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BUSINESS                 Monday 11 SepteMber 2017

            Insider Q&A: Higher pay needed to support stronger growth

            By JOSH BOAK                                                                                                        Trump  took  a  step  in  the
            AP Economics Writer                                                                                                 right  way  with  a  proposal
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Slug-                                                                                             to  focus  on  bringing  in
            gish  pay  raises  have  been                                                                                       more skilled immigrants. But
            an Achilles’ heel for Ameri-                                                                                        then  then  he  took  a  step
            can  workers  since  the                                                                                            backward  by  planning  to
            Great  Recession  ended                                                                                             cut  down  the  number  im-
            more than eight years ago                                                                                           migrants being admitted.
            —  and  a  major  headwind
            for faster economic growth.                                                                                         Q:  Can  businesses  get
            As  a  result,  many  people                                                                                        enough access to credit?
            are  spending  less  than                                                                                           A: Small and medium busi-
            they otherwise would. That                                                                                          nesses  have  a  desire  to
            trend, in turn, contributes to                                                                                      expand,  but  there  is  still
            slower overall growth in the                                                                                        caution on pulling the trig-
            U.S.  economy,  because                                                                                             ger.  So  there  is  a  lack  of
            consumers    account    for                                                                                         loan demand. You see the
            roughly 70 percent of eco-                                                                                          numbers where the growth
            nomic activity.                                                                                                     in  commercial  loans  may
            Dan  North,  chief  econ-                                                                                           not be strong, but you look
            omist  for  Euler  Hermes                                                                                           at  the  banker  survey  and
            North America, part of the                                                                                          say, well, a lot of businesses
            world’s  oldest  and  largest                                                                                       aren’t  really  interested  in
            credit insurance company,                                                                                           getting  credit  yet.  That’s
            spoke recently with The As-  This  photo  shows  Dan  North,  the  chief  economist  for  Euler  Hermes  North  America.  North  says   kind of hampering the ex-
            sociated  Press  about  how   sluggish pay raises have been an Achilles’ heel for American workers since the Great Recession   pansion of credit.q
            income after taxes — what    ended more than eight years ago, and a major headwind for faster economic growth.
            analysts  call  disposable                                                          (Courtesy of Euler Hermes via AP)
            personal  income  —  isn’t  at 2.7 percent. As a result,  Q:  What  would  unlock  Q:  What  role  to  baby
            keeping  pace  with  con-    consumers have to dip into  stronger income growth?       boomers  and  millennials
            sumer spending growth.       their flow of savings to pay  A:  The  low  unemployment  play in all of this?
                                         for items.                   rate doesn’t tell the whole  A:  This  demographics  of
            Q:  What  are  the  factors  Without  income  growth,  story. Our participation rate  the  aging  workforce  is  re-
            driving   U.S.   economic  it’s  hard  for  consumption  — the share of people with  ally  tough.  What’s  hap-
            growth right now?            growth  to  continue.  The  jobs or looking for work — is  pening  is  we  have  baby
            A:  We  think  for  the  entire  big  story  is  we  don’t  have  quite low as well. We need  boomers  who  are  leaving
            year  we’re  likely  to  see  enough  income.  Consum-    more people at work. And  the  workforce  at  a  rate
            GDP  growth  of  around  2  er  confidence  has  soared  we  need  those  people  to  of  10,000  every  day.  They
            percent.  But  consumers  since the election. But con-    be earning higher wages.     probably  will  keep  doing
            have a few headwinds. First  sumers often say one thing  You  might  think  that  the  that for the next 12 years or
            of  all,  real  disposable  per-  and do another. To spend,  low  unemployment  rate  so. We can’t replace them
            sonal  income  growth  is  in-  you  need  the  willingness  would lead to higher wage  fast  enough,  and  employ-
            creasing at just 1.3 percent.  and ability. Consumers are  growth,  but  it  hasn’t.  One  ers can’t find the right peo-
            That’s very slow. Consumer  saying  they  have  the  will-  reason  is  that  productivity  ple with the right skills to fill
            spending  is  increasing  at  ingness,  so  it  would  seem.  has been very weak. When  those jobs.
            a  faster  rate.  If  you  look  But  that’s  not  enough.  you have weak productiv-   One  way  to  address  that
            at  personal  consumption  You’ve  got  to  have  the  ity,  you  have  weak  wage  is  to  have  more  skilled  le-
            expenditures,  that’s  rising  ability to spend, too.     growth.                      gal  immigration.  President

            Average US gas price jumps after Harvey shuts refineries

            CAMARILLO,  Calif.  (AP)  —  was the biggest price hike  will follow.                  jumped  16  cents  to  $2.73
            The average price of gaso-   recorded by the Lundberg  In the survey on Sept. 8, the  per gallon.
            line jumped in the past two  Survey since 2011.           average  price  of  regular  In  the  contiguous  United
            weeks after Hurricane Har-   But she says whole gasoline  gasoline  was  up  30  cents  States,  gas  was  most  ex-
            vey  prompted  the  closure  prices  have  started  to  de-  at  $2.69  per  gallon.  That’s  pensive in San Francisco at
            of refineries.               cline since refineries came  48 cents higher than a year  $3.21 a gallon and cheap-
            Industry  analyst  Trilby  Lun-  back  online  and  she  ex-  ago.                     est  in  Baton  Rouge,  Louisi-
            dberg  said  Sunday  that  it  pects  prices  at  the  pump  The average price of diesel  ana, at $2.31 a gallon.q
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