Page 7 - MIN.VOS APRIL 16
P. 7

30                                                                                                                                AWEMainta Diahuebs, 16 April 2015

   Servicio pa                                                                                                                         Cu honda pena Staf y Personal di
   Comunidad                                                                                                                     Directie Financiën ta anuncia fayecimento di

     Emergencia               911       Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada, den cunucu di yerba berde                  Sr. Jan Faustinus “ Janchi” Werleman
                              100       E ta pone mi sosega. E ta hiba mi na awa trankil, pa mi bolbe haya forza.                     Tata di nos colega Rita Werleman
Brandweer:                    102
Polis:                        104                                            Salmo: 23.1                           Nos ta extende nos mas sincero condolencia na Rita y demas famia
Polis Oranjestad:             105            Cu profundo tristeza, pero conforme cu boluntad di Dios nos ta                               cu e perdida di nan ser keri.
Polis San Nicolas:            107
Polis Santa Cruz:             11141                  participa fayecimento di nos querido tata, abuelo,                     Nos ta desea nan hopi forza den e dianan dificil aki.
Polis Shaba:                                                                ruman y omo:                               Cu Sr. Jan Faustinus “ Janchi” Werleman sosega na paz.
Polis TipLine:
                                                                                                                                                      Revelation 21: 3-4
Ambulance San Nicolas:        584-5050                                                                                  3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the
Ambulance Sasaki:             582-5573                                                                                tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and
Ambulance Wayaca:             582-1234                                                                                  they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them,
                                                                                                                      and be their God. 4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their
Hospital:                     527-4000                                                                                   eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor
Centro Medico San Nicolas: 524-8833                                                                                       crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former
SVB (AO-Ziekmelding):         527-2782
                                                                                                                                                  things are passed away.
Botica na warda                                                                                                                 With deep sympathy we announce the passing of:

Pabou di Brug: St. Anna N.V.

Pariba     di  Brug:  Centro  N.V.      JAN FAUSTINUS WERLEMAN
                      Medico                          Mihor conoci como Papa Janchi
                                                        *06-07-1933 – †11-04-2015
Dokter na warda

Pabou di Brug:                                               Ex-empleado di Lago y
                                        ex-collectant di Misa Inmaculada Concepcion Santa Cruz

Pariba di Brug: Harmsen                 Na nomber di
                                        Su Esposa:
           Servicionan                                     †Augustina (Tina) Werleman-Geerman

ELMAR Storingdienst:    523-7147        su yiunan:         †Alfonso (Fonso) Werleman
SETAR Storingdienst:          117       Mescos cu yiu:     Ludwina (Wina) y Edgar Croes-Werleman
Digicel:                      145                          Margarita (Rita) Werleman ,
WEB Storingdienst:      525-4600                           Juana (Anchi) Werleman
Reina Beatrix Int’l Airport: 524-2424                      Monica (Ica) y Maarten Gerretse-Werleman
Serlimar:               584-5080                           Lucia Werleman y Richard Frank
Arugas:                 585-1198                           Anghelic Croes

Guarda Costa:                 913       Nietanan:          Nicole y Cindy Croes

            Funeraria                   Na nomber di su rumannan:
                                        † Apolonio (Poy) y †Anghelica Ras-Werleman y famia
AD Patres:                    5842299   † Rosario (Ro) y Margarita Werleman-Maduro y famia
Aurora:                       5886699   Maximilia (Chichi) y † Basilio Maduro-Werleman y famia
The Olive Tree:               5820000   † Cerilio y Maria Werleman-Geerman y famia                                 Jester Claudius Nicholas Alexander
                                        Emiterio (Mito) y Maria Werleman-Kock y famia                                                       Better known as: “Nicky”
            Fundacion                   Zenovia (Noba) y †Guadalupe Geerman y famia                                                            Sunrise: 06-04-1964
                                        Raymundo (Rey) y Sita Croes-Werleman                                                                   Sunset: 12-04-2015
                                        Catharina (Tienchi) y Mario Croes-Werleman y famia
                                        Luisa (Wisa) y Augustin Yarzagaray-Werleman y famia                        Left to mourn are his:
                                        †Fabiano Werleman y famia                                                  Wife:               Bernadette Loraine Alexander
                                        Martina (Ina) y Placido Geerman-Werleman y famia
                                        Lucio (Luca) Julian y Betty Werleman-Dirksz y famia                        Children:           Rickey Alexander
                                                                                                                                       Paul Richie Alexander

                                        Su cuñanan y swa:  Juana Semerel-Geerman y famia                           Mother:             Ann Mckie and Esmond Levenstone
                                                           Diana Geerman y famia
   Cas Editorial                                           Filomena Geerman                                        Father:             Sonney Paris
The Media Group                                            Jossy Geerman y famia

       Magrietstraat #3                 Ihanan: Freddy Werleman, Frans Werleman, Jacinto Werleman, Frido           Brother & sisters:  Steve Alexander in Greneda
      Oranjestad, Aruba                 Werleman, Elsa Rasmijn, Eddy Ras y Rito Geerman                                                Sanchia Charles in Greneda
Tel: 583-1400 fax: 583-1444             Su ayudante di tur dia: Lola Geerman                                                           Andrea Alexander in USA
                                        Bon amigo di cas: Mario Dania                                                                  Morine Peterson in USA

                                        Sobrino y sobrinanan, primo y primanan, comer y compernan, amigo y         In laws:            Rhonda Noel Alexander and fam.
                                        amiganan, ex-colleganan di Lago y colectant di Santa Cruz y demas                              Kingsley Charles and fam.
                                        famia: Werleman, Geerman, Croes, Gerretse, Frank, Ras, Maduro, Kock,
                                        Yarzagaray, Dirksz y Semerel.                                              Families:           Donna and Shorma Charles of the Charles,
                                                                                                                                       The Bermnerd family
          Cuenta di banco:              Ta invita pa asisti na e acto di entierro cual lo tuma lugar Diahuebs 16                       The Mckie family
                                        April 2015, saliendo for di Misa Inmaculada Concepcion na Santa Cruz.                          Marcilla, Christina, Nathalia, Margaret,
             CMB #22982600              For di 9’or di mainta e restonan mortal di nos defunto stima lo ta reposa                      Juan David and Ruben of the Yrausquin
                                        den Misa.                                                                                      family

Redaccion:        Pa 11’or tin un Sacri cio di Misa sigi despues pa Santana Catolico “Santa  The funeral will take place on Thursday 23 April, 2015 at 4 pm at
Aviso:      Maria” na Santa Cruz.                                                      the Pro Catedral San Francisco di Asis, Oranjestad, afterwards
                                        Oportunidad pa condolencia ta Diaranson: 15 April 2015 di 7’or pa 9’or     the burial will take place at the Cementary at Sabana Basora.
     Director:                          di anochi na Aurora Funeral Home.                                          The deceased will be at the church from 2 pm

Victor “Toko”Winklaar                   Nos disculpa si den nos tristeza nos por a lubida di menciona algun        Adress for condolences: Aurora Funeral Home on Wednesday 22
  Victor R. Winklaar                    famia.                                                                     April, 2015 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
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