Page 7 - ATA MAY 6'2015
P. 7
Wednesday 6 May 2015

Loyal Visitors Honored by Aruba Tourism Authority!

EAGLE BEACH - Recently, Michael and Mrs. Linda preciation to the guests
Darline S. de Cuba had the Walsh and their children who visit Aruba from 10-to-
great pleasure to honor a Julie, Christopher and Ma- 19 and 20-to34 consecu-
huge group of loyal and rissa, residents of West- tive years. 
friendly visitor of Aruba as wood, Massachusetts, Mr. Ms. Darline S. de Cuba rep-
Goodwill Ambassadors Sam Knapp, resident of resenting Aruba Tourism
and Distinguished Visitors Northfield Falls, Vermont, Authority presented the
at their home away from Mr. Boyd Dean Mullins, resi- certificate together with
home at the Aruba Beach dent of Middletown, Dela- Kenia Brito of Activities at
Club! ware, and Mrs. Linda Mul- Aruba Beach Club.
The honorees include Mr. lins resident of Maryland. The top reasons for return-
The symbolic honorary ing provided by the hon-
titles are presented on be- orees are they consider
half of the Minister of Tour- Aruba to be the “Happy
ism, Transportation, Primary Island”, the great weather
Sector and Culture Mr. O. and the friendly Aruban
Oduber as a token of ap- hospitality.q
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