P. 6

                    Thursday 14 June 2018

            ELMAR Embracing Technology Innovation and Solutions

                                                                      nior  Technical  Trainer  Wes  charging  to  the  island.  In-  terprise. After the presenta-
                                                                      Gruver  of  AWS  Amazon,  credible  innovations  show-    tion, a panel including N.V.
                                                                      Senior   System   Engineer  casing  Aruba  are  ready  ELMAR  Innovation  Leader
                                                                      Gustavo  Sosa  of  Nutanix  to  be  at  the  forefront  of  Ivan  Ng,  Dagoberto  Her-
                                                                      and N.V. ELMAR Innovation  IT  technology  and  devel-    nandez  and  Tabare  Alva-
                                                                      Leader  Ivan  Ng  took  the  opment.  As  mentioned  in  rez  from  EdeNorte  talked
                                                                      stage  to  share  their  latest  Mr.  Maldonado’s  opening  about  the  difference  the
            Palm Beach – Last Wednes-    Networks.                    innovations, tips and ideas.  speech:  “Aruba  is  one  of  Nutanix  Technology  has
            day, N.V. ELMAR along with                                                             the most advanced in the  made  in  their  respective
            the  Island  of  Aruba  were  Founded  by  John  Mal-     N.V. ELMAR has been work-    Caribbean in terms of tech-  companies.
            the  proud  co-hosts  of  the  donado,  CEO  of  W.I.T  In-  ing  with  Nutanix  and  W.I.T  nology”.
            inaugural  ICT  Americas  telligence  Solutions,  and     Intelligence   Technology                                 The last day of the confer-
            Conference  (ICTA)  in  the  co-hosted  by  Aruba  and    for several years and even  Wednesday          evening  ence  proved  to  be  a  real
            Caribbean. For three days,  N.V.    ELMAR,   the   con-   allocated  a  special  unit  marked  the  opening  of  treat  as  Alex  Spoov,  tech-
            the  Hilton  Aruba  Carib-   ference  spanned  a  to-     to  ICT  technology  at  their  the conference, with some  nical  director  of  W.I.T.  and
            bean  Resort  has  been  the  tal  of  three  days.  During   main  office  in  Oranjestad.  music, beverages and hors  Technical  Trainer  of  AWS
            essential  gathering  place  the  3-day  event,  industry   With the new technologies,  d’oeuvres. However, Thurs-  Amazon,  Wes  Gruver  took
            for CIOs, CTOs and IT/ Net-  leaders;   gathered,   net-  N.V. ELMAR has been able  day morning was the actu-       the  stage.  The  latter  intro-
            working  professionals  from  worked,  showcased  and     to  introduce:    Smart  Me-  al start with Nutanix taking  duced Amazon’s core ser-
            top  international  compa-   exchanged  ideas  to  get    ters,  Smart  LED  Streetlights,  center  stage  as  Gustavo  vices in compute, storage,
            nies  like  Nutanix,  W.I.T  In-  ahead  of  the  fast-paced   SmartUp  Prepaid  system  Sosa  and  Willy  Brun  talked  database and networking.
            telligent Technology, Ama-   opportunities.  Several  big   and  Electric  Vehicle  Smart  about  Nutanix  Cloud  En-  It was the first time a speak-
            zon,  Arista  and  Palo  Alto  speakers  in  the  likes  of  Se-                                                    er  of  the  multi-billion-dollar

                                                                                                                                company has ever spoken
                                                                                                                                in the Caribbean.

                                                                                                                                Other  important  topics  of
                                                                                                                                the  exclusive  conference
                                                                                                                                included: cyber security, at-
                                                                                                                                tacks on personal data and
                                                                                                                                the  recent  GDPR  regula-
                                                                                                                                tion in Europe.  Attendance
                                                                                                                                was  by  invitation  only  and
                                                                                                                                proved to be a great suc-
                                                                                                                                cess.  N.V. ELMAR is thank-
                                                                                                                                ful  to  have  co-hosted  the
                                                                                                                                very first ICTA conference in
                                                                                                                                the Caribbean and wishes
                                                                                                                                ICTA many more successful
                                                                                                                                conferences in the coming
                                                                                                                                years. q
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