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Saturday 14 July 2018
Stripling, Dodgers beat Ross, Padres 3-2 to take 3 of 4
By The Associated Press
SAN DIEGO (AP) — Andrew
Toles broke a scoreless tie
with an RBI single off Tyson
Ross in the seventh inning
to help All-Star Ross Stripling
and Los Angeles take three
of four from last-place San
Ross (5-8) took a one-hit
shutout into the seventh be-
fore it fell apart. Chris Tay-
lor doubled with one out
and manager Andy Green
came out to check on the
big right-hander. Green let
Ross stay in, but he allowed
Toles’ single on his 101st
pitch and was pulled.
Craig Stammen loaded the
bases before pinch-hitter
Matt Kemp singled to bring
in Toles. Joc Pederson fol-
lowed with an RBI single.
Stripling (8-2) held the Pa-
dres to six hits in six scoreless
He was added to the NL
All-Star roster Wednesday Los Angeles Dodgers starting pitcher Ross Stripling watches a throw to a San Diego Padres batter during the first inning of a
in place of St. Louis right- baseball game Thursday, July 12, 2018, in San Diego.
hander Miles Mikolas, who
is scheduled to start Sun- Associated Press
day. had pinch-hit RBI singles in Arizona left-hander Robbie NEW YORK (AP) — Max for the NL lead in wins. He
All-Star closer Kenley Jan- Colorado’s three-run sixth Ray (3-2) hit Carlos Gonza- Scherzer made a final pitch struck out five, boosting
sen pitched the ninth for his inning. Trevor Story hom- lez and walked Chris Ian- to start the All-Star Game his league-leading total to
26th save. ered for the Rockies, and netta with one out before on his own mound, Antho- 182. Ryan Madson closed
San Diego’s Wil Myers hit Kyle Freeland pitched six- he was replaced by Silvino ny Rendon hit two homers for his fourth save.
a two-run double off Scott hit ball into the sixth inning. Bracho, who was called and Bryce Harper also con- Rendon hit a two-run hom-
Alexander with two outs in Scott Oberg (3-0) got two up before the game. Parra nected, leading Washing- er off Steven Matz (4-7) in
the seventh. outs for the win. then hit a tying single to ton over New York. the first and added a solo
ROCKIES 5, DIAMOND- Colorado was coming off right, and Tapia followed Scherzer (12-5) didn’t domi- drive in the third. His fourth
BACKS 1 a 19-2 victory Wednesday with another single off An- nate over his seven in- career multihomer perfor-
DENVER (AP) — Gerardo night, but it trailed 1-0 be- drew Chafin. nings, but managed to tie mance gave him six hom-
Parra and Raimel Tapia fore its rally in the sixth. NATIONALS 5, METS 4 Philadelphia’s Aaron Nola ers in 13 games. q
AP Source: Dodgers’ Chase Utley to retire at season’s end
By BETH HARRIS World Series title in 2008, roster. But his role has been
AP Sports Writer combining with shortstop reduced from starter in
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Chase Jimmy Rollins as a standout 2016 to platoon player last
Utley’s 16-year baseball ca- double-play duo. year to part-time starter
reer is nearing an end. Utley has a .276 career av- and pinch-hitter this sea-
A person with knowledge erage with 259 home runs. son.
of the situation said Friday He is renowned for his base- He has started 30 of 57
the six-time All-Star will re- stealing ability, with 153 games so far, hitting .231
tire from the Los Angeles steals in 175 attempts. with 14 RBIs and one home
Dodgers at the end of this The Phillies traded Utley to run going into Friday night’s
season. The person spoke the Dodgers in August 2015. game against the Angels.
to The Associated Press on That fall, Utley broke the leg Utley will surely be farewell
condition of anonymity of Mets shortstop Ruben Te- feted when the Dodgers
because Utley’s decision jada with a hard slide into visit the Phillies from July 23-
had not been formally an- second base in Game 2 of 25. His former teammates
nounced. Los Angeles Dodgers infielder Chase Utley pauses for a moment the National League Divi- from the 2008 champion-
Utley was to speak at a during a news conference held to announce his retirement at sion Series. Utley was sus- ship team, Shane Victorino
news conference later Fri- the end of the season, Friday, July 13, 2018, in Los Angeles. pended for Games 3 and 4 and Jayson Werth, recently
day at Dodger Stadium. Associated Press of the series. announced their retire-
The topic was not disclosed. tract. lies, earning five All-Star Utley has provided a veter- ments.
The 2019 season would The 39-year-old second berths and winning four an’s perspective and been Born in nearby Pasadena,
have been the final year of baseman made his name Silver Slugger awards. He influential in the clubhouse Utley played at Long Beach
a $2 million, two-year con- with the Philadelphia Phil- helped the team to a with the Dodgers’ young Poly High and UCLA.q