Page 16 - aruba-today-20180714
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                     Saturday 14 July 2018

            Thais Franken graduates as Bachelor of Arts Organization,

            Governance and Management

                                                                      guim  and  did  a  “summer  Thais  also  did  a  inventory  sity  of  Aruba,  particularly
                                                                      course”  at  the  Haagse  of  the  amount  of  creative  the  “Organization,  Gover-
                                                                      Highschool.  As  a  student  and  cultural  resources  of  nance and Management”
                                                                      Thias  was  the  assistant  of  Aruba. Thais interviewed 16  department  congratulates
                                                                      Dr.Luc  Alofs  in  the  project  representatives  in  the  field  Thais with her achievement
                                                                      Travelling Cultural Heritage,  of  creativity  and  culture  and wishes her all the best
                                                                      which project finances the  and did a SWOT and TOWS  in Maastricht. For more info
                                                                      Scientific Investigation Insti-  analysis.  The  analysis  gave  on  what  The  University  of
                                                                      tute in Holland (NWO).       28  strategies  which  could  Aruba  has  to  offer  please
                                                                                                   facilitate  a  development  visit  their  website  of  Face-
                                                                      Regarding  her  tesis,  Thais  of a new niche in Aruba in  book.
                                                                      studied   national   docu-   the  field  of  creativity  and  OGM
                                                                      ments  of  economic  man-    culture, the so called “Cul-
                                                                      agement,  UNESCO  docu-      ture and Creative Industries  https://www.facebook.
                                                                      ments    and   documents  (CCI).                          com/pages/University-of-
            ORANJESTAD  ―  Last  Fri-    Thais  did  her  internship  at  investigating  how  coun-                             Aruba-OGM-Organization-
            day  in  a  classroom  at  the  the  Department  of  Econo-  tries with a small economy  Thais is now going to do her  Governance-Manage-
            University  of  Aruba,  Thais  my, Commerce and Indus-    (SIDS) can attend with “Sus-  Masters  at  the  University  ment-FAS/  q
            Franken  defended  her  te-  try  (DEZHI).  There  her  pas-  tainable   Development”.  of  Maastricht.  The  Univer-
            sis  successfully  in  front  of  sion for culture and her in-
            the graduation commission  terest for the topic “Sustain-
            which  consisted  of  Dr.Luc  able  Development  Goals”
            Alofs, Drs.Yolanda Richard-  (SDGs)  in  the  area  of  cul-
            son  and  Zulema  Dabian-    ture  and  creativity,  which
            Erasmus,  MA.  The  defense  could  be  a  possible  new
            of  her  tesis  took  place  in  economic  pillar  for  Aruba,
            front of a mixed audience,  grew more and more.
            family  members,  friends
            and classmates.              Before this Thais did a edu-
                                         cational  exchange  in  Bel-
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