Page 8 - ATA MAY 6'2015
P. 8
LOCALWednesday 6 May 2015
Richard & Cheryl Honored as Emerald Ambassadors of Aruba!
EAGLE BEACH - Recently, Oduber as a token of ap-
Darline S. de Cuba had preciation to the guests
the great pleasure to who visit Aruba 35 con-
honor loyal and friendly secutive years or more!
visitors of Aruba as Emer- Darline S. de Cuba rep-
ald Ambassadors at their resenting Aruba Tourism
home away from home Authority together with
the Aruba Beach Club Kenia Brito from the Ac-
Resort. tivities Department at
The Aruba Tourism Au- Aruba Beach Club were
thority is proud to present proud to honor the guests
the commemorative Em- during a quaint ceremo-
erald Coin and Emerald ny.
Certificate to Mr. Rich- The top reasons for re-
ard and Mrs. Cheryl Gari- turning provided by the
boldi, hailing from Bari, honorees are that they
Vermont, representing 35 consider Aruba to be the
years of continued visits “Happy Island”, the great
to our Island! weather and the friendly
The symbolic honorary ti- Aruban hospitality.
tle is presented on behalf Congratulation Richard
of the Minister of Tourism, & Cheryl, you hold a spe-
Transportation, Primary cial place in the hearts of
Sector and Culture Mr. O. Arubans!q
Trip and Gail Rose Are Partial to
Salt & Pepper’s French Toast
PALM BEACH - It’s Salt & Pepper Restaurant’s French toast that has Trip and Gail Rose from Virginia coming back time and time again. The couple is
on holiday on the island and, although they love Aruba and all its nooks and crannies, beaches and restaurants, it is Salt & Pepper that they visit the
most. Gail and Trip have been coming to Aruba for ten years already and more trips are coming up, we hope.
Come back for more French Toast soon, guys!q
LOCALWednesday 6 May 2015
Richard & Cheryl Honored as Emerald Ambassadors of Aruba!
EAGLE BEACH - Recently, Oduber as a token of ap-
Darline S. de Cuba had preciation to the guests
the great pleasure to who visit Aruba 35 con-
honor loyal and friendly secutive years or more!
visitors of Aruba as Emer- Darline S. de Cuba rep-
ald Ambassadors at their resenting Aruba Tourism
home away from home Authority together with
the Aruba Beach Club Kenia Brito from the Ac-
Resort. tivities Department at
The Aruba Tourism Au- Aruba Beach Club were
thority is proud to present proud to honor the guests
the commemorative Em- during a quaint ceremo-
erald Coin and Emerald ny.
Certificate to Mr. Rich- The top reasons for re-
ard and Mrs. Cheryl Gari- turning provided by the
boldi, hailing from Bari, honorees are that they
Vermont, representing 35 consider Aruba to be the
years of continued visits “Happy Island”, the great
to our Island! weather and the friendly
The symbolic honorary ti- Aruban hospitality.
tle is presented on behalf Congratulation Richard
of the Minister of Tourism, & Cheryl, you hold a spe-
Transportation, Primary cial place in the hearts of
Sector and Culture Mr. O. Arubans!q
Trip and Gail Rose Are Partial to
Salt & Pepper’s French Toast
PALM BEACH - It’s Salt & Pepper Restaurant’s French toast that has Trip and Gail Rose from Virginia coming back time and time again. The couple is
on holiday on the island and, although they love Aruba and all its nooks and crannies, beaches and restaurants, it is Salt & Pepper that they visit the
most. Gail and Trip have been coming to Aruba for ten years already and more trips are coming up, we hope.
Come back for more French Toast soon, guys!q