Page 13 - aruba-today-20180714
P. 13
Saturday 14 July 2018
Talented young artists looking for support
presenting magnificent concert on Freewinds
ORANJESTAD ― As we al- cultural life on the island,
ready know, this evening a but also to give an oppor-
magnificent Concert pre- tunity to various talented
sented by the “Go Cultura youngsters of Aruba to per-
Foundation” aboard the form on stage.
Freewinds Cruise ship. This
concert is not only to col- Their enthusiasm is very
lect funds for the foundation high. Just the simple fact
in order for it to continue its that they will be presenting
important job to stimulate in a concert on such excel-
and to exalt the artistic and lent level, means a lot to If you still don’t have your
them. tickets we advise you to
It is up to us now to give our pay a visit to the main of-
total support to such impor- fice of “Go Cultura Foun-
tant and positive cause by dation” at J.G. Emanstraat
buying tickets, filling the 24 during office hours. You
entire concert hall on the can also contact with them
Freewinds, so that these on their Facebook page or
youngsters can present in at phone # 5830808, mo-
front of a big audience. bile 5695442 or by email at
The cast of artist under the
guidance of “The Free- Tickets are also available
winds Band” together with at Fantastic Gardens and
Edjean Semeleer will con- Taste my Aruba Cafe. Let’s
sist of Gigi Linarez, Rileyson demonstrate genuine sup-
Sint Jago, Ferghall Vlaun, port to our local artists that
Shannon Bueno, Camilo are working hard continu-
Bastidas, Shania Henry, ously to achieve positive
Liam Kelly, Jeremy Garcia, things and to exalt our rich
Stephanie Albertus and cultural heritage. We are
Jeanedy Semeleer. doing our part. Are you? q