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BUSINESS                 Saturday 14 July 2018

            Federal Reserve projects further gradual hikes in key rate

             By MARTIN CRUTSINGER                                                                                               a period of turbulence in fi-
             Associated Press                                                                                                   nancial markets earlier this
             WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                           year.
             Federal Reserve said Friday                                                                                        In  his  interview  with  the
             it  expects  low  unemploy-                                                                                        radio  program  "Market-
             ment  and  rising  inflation                                                                                       place" on Thursday, Powell
             will keep it on track to raise                                                                                     said that Fed officials have
             interest  rates  at  a  gradual                                                                                    been hearing a "rising level
             pace  over  the  next  two                                                                                         of  concern"  from  business
             years.  By  late  2019,  the                                                                                       executives  following  the
             Fed says its key policy rate                                                                                       tough  talk  from  the  Trump
             should  be  at  a  level  that                                                                                     administration,  which  has
             will be slightly restrictive for                                                                                   imposed  penalty  tariffs  on
             growth.                                                                                                            a number of countries in an
             The Fed's projection on rate                                                                                       effort  to  open  markets  for
             hikes came with release of                                                                                         U.S. goods.
             the  central  bank's  semi-                                                                                        The  effort  has  provoked
             annual monetary report to                                                                                          retaliation,  and  now  the
             Congress.  Fed  Chairman                                                                                           world's two biggest econo-
             Jerome Powell is scheduled                                                                                         mies, the United States and
             to  testify  on  the  report  for                                                                                  China,  are  in  a  full-blown
             two days next week.                                                                                                trade war.
             The  Fed  last  month  raised                                                                                      In  the  interview,  Powell
             its policy rate for a second   In this June 13, 2018, file photo, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell speaks to the media after   said  he  was  "very  pleased
             time this year and project-  the Federal Open Market Committee meeting in Washington.                              with the results" of the Fed's
             ed two more hikes in 2018.                                                                        Associated Press  gradual pace of rate hikes.
             The  monetary  report  says   median  projection  for  the  The  Fed's  interest  rate  has  place" at the moment with   "We're  returning  rates  to  a
             the expectation is that fur-  funds rate has it rising to 2.4  not been restrictive for over  unemployment at the low-  more  normal  level,"  Powell
             ther hikes will leave the rate   percent by the end of this  a  decade.  In  response  to  est point in nearly two de-  said.
             slightly  above  its  neutral   year, which would indicate  the 2008 financial crisis, the  cades  and  inflation  finally   "If  we  leave  rates  too  low
             level by late next year.    two more rate hikes are up-  Fed  cut  its  policy  rate  to  approaching the Fed's op-  for  too  long,  then  we  can
             The  Fed's  current  projec-  coming  in  2018,  and  then  a  record  low  near  zero  in  timal goal of 2 percent an-  have  too  high  inflation  or
             tion  for  the  neutral  rate  —   climbing to 3.1 percent by  December  2008  and  kept  nual increases.          we can have asset bubbles
             the  point  where  monetary   the  end  of  2019  and  3.4  it  there  for  seven  years.  It  In  the  monetary  policy  re-  or  housing  bubbles.  If  we
             policy  is  not  stimulating   percent by the end of 2020.  boosted  rates  by  a  mod-  port,  the  Fed  said  that  it   move too quickly, then we
             growth or restraining it — is   That  forecast  would  mean  est  quarter-point  in  both  expects  "a  gradual  ap-  can unintentionally put the
             2.9 percent. With the June   that the Fed's interest rates  2015  and  2016  and  then  proach  to  increasing  the   economy into a recession."
             rate hike, the current range   would  cross  a  major  mile-  raised rates by three times  target range for the federal   Powell  was  tapped  by
             for  the  policy  rate,  known   stone  next  year  toward  a  last  year  as  the  economic  funds rate will be consistent   President Donald Trump to
             as the federal funds rate, is   point  where  Fed  interest  recovery  finally  began  to  with  a  sustained  expan-  succeed  Janet  Yellen  in
             1.75 percent to 2 percent.  rates  are  no  longer  being  gain momentum.             sion  of  economic  activity,   February  as  Fed  chairman
             The policy  report says  that   kept low to boost econom-  Powell, who will testify next  strong labor market condi-  after Trump decided not to
             officials' median outlook for   ic  growth  and  will  instead  Tuesday before the Senate  tions and inflation near the   offer Yellen a second term.
             the future course of interest   begin  to  slightly  restrain  Banking Committee and on  committee's  symmetric  2   Trump  during  the  cam-
             rates  would  put  the  policy   growth in an effort to make  Wednesday  to  the  House  percent objective over the   paign was highly critical of
             rate "somewhat above" the   sure  that  low  unemploy-   Financial Services Commit-   medium term."                the  Federal  Reserve,  ac-
             neutral rate by the end of   ment  does  not  cause  the  tee, said in an interview this  The monetary report noted   cusing  officials  of  keeping
             2019 and through 2020.      economy to overheat and  week that he believed "the  that  worries  about  rising      rates  at  ultra-low  levels  to
             The  report  noted  that  the   trigger rising inflation.  economy's in a really good  trade tensions had caused   favor Democrats.q
            Stock indexes move higher

            on Wall Street

            Associated Press             with  earnings  reports  from  market heads for a second
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —    Stocks  major  banks.  Wells  Fargo,  straight  week  of  healthy
            are  moving  higher  in  mid-  which  has  been  plagued  gains.
            day trading on Wall Street,  by  investigations  into  fake  Industrial and energy com-
            having shaken off an early  accounts,  lost  2.3  percent  panies rose more than the
            wobble,  as  the  market  after  reporting  a  drop  in  rest  of  the  market  Friday.
            heads for a second straight  earnings. The S&P 500 index  Boeing  climbed  1.1  per-
            week  of  healthy  gains.  In-  rose  3  points,  or  0.1  per-  cent  and  Devon  Energy
            dustrial  and  energy  com-  cent, to 2,801.              rose 1 percent.
            panies rose more than the  The  Dow  Jones  Industrial  It  was  the  first  big  day  of
            rest  of  the  market  Friday.  Average climbed 74 points,  company earnings reports.   This Oct. 25, 2016, file photo shows the New York Stock Ex-
            United  Technologies  rose  or  0.3  percent,  to  24,998.  Wells  Fargo,  which  has   change at sunset in lower Manhattan.   Associated Press
            1.6  percent  and  EOG  Re-  The  Nasdaq  composite  been  plagued  by  inves-
            sources rose 1.7 percent,    added 11 points, or 0.2 per-  tigations  into  its  business  The S&P 500 index rose half  points,  or  0.1  percent,  to
            Financial    stocks   were  cent, to 7,835.               practices, lost 3 percent af-  a point to 2,798.          24,956.  The  Nasdaq  com-
            broadly  lower  after  inves-  Stocks  are  opening  slightly  ter reporting a drop in earn-  The  Dow  Jones  Industrial  posite  added  8  points,  or
            tors   weren't   impressed  higher on Wall Street as the  ings.                        Average  edged  up  30  0.1 percent, to 7,832.q
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