91 years this is a great day   weeks left. deed           2 br Gold Garden view $4000  FIRE DEPT.       115
            Critics  said  the  so-called  for the city,” said Greg Mill-  Price $37,000 for 2 weeks.  Call;(297)630-1307       FIRE DEPT.       582-1108
            cabaret  law  originated  as  er,  the  executive  director       HOSPITAL         527-4000
                                                                                                                                DENTAL CLINIC    587-9850
            a  racist  attempt  to  police  of  Dance  Parade,  a  non-  215 9067397                                            AMBULANCE        582-1234
            Harlem’s  1920s  jazz  clubs  profit  that  puts  on  an  an-  _________________________________208098  Costa Linda Beach Resorts   IMSAN        524-8833
            and  continued  to  be  en-  nual  parade  showcasing     TIME SHARE FOR RENT          2  br  Week  43  room  #4012   RED CROSS      582-2219
            forced unfairly.             all forms of dance.          Divi Phoenix                 $8500
            “If  you’re  Latino,  if  you’re  “It’s  been  91  years  but  it’s   one bedroom 2 full bath room #   CPv resorts   Women in Difficulties
            black,  if  you’re  from  the  happening,  and  it’s  prog-  633 price $4500 for 2 weeks   2  br  Week  44  and  45  $5000   PHARMACY
            LGBTQ  community,  you  all  ress,”  said  Andrew  Much-  call or text 215 9067397     each week                    Oranjestad:
            have  been  impacted  by  more,  a  bar  owner  whose     e-mail       Call:(297)630-1307           Dakota Tel. 588 7364
            this  law,”  said  City  Coun-  lawsuit over the anti-danc-   ________________________________208196  San Nicolas
            cilman  Rafael  Espinal,  a  ing  law  is  still  pending  in   TIME SHARE FOR SALE                                 Seroe Preto Tel. 584 4833
            Brooklyn  Democrat,  who  federal court.                  Divi Phoenix                 Marriott Renaissance Suites
            introduce  the  legislation  Fewer than 100 of the city’s   one bedroom unit # 633 sleeps   1 br WK 41 room #2501 $5000  INFORMATION   118
            to  repeal  the  law.  “It  is  25,000 eating and drinking   up to 6 people week 1 and 2   1 br WK 42 room #2517 $5000  TAXI-TAS   587-5900
            time we right this historical  establishments   currently   have 37 weeks left price $37000   aruba divi Phoenix    PROF. TAXI    588-0035
            wrong  and  remove  New  have  a  cabaret  license,       for 2 weeks                  studio WK 45 room #105 $5000  TAXI D.T.S.   587-2300
            York’s  inappropriate  and  which  requires  approval              Call:(297) 630-1307          SERVICE AUA   583-3232
            arbitrarily  enforced  danc-  from  multiple  city  agen-  or call 215 9067397 mrs Lydia   A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
            ing licensing.”              cies.                         ________________________________208196                                      280-2828
            After  the  Council’s  41-1  Former  Mayor  Rudy  Giu-    FOR SALE                     For Rent                         CrUIse sHIP
            vote Tuesday to repeal the  liani used the law to crack   Paradise Beach Villas        1 br , 2 br ,3 br
            law,  the  measure  will  go  down on rowdy nightclubs    2 bedroom townhouse          Holiday's special Time share
            to  Democratic  Mayor  Bill  as  part  of  a  quality-of-life   week 40 and 41 $4,900/week  rentals  ,  all  Prime  resorts  in
            de Blasio, who has said he  campaign 20 years ago.        Contact info e-mail address  aruba
            supports  it.  The  repeal  will  Enforcement   has   been     X-mas and new year Weeks             November 1
            go into effect 30 days from  haphazard in recent years,                                51 and 52 Prime Weeks                  monarch
            when de Blasio signs it.     but bar owners say the law   ________________________________208364  Call;(297) 630-1307        Freewinds
            Nightlife  advocates  hailed  has  continued  to  exert  a                          Aruba Airport   524-2424
            the repeal.                  chilling  effect.    “I  know                                                          American Airlines 582-2700
            “The  Cabaret  Law  has  people that own bars that                                     We Know How To Sell          Avianca       588-0059
            decimated  New  York  City  have  had  their  livelihoods                              Your Time Share in Aruba     Aruba Airlines  583-8300
            culture  for  the  past  cen-  jeopardized  by  it,”  Much-                            31 years exp your local time   Jet Blue    588-2244
            tury and we are extremely  more said.q                                                 share experts                Surinam       582-7896
                                                                                                   Free appraisal, no listings fee   Aruba Foundation
                                                                                                   Call:(297) 630-1307          For those Visually Incapasitated
                                                                                                Tel. 582-5051
                                                                                                   ________________________________208375  AL-ANON group
                                                                                                                                Sabana Liber #8, Noord
                                                                                                                                Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081

                                                                                                                                Tel. 582-4433

                                                                                                                                Centro Diabetic Arubano
                                                                                                                                Tel. 524-8888
                                                                                                                                Narcotics Anonymous
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583-8989
                                                                                                                                QUOTA Club
                                                                                                                                Tel. 525-2672

                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583-5400

                                                                                                                                Bloodbank Aruba
                                                                                                                                Tel. 587-0002
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