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                                                                                                                    Thursday 17 September

Venezuela extends border crackdown to 3rd state 

FABIOLA SANCHEZ                 the two neighbors.               cifically say he was closing  Colombian President Juan                        in Venezuela have returned
Associated Press                Maduro late Tuesday night        any border crossings, au-     Manuel Santos reacted                           voluntarily, saying they fear
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)         said that a state of emer-       thorities in Colombia said    angrily Wednesday to                            reprisals.
— President Nicolas Mad-        gency had been broad-            Wednesday that Venezu-        Maduro’s latest move.Co-                        While Maduro and Santos
uro has closed another          ened to encompass 10             elan security forces had set  lombia’s government has                         have both called for direct
bridge connecting Ven-          more municipalities on           up a barricade preventing     protested the treatment of                      dialogue to reduce ten-
ezuela with Colombia as         Venezuela*s western edge,        cars from crossing the Jose   some 1,500 of its nationals                     sions, at attempt by South
he extends a month-long         including a few in the state     Antonio Paez bridge that      deported under the crack-                       American neighbors to
crackdown on smuggling          of Apure, the third district to  connects the provincial       down.                                           mediate a solution has so
along the border that has       face such restrictions.          capital of Arauca with the    Another 16,000 of the over                      far failed to bring the two
fueled tensions between         While Maduro didn’t spe-         plains of Apure.              5 million Colombians living                     leaders together.q

‘Pope Plan’ transforms Havana, Cuban city known for decay 

A. GARCIA                       vation only when a pope is       Workers apply a fresh coat of paint to the walls surrounding the              done, supposedly because
M. WEISSENSTEIN                 about to place Cuba in the       archdiocese residence, in preparation for the visit of Pope Fran-             of a lack of supplies.
Associated Press                international spotlight.         cis, in Havana, Cuba, Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2015. Francis will visit             “They announced the
HAVANA (AP) — Windows           “At least we’re getting          Cuba from Sept. 19-22, before arriving in the United States, mak-             pope’s visit, the materials
looking out on the Church       some benefit from the            ing him the third pontiff to visit the island nation.                         appeared and they put
of the Sacred Heart were        pope’s visit, although it’s a                                                                                  the pedal to the metal to
covered with tattered           shame that things only get                                                          (AP Photo/Desmond Boylan)  finish all the repair work,” he
newspapers. Wheel-swal-         fixed on special occasions,”                                                                                   said. His building still needs
lowing potholes pitted the      said Carmen Silvano, a stu-      ticularly in Havana, where    cases, meaning problems                         to have floors redone and
streets. Paint peeled off the   dent who lives in the cen-       people have greater ac-       as simple as a blown light-                     windows repaired, among
walls in sheets.                tral Havana neighborhood         cess to foreign capital and   bulb can go unfixed for                         other projects.
Then the pope said he was       near the church that serves      building supplies. Mean-      months or years.                                “Inside, the ceilings are in
coming to town.                 as headquarters of Cuba’s        while, the communist gov-     Dayron Rivero, a social                         bad shape, but at least
Crews of workmen showed         Jesuits.                         ernment remains respon-       worker and self-employed                        they gave it a coat of paint
up as if from nowhere           State media have said next       sible for the communal ar-    barber, said the govern-                        and it looks better,” he said.
this summer, smoothing          to nothing about the re-         eas of apartment buildings    ment had promised to                            A short drive away in
streets, patching walls and     pairs and renovation, but        and old mansions roughly      repair the neighborhood                         the Playa neighborhood
painting facades in pas-        Cubans have sardonically         divided among more than       around the church for                           around the Apostolic Nun-
tel shades of pink, blue        branded it “Plan Papa,” or       a dozen families in some      years but no work was ever                      ciature, where the pope
and green. Across Ha-           “The Pope Plan.” Havana                                                                                        will stay during his time in
vana, hundreds more la-         residents say similar flurries                                                                                 Havana, tooth-rattling gul-
borers planted palm trees,      of renovation preceded                                                                                         lies and holes in the streets
cleaned up trash and re-        Pope John Paul II’s ground-                                                                                    have been filled in, build-
paved sidewalks. As Pope        breaking 1998 visit and                                                                                        ings have been painted
Francis’ Saturday arrival       Benedict XVI’s trip in 2012                                                                                    gleaming white and yellow
nears, a whirlwind of re-       but things quickly fell back                                                                                   and piles of debris have
newal has hit a city known      into disrepair.                                                                                                cleared from the streets.
for its decay, leaving ordi-    Thanks to reforms put in                                                                                       Yet, just a block from the
nary people appreciative        place by President Raul                                                                                        Nunciature, streets are still
of the repairs but indignant    Castro, Cuban single-family                                                                                    rutted, debris is uncleared
that the government un-         homes are being redone at                                                                                      and facades are fading
leashes the forces of reno-     unprecedented rates, par-                                                                                      and unpainted.q

Puerto Rico to improve sewage system, reduce pollution 

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico           Protection Agency said           lantic Ocean, among other     EPA regional administrator,                     Justice. The agreement re-
(AP) — Puerto Rico’s wa-        the federal government           places.                       said in a statement.                            places three previous ones
ter and sewer company           waived civil penalties in the    “This agreement will re-      The company also agreed                         between the Aqueduct
has agreed to invest $1.5       case given Puerto Rico’s         duce the massive amount       to invest $120 million to                       and Sewer Authority and
billion to upgrade its sys-     economic crisis. The island’s    of untreated sewage and       build sanitary sewers for an                    the U.S. government. Of-
tem as part of a settlement     Aqueduct and Sewer Au-           other pollutants that harm    impoverished community                          ficials noted that previous
with the U.S. government        thority had been accused         major waterways in the San    in the capital of San Juan                      projects under prior deals
to help cut down on water       of releasing untreated sew-      Juan area, improving water    that is expected to help                        are no longer necessary
pollution, officials said this  age and other pollutants in      quality and public health     some 20,000 people as part                      given the island’s drop in
week.                           the San Juan Bay, the Con-       conditions for thousands of   of a deal that also involved                    population as people flee
The U.S. Environmental          dado Lagoon and the At-          people,” Judith Enck, an      the U.S. Department of                          to the U.S. mainland.q
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