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                                                                                                       SPORTS Saturday 14 July 2018

            Anderson tops Isner 26-24 at

            Wimbledon; other SF suspended

            By HOWARD FENDRICH           Because      Nadal     and  don  doesn’t  use  tiebreak-
            AP Tennis Writer             Djokovic didn’t begin play-  ers  in  the  fifth  set  for  men,
            LONDON (AP) — To say that  ing  until  after  8  p.m.,  the  or  third  set  for  women,  so
            Kevin  Anderson  won  this  retractable roof above the  there’s  nothing  to  prevent
            interminable    Wimbledon  main stadium was shut be-      a  match  from  continuing
            semifinal, and that John Is-  tween  the  matches  and  ad infinitum. Both Isner and
            ner lost it, didn’t really seem  the  arena’s  artificial  lights  Anderson  said  they’d  like
            fair. To Anderson, anyway.   were turned on. Now they’ll  to see that change.
            They  had  played  on  and  come back Saturday to fig-    At  one  point  in  the  fifth   South Africa’s Kevin Anderson, right, is congratulated by John
            on,  through  6  1/2  hours  of  ure  out  who  will  face  An-  set,  a  spectator  shouted,   Isner of the United States, right, after their men’s singles semifinals
            ho-hum hold after ho-hum  derson in the final, resuming  “Come on, guys! We want       match  at  the  Wimbledon  Tennis  Championships,  in  London,
                                                                                                   Friday July 13, 2018.
            hold,  during  the  second-  at 1 p.m. local time, under  to see Rafa!”                                                         Associated Press
            longest match in the history  the roof.                   The 6-foot-8 Anderson and
            of  a  tournament  that  be-  The women’s final between  6-10 Isner go way back, to
            gan in 1877, all the way un-  Serena  Williams  and  An-  their college days, Isner at
            til the never-ending serving  gelique  Kerber  will  then  Georgia,  Anderson  at  Illi-
            marathon  did,  finally,  end  follow.  That  creates  an  nois.  In  the  pros,  Isner  had
            at  26-24  in  the  fifth  set  Fri-  unusual  situation:  Instead  won  eight  of  11  previous
            day,  with  Anderson  claim-  of a standard 2 p.m. start,  matchups. But this one was
            ing  the  most  important  of  Williams  and  Kerber  won’t  as close as can be.
            the 569 points — the last.   know  exactly  when  their  There  wasn’t  a  whole  lot
            So when Anderson left Cen-   match will begin.            of  intrigue,  or  momentum
            tre  Court,  well  aware  that  Anderson will certainly ap-  shifts.  The  serving,  though,
            his  7-6  (6),  6-7  (5),  6-7  (9),  preciate  the  chance  to  was  something  else.  Isner
            6-4,  26-24  victory  earned  put  his  feet  up  ahead  of  pounded  his  at  up  to  142
            him  the  chance  to  win  his  Sunday’s final, while Nadal  mph;  Anderson  reached
            first Grand Slam title at age  and Djokovic — who have  136  mph.  They  combined
            32,  the  South  African  said:  a combined 29 Grand Slam  for 102 aces: 53 by Isner, 49
            “At  the  end,  you  feel  like  titles between them, five at  by Anderson.
            this is a draw between the  Wimbledon  —  push  each  “The effort they both put in
            two of us.”                  other some more.             and the performance and
            He continued: “John’s such  Anderson’s  fifth  set  alone  the guts, the way they com-
            a  great  guy,  and  I  really  lasted nearly 3 hours as his  peted — a lot to be proud
            feel for him, because if I’d  semifinal became a test of  of,”  said  Justin  Gimelstob,
            been on the opposite side,  endurance more than skill.    one of Isner’s coaches.
            I don’t know how you can  “He  stayed  the  course  in-   Both  failed  to  seize  early
            take  that,  playing  for  so  credibly well,” said the No.  opportunities. Isner wasted
            long and coming up short.”   9 seed Isner, a 33-year-old  a  set  point  in  the  opener.
            Only one match at Wimble-    American playing in his first  Anderson  served  for  the
            don  ever  lasted  longer:  Is-  major semifinal. “Just disap-  third  at  5-3,  got  broken,
            ner’s 2010 first-round victory  pointed to lose. I was pretty  and then had a pair of set
            over  Nicolas  Mahut,  the  close  to  making  a  Grand  points  in  that  tiebreaker,
            longest match in tennis his-  Slam  final  and  it  didn’t  double-faulting one away.
            tory.  It  went  more  than  11  happen.”  Anderson  finally  By  the  latter  stages,  with
            hours over three days and  earned the must-have, go-      break  chances  so  rare,
            finished 70-68 in the fifth on  ahead  service  break  with  murmurs   would   spread
            Court 18, which now bears  the help of a point in which  through  the  Centre  Court
            a plaque commemorating  the  right-hander  tumbled  stands whenever a game’s
            it.  Friday’s  contest  lasted  to his backside, scrambled  returner  got  to  love-15  or
            so  long,  the  day’s  second  back  to  his  feet  and  hit  a  love-30.
            semifinal didn’t finish.     shot lefty.                  Could we be about to see
            Novak  Djokovic  was  lead-  “That  definitely  brings  a  the sixth and last break of a
            ing  Rafael  Nadal  6-4,  3-6,  smile  to  my  face,”  said  match  that  would  end  up
            7-6  (9)  in  a  compelling  Anderson,  the  runner-up  with 90 holds?
            showdown  filled  with  en-  to  Nadal  at  last  year’s  Repeatedly,  the  answer
            tertaining  points  that  was  U.S.  Open.  “At  that  stage,  was, of course, “No,” even
            suspended  as  soon  as  the  you’re just trying to fight in  when Anderson held break
            third  set  concluded  at  just  every single moment, and I  points  at  7-all,  10-all  and
            past  11  p.m.,  the  curfew  was like, ‘Just get up!’”   17-all. The 10-all game end-
            at  the  All  England  Club.  The  No.  8  seed  Ander-   ed with Isner hitting a fore-
            Some people in the stands  son  eliminated  eight-time  hand passing winner on the
            booed the decision to halt  Wimbledon        champion  run to hold, then letting his
            the match after a fantastic  Roger  Federer  in  a  13-11  momentum  carry  him  di-
            tiebreaker  in  which  Nadal  fifth  set  in  the  quarterfinals  rectly  to  his  sideline  chair,
            wasted  three  set  points  at  Wednesday. Between that  where  he  plopped  himself
            6-5,  7-6  and  8-7.  Djokovic  and  the  energy-sapper  down.
            cashed  in  on  his  second  against  Isner,  it’s  hard  to  By the end, he was looking
            when  Nadal’s  backhand  imagine  how  Anderson  exhausted, leaning over to
            found  the  net  after  an  will  have  much  left  for  his  rest a hand on a knee be-
            18-stroke exchange.          second Slam final. Wimble-   tween points.q
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