Page 15 - aruba-today-20180714
P. 15

                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 14 July 2018

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored a loyal visitor at Paradise Beach Villas

            PALM  BEACH  ―  Recently  Mrs.  Lana  Coleman  resi-      Beach Club bestowed the
            the Aruba Tourism Authority  dent of Indianapolis city.   certificate  of  the  Ambas-
            honored Distinguished Visi-                               sador  and  thanked  them
            tor and of Aruba as a token  Ms.  Darline  de  Cuba  rep-  for choosing Aruba as their
            of  appreciation  for  visiting  resenting  the  Aruba  Tour-  vacation  destination  and
            the island for more than 13  ism  Authority,  and  mem-   as  their  home  away  from
            years  and  more  consecu-   bers  of  Paradise  Beach  home for so many years on
            tive years. Honorees were:  Villas,  members  of  Aruba  behalf  of  the  Government

                                                                                                   of Aruba.
                                                                                                   Top  reason  for  returning
                                                                                                   provided  by  the  honorees
                                                                                                   - The warm inviting sun
                                                                                                   -  The  gracious  treatment
                                                                                                   from everyone
                                                                                                   - The Sea & Climate
                                                                                                   -  Wonderful  place  to  be
                                                                                                   bring friends & family
                                                                                                   - Family Atmosphere q
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