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Saturday 14 July 2018
Demonstrators mock Donald Trump; protest his visit to the UK
Associated Press
LONDON (AP) — Thousands
crammed the streets of
central London on Friday
to vent their anger over
Donald Trump’s first offi-
cial visit to Britain, blowing
horns, waving banners and
hoisting a bright orange ef-
figy of the U.S. president on
their shoulders
Filing past palaces of high-
end commerce — Apple,
Burberry, Brooks Brothers —
marchers criticized Trump’s
policies on immigration, cli-
mate change and torture,
as well as his treatment
of women. Some carried
more than one sign, unable
to choose which policy
they hated the most.
The Rev. Nigel Sinclair,
a 53-year-old Church of
England preacher, came
in what he called his Sun-
day vicar’s outfit, carrying
a sign that showed how
Trump’s ideas differ from
those of Jesus Christ. Susie
Mazur, 29, from Salisbury A six-meter high cartoon baby blimp of U.S. President Donald Trump is flown as a protest against his visit, England, Friday, July 13,
in southwestern England, 2018.
crocheted a Donald Trump Associated Press
pin-cushion and wore it on ed to make clear that not ment Square to take in the hospitable to a govern- monarch, morphed into a
her head, winning praise everyone found the pro- spectacle. Deborah Burns, ment that is very impor- two-day “working visit” with
from fellow protesters. tests amusing. Obodo, a Ni- 43, of Newcastle in north- tant,” Trump told Britain’s much less pomp and cir-
“People coming here gerian living in London, said ern England, brought along Sun newspaper. “Now, he cumstance amid concern
nowadays feel very hope- he wanted to add his voice her 10-year old daughter, might not like the current about security and crowds
less about what is happen- to those who are quieter, Monica Siddique. president, but I represent in central London.
ing. They don’t like what is but believe Trump is doing “I think it’s a good way the United States. I also Trump avoided the protests
happening in the U.K., in a good job on issues such to stop Trump from being represent a lot of people by largely staying away
America, across the world as pushing NATO members mean to the rest of the in Europe, because a lot of from the capital. After a
— there are so many prob- to increase their defense world,” Monica said of the people from Europe are in black-tie dinner 60 miles
lems,” Mazur said. “Every- spending. balloon. “He says, ‘Oh, this the United States.” (100 kilometers) outside
one has the same goal. “America is not a cash is a free world.’ But then he Khan, who has been a tar- London, he spent Thursday
What they want is to stop point,” he said. goes and builds walls. ... He get of Trump’s ire before, night at the U.S. ambassa-
hate, basically.” The day began with a giant acts like a baby.” said his job was to make dor’s residence in Regents
As Trump met with Prime balloon that caricatured Some Americans living in sure the protests were Park, then flew by helicop-
Minister Theresa May at her Trump as a screaming or- London came to see the peaceful, not to be a cen- ter to May’s country retreat,
country retreat outside the ange baby flying outside balloon, wearing the Stars sor or the “arbiter of good Chequers, for his meeting
city, the protesters gath- the Houses of Parliament. and Stripes draped over taste.” “The idea that I with the prime minister, fol-
ered outside embassies, The diaper-clad infant, with their shoulders. Other spec- would stop a blimp or a lowed by another flight to
offices and homes carrying a quiff of hair and a mobile tators just came to take pic- balloon flying over London Windsor Palace for tea with
signs that read, “Human phone for tweeting, was tures as the balloon floated because it may cause of- Queen Elizabeth II.
rights have no border,” and the centerpiece of demon- overhead for two hours. fense, and thereby curtail He then headed for Scot-
“Mother Earth unites us,” strations. “It’s a very British way of the rights people have to land, where he was to
before marching past the “Depicting Trump as a protesting — we don’t like protest when it’s not un- spend the weekend at one
shops of Regent’s Street baby is a great way of tar- to throw stones,” said Phil safe, it’s not un-peaceful, of his private golf clubs.
on their way to Piccadilly geting his fragile ego, and Chapman, 59, of Hayfield, I think people would find Ahead of Trump’s arrival,
Circus and finally Trafalgar mocking him is our main a village in Derbyshire. “It’s a bit astonishing,” Khan hundreds of people gath-
Square, which the city calls motivation,” said Matthew far easier to protest in a told the BBC. Anger over ered in Scotland’s largest
a “center of national de- Bonner, one of the orga- pleasant way. If you can Trump’s visit has been sim- city, Glasgow, to protest
mocracy and protest.” nizers of the balloon flight. do that with humor, you will mering ever since May in- the U.S. president’s U.K. visit.
Not everyone was protest- “He doesn’t seem to be get more attention.” vited the president for a Among them was Emily
ing against Trump, howev- affected by the moral out- Trump criticized London state visit just a week after Bryce, who proudly carried
er. Augustine Chukwuma rage that comes from his Mayor Sadiq Khan, who his inauguration last year. a homemade banner writ-
Obodo, who wore a “Make behavior and his policies. refused to prevent the bal- The event, which would ten in Gaelic, in recognition
America Great Again!” hat You can’t reason with him, loon from flying, in an inter- normally include glittering of Trump’s Highland roots.
and a “Trump for President but you can ridicule him.” view published Friday. horse-drawn carriages and “Donald Trump, son of the
in 2020” shirt, said he want- Hundreds crammed Parlia- “I think he has not been a state dinner hosted by the devil,” it read.q