Page 44 - MIN.MTTC DEC 15,2014
P. 44
Monday 15 December 2014

Ospitalita Italiana Award Celebrated With a Party at Hostaria Da Vittorio

Continued from page 13 terations and falsifications the visit Hostaria da Vit-
to preserve its history, qual- torio joined the select few
This unique quality of life ity, culture and authentic- hundred Ospitalita Itali-
is protected by Ospitalita ity. ana Certified Restaurant
Italiana because food just Hostaria da Vittorio was around the globe.
like paintings and music is visited by an anonymous The Aruban community
a form of art, and it should inspector who verified all joined the Minister of Tour-
be protected against adul- requirements. Following ism congratulating Master
Chef Vittorio for his accom-
plishment, which he shared
with his long time partner
architect Dan Oduber,
and his kitchen and dining
room brigades. Congratu-
lations Vittorio, enjoy the
celebration of your award,
your commitment to ex-
cellence paid off with the
“Italian Hospitality, Italian
Restaurants of the World,”
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