Page 10 - Patrick
P. 10
New Kingdom THE HAGUE – The new Dutch Kingdom Ambas-
sador stationed in Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
in Trinidad Jules Bijl paid a courtesy visit to Minister Plenipoten-
visited tiary Alfonso Boekhoudt.
Minister During the meeting Minister Boekhoudt conversed
Boekhoudts about the Utility Aruba N.V. plans and on the Trini-
dad & Tobago energy matter. Utilities Aruba N.V. is
searching for a way to transition from heavy fuel oil
to liquid gas.
What Aruba wants to achieve with this process is to
serve as a gas distribution centre and Trinidad & To-
bago is a country that produces gas.
Ambassador Bijl mentioned that Aruba can count on
his cooperation regarding contacting the necessary
parties in Trinidad & Tobago for Utilities Aruba N.V.
Jules Bijl was director of the Governors Cabinet in
Jules Bijl was born in January 10 1958. He began
his career in the province of South Holland , he later
worked at the town Boskoop , and around 1992 he
became the town clerk of Stadskanaal . In September
1999 he was appointed mayor of Eemnes and he was
also acting mayor of Montfoort for some time.
In 2004 he received a management position in health
care and in 2010 he returned to the island where
he succeeded Dick van der Windt as director of the
Governor of the Netherlands Antilles office and now
he serves as the new Dutch Kingdom Ambassador in
Trinidad & Tobago.
ARUBA TRAVELLER - Thursday, July 30 2015 5LOCAL