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                     Saturday 14 July 2018
            A flawed but earnest cartoonist biopic from Van Sant

            By LINDSEY BAHR                                                                                                     Grim,  uncomfortably  true
            Macabre  is  a  word  often                                                                                         and funny were Callahan's
            associated  with  the  late                                                                                         main  operating  modes.  It
            cartoonist   John    Calla-                                                                                         was the only way he could
            han.  He's  the  man  who  in                                                                                       make  sense  of  the  world
            his  widely  published  car-                                                                                        and  what  happened  to
            toons,  drawn  in  his  signa-                                                                                      him, or so the film posits.
            ture  squiggly  style,  poked                                                                                       Van  Sant  seems  to  have
            fun  at  lesbians,  Chinese                                                                                         tried to infuse this work with
            people, the handicapped,                                                                                            that same sort of spirit — ir-
            women, Oprah, Alzheimer's                                                                                           reverent,  often  unattract-
            patients, chiropractors and                                                                                         ive,  sometimes  funny  and
            even  sexual  harassment  in                                                                                        sometimes  offensive.  Told
            a  cartoon  that  features  a                                                                                       in a jumbly, non-linear fash-
            woman showing cleavage                                                                                              ion,  Van  Sant  jumps  back
            in  a  tight  dress  telling  her                                                                                   and forth in time with disori-
            similarly outfitted colleague                                                                                       enting  casualness,  shifting
            "'s only sexual                                                                                        from  a  wheelchair  bound
            harassment  if  they're  not                                                                                        Callahan  as  an  obviously
            dateable."                                                                                                          established  and  famous
            His  website  proudly  fea-                                                                                         artist, back to the last day
            tured  all  the  "hate  mail"                                                                                       he walked, and then to the
            sent  to  the  newspapers                                                                                           early days of his group ther-
            that published his cartoons.   This image released by Amazon Studios shows Jack Black, left, and Joaquin Phoenix in a scene   apy. It's difficult, at the be-
            It's extensive.              from "Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far On Foot."                                          ginning, to wrap your head
            But  John  Callahan  wasn't                                                                        Associated Press  around  just  what  you're
            just  a  provocateur.  He                                                                                           watching.q
            was  also  a  quadriplegic  ring as the artist. The title is
            alcoholic.  In  fact,  the  al-  taken from Callahan's 1990
            the  handicap,  then  the  was borrowed from one of  Author tackles sexual assault
            coholism  came  first,  then  autobiography, which itself

            cartooning.  Director  Gus  his  cartoons.  That  drawing
            very  interesting  subject  for  backup  horseback  in  the  in "A Gathering of Secrets"
            Van  Sant  has  chosen  this  showed  a  sheriff  and  his

            his latest film, "Don't Worry,  desert  commenting  on  an
            He Won't Get Far on Foot ,"  empty  wheelchair  that's  By OLINE H. COGDILL            without  the  Amish  rules,
            with  Joaquin  Phoenix  star-  been overturned.           Associated Press             generally  before  joining
                                                                      "A  Gathering  of  Secrets"  the  church.  To  his  family,
                                                                      (Minotaur), by Linda Castillo  Daniel  was  a  hard  worker,
                                                                      Linda  Castillo's  exquisitely  "a  good  young  man.  ...
                                                                      plotted    novels    delve  Humble  and  kind  and
                                                                      deep  into  Amish  life  and  generous."  But  Kate  soon
                                                                      culture using the prism of a  discovers  that  Daniel  was
                                                                      police procedural. Without  a sexual predator, preying
                                                                      deriding or sentimentalizing  on  inexperienced  young
                                                                      the Amish, Castillo illustrates  women   who    blamed
                                                                      their culture while showing  themselves for his unwanted
                                                                      that   Amish    adherence  attention.  At  least  one
                                                                      to  traditions  and  silence  woman, overcome by guilt,
                                                                      on    sensitive   situations  committed  suicide.  Their
                                                                      can  allow  evil  to  seep  in  parents, too, often blamed
                                                                      unexpectedly.                their  daughters,  preferring   This cover image released by
                                                                      In  her  superb  10th  novel,  to keep the rapes secret.  Minotaur  shows  "A  Gathering
                                                                                                                                of  Secrets,"  a  novel  by  Linda
                                                                      Castillo  continues  to  show  Kate  was  raised  Amish   Castillo.
                                                                      that  Amish  problems  are  before leaving the church.                Associated Press
                                                                      universal,   despite   their  She was sexually assaulted
                                                                      insular  ways.  They  aren't  as  a  teen,  and  the  case  hate   relationship"   with
                                                                      immune  to  the  #MeToo  weighs heavily on her. She  the  community  to  which
                                                                      movement      as    Castillo  understands   the   killer's  she  was  born  enhances
                                                                      tackles sexual assault in "A  motives as she learns more  "A  Gathering  of  Secrets."
                                                                      Gathering of Secrets."       about Daniel.                She  has  much  respect  for
                                                                      Kate     Burkholder,   the  As  in  her  other  novels,  Amish  ways  yet  abhors
                                                                      intelligent,      insightful  Castillo   delivers     a  the  attitudes  that  allow
                                                                      police  chief  of  Painters  complete  look  at  the  "a  devil  in  disguise"  such
                                                                      Mill,   Ohio,   investigates  Amish community, showing  as  Daniel  to  thrive.  Her
                                                                      the  death  of  18-year-old  the  various  sects,  the  rise  "simple  happiness"  in  her
                                                                      Daniel   Gingerich,   who  of  Amish  businesses  that  relationship    with   John
                                                                      died when the family barn  cater  to  outsiders,  whom  Tomasetti, an Ohio Bureau
                                                                      was set on fire. Daniel was  they call "the English," and  of  Criminal  Investigation
                                                                      on  Rumspringa,  a  time  the emphasis on home and  agent, is well explored.
                                                                      when  a  young  person  family.                           "A Gathering of Secrets" is a
                                                                      can  experience  the  world  Kate's  complicated  "love-  standout in a stellar series.q
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