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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 14 July 2018

            Benches, trees, caves provide respite in Arizona flood

            By  FELICIA  FONSECA  and  day  evening  and  before
            ALINA HARTOUNIAN             dawn Thursday forced the
            Associated Press             evacuation  of  about  200
            FLAGSTAFF,  Ariz.  (AP)  —  tourists.  Some  had  only
            Benji Xie stood beside a trail  their swim suits on and had
            in  an  Arizona  canyon,  his  to abandon their camping
            camera  fixed  on  a  water-  gear.
            fall cascading into a blue-  All  the  tourists  were  ac-
            green  pool  where  people  counted  for  and  no  one
            swam  beneath  a  double  was  seriously  injured,  tribal
            rainbow.                     spokeswoman  Abbie  Fink
            A  few  hours  later,  the  said.
            weather took a drastic turn.  The  tribe  used  ATVs,  rope
            Wind     started   blowing  and manpower to get the
            through the trees and sent  tourists  from  the  camp-
            dirt  swirling  deep  in  the  ground  below  the  village
            gorge  off  the  Grand  Can-  of Supai to a school, where
            yon.  Rain  came  down  in  they  spent  the  night  and
            sheets.                      were  given  food  and  sup-
            Soon,  the  popular  camp-   plies.
            ground  on  the  Havasupai  A helicopter flew out about
            reservation  was  inundat-   five tourists at a time.
            ed  with  water  rising  high  Supai  Village  saw  minor   This Thursday, July 12, 2018 photo released by Benji Xie shows flooding from a waterfall on the
                                                                      Havasupai reservation in Supai, Ariz.
            above  the  shallow  creek  flooding in and around trib-                                                                       Associated Press
            that runs through it.        al buildings.
            Water  sloshed  up  around  Crews  will  start  assessing   rushed through a swimming  soon  season  and  an  ex-   years. Still, it’s a hit to tour-
            tents,  burying  some  in  the  damage  Friday  to  de-   hole in a canyon northeast  pected  uptick  in  rain  this  ism in a place that relies on
            dirt.   Tourists   scrambled  termine  when  it’s  safe  for   of Phoenix. In another inci-  year.                  visitors.
            to  benches,  trees  and  tourists  to  return,  Fink  said.   dent, seven people died at  The  canyon  is  accessible  About  400  tribal  members
            caves as they sought high-   The  canyon  and  the  road   Utah’s Zion National Park in  only  by  foot,  helicopter  or  live in Supai. Many make a
            er  ground.    Some  were  leading  to  a  parking  lot   September 2015 when they  mule  ride,  making  it  cru-   living by working in the ar-
            stranded on newly formed  above  it  will  be  closed  to   were  trapped  in  a  flash  cial to have as much of a  ea’s lodge, cafe and small
            islands, Xie said.           visitors for at least a week,   flood while hiking at a pop-  heads-up as possible when  store,  or  packing  camp-
            The waterfall that Xie pho-  she said.                    ular slot canyon.            floods are approaching so  ing  gear  onto  the  backs
            tographed  earlier  looked  During  monsoon  season,      The  Havasupai  reservation  people  can  seek  higher  of  mules  headed  up  and
            much different.              rain  can  fall  heavy  and   lies  within  a  steep-walled  ground.                   down a winding trail.
            “Everything    is   brown  fast.  Flood  waters  often    canyon that’s relatively flat  Klimowski  said  the  agency  Rather than panic, Xie said
            and  muddy  now,”  Xie,  a  rush unexpectedly through     at  the  bottom,  said  Brian  contacted the tribe around  most of the campers were
            25-year-old  Seattle  resi-  normally  dry  canyons  and   Klimowski  of  the  National  6:30 p.m. Wednesday with  in a state of disbelief about
            dent,  said  Thursday  while  washes,  sometimes  with    Weather  Service  in  Flag-  a  flood  advisory  for  the  what  had  happened.  Still,
            awaiting  his  turn  to  be  tragic consequences.         staff.                       area.  The  first  hard  rain  hit  he said he would not hesi-
            flown out.                   Ten members of an Arizona    “When  the  water  rises,  it  about  45  minutes  later.  A  tate to return to the water-
            The  heavy  flooding  in  two  family  were  killed  last  July   can  engulf  a  significant  gauge downstream of the  falls.
            separate  events  Wednes-    when a torrent of rain water   part  of  the  canyon  area,  Colorado River, which flows  “That  was  one  of  those
                                                                      and that’s what happened  through  the  Grand  Can-       places  I  would  look  on
                                                                      down in the campground,”  yon, showed an eight-foot  Google          images    while
                                                                      he said.                     rise in the water level.     bored  at  work  and  say,
                                                                      A  tribal  website  alerts  visi-  The  flooding  was  minor  ‘How  do  I  get  here?’”  Xie
                                                                      tors  to  be  aware  of  mon-  compared   to   previous  said.q
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