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                     Saturday 14 July 2018
            How to pick a new password, now that Twitter wants one

            By ANICK JESDANUN                                                                                                   naming  the  file  “pass-
            AP Technology Writer                                                                                                words.” Call it “badmovies”
            NEW YORK (AP) — Yet an-                                                                                             or something innocuous.
            other  service  is  asking  you                                                                                     ___
            to change your password.                                                                                            RESET AND REFRESH
            Twitter  said  Thursday  it  dis-                                                                                   Some  security  experts  rec-
            covered a bug that stored                                                                                           ommend that you change
            passwords in an internal log                                                                                        your  passwords  frequently,
            in  plain  text,  without  the                                                                                      though  treat  that  advice
            usual  encryption.  Though                                                                                          with caution. When there’s
            Twitter  says  there’s  no  in-                                                                                     a  breach,  it  doesn’t  mat-
            dication  that  anyone  has                                                                                         ter  whether  that  password
            stolen  or  misused  those                                                                                          is  two  weeks  or  two  years
            passwords, the company is                                                                                           old.  And  if  you  change
            recommending  a  change                                                                                             passwords  too  often,  you
            as a precaution.                                                                                                    risk  forgetting  them  and
            Here are some tips on com-                                                                                          falling back on simpler, less-
            ing up with a new password                                                                                          secure passwords.
            and safeguarding your ac-                                                                                           ___
            count — even if your pass-                                                                                          A BETTER SAFEGUARD
            word is compromised.                                                                                                You  can  ignore  much  of
            ___                                                                                                                 this  advice  if  you  just  do
            COMPLEXITY COUNTS                                                                                                   one thing: Turn on two-fac-
            Don’t  even  think  of  using   This April 26, 2017, file photo shows the Twitter icon on a mobile phone, in Philadelphia.  tor  authentication,  which
            “password”  as  your  pass-                                                                        Associated Press  Twitter  calls  “login  verifica-
            word.  Picking  any  com-    etcalendar”      becomes  KEEP PASSWORDS FRESH            and     Facebook      gets  tion.” You’ll get a text with
            mon  word  as  your  pass-   “rocket44!calendaR.”  (But  Each  service  should  have  “rocket44!calendaRfac.”       a  code  each  time  you  try
            word  should  be  avoided  don’t use that one; the fact  its  own  password.  If  you  You  can  turn  to  a  pass-  to log in from a new device
            because it’s easily guessed  that it’s in this article means  use   “rocket44!calendaR”  word-manager     service  or web browser. So even if
            using software that tries out  hackers  probably  already  on  Twitter,  don’t  use  it  on  to  help  you  keep  track  of  hackers get your password,
            every  word  in  the  diction-  have it in their databases.)  Facebook.  Once  hack-   various  passwords,  though  they can’t do much unless
            ary.However, you can get a  Some  services  will  even  ers  get  your  password  on  make sure the one you use  they have your phone — or
            good password by combin-     require  your  passwords  to  one service, they’ll try it on  hasn’t had its own security  some  other  way  to  inter-
            ing two or more words, such  have  certain  character-    other  services,  too.  Out-  problems . If you’re storing  cept the code.
            as “rocketcalendar.” Sprin-  istics.  As  you  type  a  new  smart them by using a fresh  passwords in a spreadsheet  Of  course,  this  makes  it
            kle  in  some  numerals  and  password on Twitter, the ser-  password each time. It can  or other document on your  even  more  important  to
            punctuation  marks,  and  vice will tell you whether it’s  be as simple as adding the  computer,  be  sure  to  pro-  protect your phone with a
            make some of those letters  “Too  Obvious”  or  “Weak.”  first three letters of the ser-  tect  it  with  its  own  pass-  passcode,  so  that  no  else
            in caps, and you’ve got a  Go for “Very Strong.”          vice’s name, so Twitter gets  word  (Microsoft  Office  lets  can  get  these  texts  if  your
            strong password. So “rock-   ___                          “rocket44!calendaRtwi”  you  encrypt  files).  Avoid  phone is lost or stolen.q

            Rights group questions DEA exploit of encrypted cellphones

            By FRANK BAJAK               on  the  Drug  Enforcement  one way or the other, espe-   for the wiretapping until af-  The  company  did  not  re-
            AP Cybersecurity Writer      Administration  to  explain  cially  with  ongoing  cases  ter the booby-trapped de-   spond Friday to an emailed
            In the first known case of its  whether  the  technique  —  awaiting adjudication.”    vices  had  been  delivered  request  for  comment  or  a
            kind, U.S. drug agents sup-  employed in a 2012 south-    Court  papers  indicate  un-  in  exchanges  typically  oc-  phone message.
            plied  unwitting  cocaine-   ern  California  case  involv-  dercover  federal  agents  curring  in  parking  lots  in  The  FBI  has  recently  re-
            trafficking  suspects  in  Cali-  ing  a  Canadian  operat-  first supplied Krokos’ group  southern California.     newed its push to persuade
            fornia  with  smartphones  ing  out  of  Puerto  Vallarta,  with  compromised  Black-  Sparks would not comment  technology        companies
            they thought were encrypt-   Mexico — is still being em-  berry  cellphones  in  2010.  on the issue: “The courts will  to give it a back door into
            ed but had been rigged to  ployed and whether its use  Encrypted emails and oth-       determine that. That’s why  encrypted  devices  for  use
            allow  eavesdropping,  Hu-   is widespread.               er  communications  that  the courts exist,”              in  criminal  investigations.
            man Rights Watch reported  The Canadian, John Krokos,  the  defendants  thought  The  DEA  also  prevented  Companies  led  by  Apple
            Friday.                      pleaded  guilty  in  2015  to  were  private  were  instead  the  defendants  from  buy-  have  resisted  the  cam-
            The  advocacy  group  said  related felony charges with  intercepted by law officers  ing  non-compromised  en-     paign,  noting  that  such
            it  feared  the  technique  Los  Angeles-based  associ-   because they had decryp-     crypted BlackBerry devices  back doors can also be ex-
            could be abused to violate  ates. He was sentenced to  tion keys.                      from other sellers, including  ploited by data thieves.q
            the  privacy  of  non-crimi-  138 months in prison.       “I  believe  that,  since  the  by arranging for their inter-
            nals.                        DEA    spokesman     Wade  (Blackberries)  had  encryp-   ception  in  Mexico,  court
            “I  think  there  are  real  de-  Sparks in Washington, D.C.,  tion  technology  on  them,  papers show.
            bates  to  be  had  as  to  said at least one defendant  Krokos  felt  relatively  safe  Human  Rights  Watch  said
            whether  that  is  lawful  or  is still awaiting trial.   in  communicating  over  Blackberry,  the  phone’s
            should  be  lawful,”  said  “We  can’t  comment  on  the devices,” a DEA agent  maker  and  service  provid-
            HRW  researcher  Sarah  St.  the case or any of the tech-  who  provided  the  phones  er,  said  it  had  no  involve-
            Vincent.  “They  could  use  niques used until the case is  to ring members said in an  ment in the DEA operation
            this  on  peaceful  protest-  fully  adjudicated,”  Sparks  affidavit.                 and  no  ability  to  decrypt
            ers, (though) there’s no evi-  said,  adding  that  the  DEA  Available court documents  the   encrypted   phones
            dence of that.”              was not going to “give out  suggest  the  DEA  may  not  used because the keys are
            Human Rights Watch called  investigative     techniques  have obtained court orders  controlled by the customer.
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