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                                                                                                       SPORTS Saturday 14 July 2018

            Betts hits slam, Red

            Sox top Blue Jays

            6-4 for 10th straight

            By The Associated Press      pass  ex-Angel  Rod  Carew
            BOSTON (AP) — Mookie Bet-    and move into a tie for 25th
            ts  fouled  off  seven  pitches  all-time  with  Rickey  Hen-
            before hitting a grand slam  derson at 3,055.
            that helped the Boston Red  It was the 50th multihomer
            Sox  beat  the  Toronto  Blue  game for Pujols, who went
            Jays 6-4 on Thursday night,  back-to-back  with  Justin
            extending  their  winning  Upton in the sixth.
            streak to 10 games.          David  Fletcher  also  hom-
            Boston has the longest cur-  ered in the first off Mariners
            rent  winning  streak  in  the  starter  James  Paxton,  who
            big leagues and hasn’t lost  left  the  game  with  lower
            since getting routed 11-1 at  back  stiffness  after  Pujols
            Yankee Stadium on July 1.  connected for the first time.
            At 66-29, the Red Sox are 37  Paxton  (8-4)  threw  just  17
            games over .500 for the first  pitches  in  his  final  start  of
            time since 1949.             the  first  half.  Skaggs  (7-5),
            David  Price  (10-6)  struck  who  missed  nine  games
            out eight over 6 2/3 innings,  with  a  hamstring  strain,
            and  Craig  Kimbrel  earned  gave  up  one  run  and  five
            his  29th  save.  All-Star  lefty  hits with five strikeouts. The   Boston Red Sox’s Mookie Betts reacts in front of Toronto Blue Jays’ Russell Martin, left, after hitting a
            J.A.  Happ  (10-6)  started  left-hander  has  allowed    grand slam during the fourth inning of a baseball game in Boston, Thursday, July 12, 2018.
            strong  for  Toronto,  striking  one  earned  run  or  less  in                                                                 Associated Press
            out  six  and  holding  Boston  six consecutive outings, the   one-hopped the wall.    since Saturday because of  Fernando  Rodney  got  two
            to  two  hits  before  running  longest such streak from an   Brett  Gardner  homered  a sore left knee.            outs  for  his  21st  save,  pre-
            into trouble and some mis-   Angels starter since George   twice  and  Gregorius  also  TWINS 5, RAYS 1             serving  the  seventh  vic-
            fortune in the fourth.       Brunet in 1968.              connected  for  the  Yan-    MINNEAPOLIS  (AP)  —  Kyle  tory in eight games for the
            ANGELS 11, MARINERS 2        YANKEES 7, INDIANS 4         kees, playing at Progressive  Gibson struck out nine bat-  Twins.  The  Rays  had  their
            ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) — Al-   CLEVELAND  (AP)  —  Aaron    Field for the first time since  ters over eight easy innings  five-game  winning  streak
            bert  Pujols  hit  two  home  Hicks drove home Didi Gre-  last  October,  when  they  for  the  Minnesota  Twins,  stopped.  Snell  (12-5)  was
            runs to tie Ken Griffey Jr. for  gorius  from  first  base  with   overcame a 2-0 deficit and  who  handed  Tampa  Bay  pulled  after  just  three  in-
            sixth place on the career list  a  one-out  double  in  the   won the AL Division Series.  ace Blake Snell his shortest  nings,  throwing  only  43  of
            with  630,  and  Los  Angeles  eighth inning off Cleveland   New  York  relievers  Adam  start  of  the  season  after  a  his  75  pitches  for  strikes.
            romped over Seattle.         ace Corey Kluber, sending    Warren,  David  Robertson  two-hour rain delay.           The  lefty  took  the  second-
            Tyler  Skaggs  pitched  six  New York to a win over the   (6-3),  Dellin  Betances  and  Eddie Rosario hit a two-run  lowest ERA in the American
            strong  innings  in  his  return  Indians.                All-Star closer Aroldis Chap-  homer for the Twins. Gibson  League into the game, with
            from the disabled list. Pujols  Hicks  drove  a  3-2  pitch   man combined for four hit-  (4-6) gave up one run and  just  two  runs  allowed  over
            hit a two-run shot in the first  from Kluber (12-5) to deep   less  innings.  Chapman  got  five  hits  without  a  walk  to  his last 28 2/3 innings while
            and a solo drive in the sixth.  center field, and Gregorius   three outs for his 25th save  earn  consecutive  wins  for  winning each of his last four
            He  also  had  three  hits  to  scored easily when the ball   —  in  his  first  appearance  the first time this year.  turns.q

            Angels’ Pujols has injection in knee, goes on DL

            LOS ANGELES (AP) —           tive,” Scioscia said.  “This is
            Albert Pujols will spend the  trying to get him to a higher
            All-Star  break  on  the  dis-  level and maybe make him
            abled  list  with  left  knee  in-  more  comfortable.”  Pujols
            flammation,  a  move  that  tied  Ken  Griffey  Jr.  on  the
            lets  the  Los  Angeles  An-  career  home  run  list  with
            gels  rest  their  slugger  with-  his 630th blast on Thursday.
            out  him  missing  too  many  Pujols is hitting .252 with 16
            games. Manager Mike Sci-     homers  and  52  RBIs.  The
            oscia said Friday that Pujols  Angels  and  Dodgers  meet
            had an injection in his knee.  in  the  Freeway  Series  this
            “He’s  been  playing  with  it  weekend before the break
            banged up for a while and  begins.  With  the  series  at
            he’s  looking  very  produc-  Dodger Stadium, there is no
                                         designated hitter, and that
                                         combined  with  the  break
                                         gives  Pujols  an  extended
                                         rest. “It should be improved
                                         by the end of the DL time,   Los Angeles Angels’ Albert Pujols watches his two-run home run during the first inning against the
                                         so we expect him back af-    Seattle Mariner during a baseball game Thursday, July 12, 2018, in Anaheim, Calif.
                                         ter that,” Scioscia said.q                                                                         Associated Press
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