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Saturday 14 July 2018
Kim takes 4-shot lead at weather-delayed John Deere Classic
SILVIS, Illinois (AP) — Mi- Hearn has had an up-and- PGA Tour win two weeks
chael Kim took a four-shot down year, missing eight ago at the Quicken Loans
lead Friday at the John cuts. National outside Washing-
Deere Classic in the Quad But his irons have been di- ton, and the Italian contin-
Cities, which was sus- aled in at TPC Deere Run. ued his strong play at TPC
pended twice because of He birdied three of the four Deere Run with rounds of
weather concerns. par-3s on Friday. 6-under and 5-under.
Kim, who is winless in 84 ca- “I think I just have good feel- Renowned for his ball-strik-
reer PGA Tour starts, was ings around this golf course. ing, Molinari hit 12 of 14 fair-
16 under through 35 holes, I’ve always enjoyed play- ways and 14 of 18 greens
with the second round to ing it. I am putting the ball in regulation both Thursday
be completed Saturday in play off the tee, which and Friday.
morning. isn’t as hard here as some “I’m happy, yeah. The
Kim birdied eight of his first of the other golf courses we game is still there. I think
14 holes without a bogey to play. I can hit my irons a little
race past first-round leader But when I am doing that, bit better, especially the
Steve Wheatcroft, who I’m giving myself good wedges. (Thursday) and
shot 68. chances for birdie,” Hearn (Friday have) been OK, but
Wheatcroft was 12 under said. “The putter has been not great, so there is room
along with David Hearn hot.” for improvement,” Molinari
(64) and Johnson Wagner Wheatcroft, who led on said.
(66). Thursday after the best Local favorite Zach John-
Francesco Molinari was round of his career, made son, who won at the Quad
11 under along with Matt three bogeys on his back Cities in 2012 and has seven
Jones and Bronson Bur- nine. top-5 finishes at TPC Deere
goon, who made two But he’s still in position for his Run, shot a 70 to move to
eagles on Friday and was first top-10 finish of the sea- 3-under, just inside the pro-
8 under for the round with son. jected cut line.
three holes to play. Michael Kim watches a shot on the eighth hole during the first- “Just need to tighten things Friday’s round was delayed
The 24-year-old Kim, a for- round of the John Deere Classic golf tournament Thursday, July up a little bit, and hopefully by nearly an hour because
mer standout at Cal, Kim, 12, 2018, in Silvis, Ill. a good night of rest and of poor weather.
pushed his lead to three Associated Press get hydrated here and It was resumed and then
shots by hitting a wedge 13th. son, followed that up with we’ll come back out (Sat- called because of another
from 111 yards to within 5 Kim, who had missed the a 13-footer for birdie on the urday),” Wheatcroft said. batch of storms that de-
feet for birdie on the par-4 cut in 14 of 22 starts this sea- par-4 14th. Molinari got his first official scended on the area.q
Henderson, Hedwall share lead at Marathon Classic
SYLVANIA, Ohio (AP) — since the 2015 Handa Aus-
Brooke Henderson has tralian Open that she has
struggled in her past two held the lead after 36 holes.
appearances at the Mara- “I’ve been in this situation,
thon Classic. and I mean, it was a long
The 20-year old Canadian time ago, though,” said
finds herself tied for the Hedwall, who shot a 4-un-
lead after two rounds of der 67 on Friday.
the tournament following a “I’m just looking forward to
bogey-free 5-under par 66 the weekend. This is obvi-
on Friday to move into a tie ously what you practice
with Caroline Hedwall. Both and work hard for, to be in
are at 9-under 133 through contention.”
36 holes. The 29-year-old Swede has
“It’s just fun to be in conten- matched a career high for
tion again and to see your the lowest 36-hole score of
name at the top of the lea- her career, which was in
derboard, it’s exciting, and Australia.
hopefully good things will Like Henderson, she also
happen,” Henderson said. birdied the last two holes to
Henderson, who won ear- move to the top of the lea-
lier this season in Hawaii derboard.
and has six career victories, Thidapa Suwannapura was
missed the cut last year at one shot back and defend-
Highland Meadows and ing champion I.K. Kim was
finished tied for 38th in 2016. Caroline Hedwall gets ready before putting on the ninth green during the second round of the three strokes behind.
She shot a 3-under 31 on LPGA Marathon Classic golf tournament Friday, July 13, 2018, at Highland Meadows in Sylvania, Sei Young Kim, who shot an
the front nine and then Ohio. LPGA Tour-record 31-under
birdied the final two holes, Associated Press to win last week’s event in
both par 5s, to move into a really important, and it’s excited to be in the final morning on Friday, is look- Wisconsin, was eight shots
tie with Hedwall. fun to see your name at the group.” ing for her first LPGA Tour back after a 1-over 72 on
“To finish birdie-birdie was top,” Henderson said. “I’m Hedwall, who played in the victory. This is the first time Friday.q