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                     Saturday 14 July 2018

            Agency watchdog slams ex-HHS chief Price on costly travel

            By    RICARDO     ALONSO-                                                                                           get and health care issues.
            ZALDIVAR                                                                                                            But as secretary of HHS, he
            Associated Press                                                                                                    never  produced  a  health
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            care  plan  to  “repeal  and
            government     wasted    at                                                                                         replace”  the  Affordable
            least $341,000 on travel by                                                                                         Care Act.
            ousted Health and Human                                                                                             Among other findings from
            Services   Secretary   Tom                                                                                          the  report:  —  Investigators
            Price,  including  booking                                                                                          questioned  Price’s  asser-
            charter flights without con-                                                                                        tion  that  his  official  sched-
            sidering  cheaper  sched-                                                                                           ule  prevented  him  from
            uled  airlines,  an  agency                                                                                         flying  commercial.  In  one
            watchdog said Friday.                                                                                               case a White House event
            The HHS inspector general’s                                                                                         cited  as  justification  was
            long-awaited  report  chas-                                                                                         canceled,  and  Price’s  of-
            tised  the  department  for                                                                                         fice chose to continue with
            flouting federal travel rules,                                                                                      a  charter  flight  at  a  cost
            which  require  officials  to                                                                                       of  nearly  $18,000.  —  Even
            book trips in the most cost-                                                                                        among  charter  flight  op-
            efficient way for taxpayers.                                                                                        tions, Price’s office did not
            The  inspector  general  es-                                                                                        always  book  the  lowest-
            timated  that  the  govern-                                                                                         cost  trip.  In  one  case  the
            ment spent nearly $1.2 mil-                                                                                         difference  between  quot-
            lion on Price’s travel during                                                                                       ed  options  amounted  to
            his  seven  months  in  office.                                                                                     nearly $46,000.
            That  included  more  than                                                                                          —  For  six  trips,  Price  either
            $700,000  in  military  flights                                                                                     started or ended his travel
            on two foreign and two do-     In  this  June  15,  2017,  file  photo,  Health  and  Human  Services  Secretary  Tom  Price  testifies  on   in  his  home  state  of  Geor-
            mestic trips, as well as more   Capitol Hill in Washington.                                                         gia, his most frequent char-
            than  $480,000  for  various                                                                       Associated Press  ter  travel  destination  out-
            domestic  trips  by  private  the  (inspector  general’s)  the  department  has  since  travel  and  office  remodel-  side of his official duty sta-
            chartered aircraft.          report  that  the  paperwork  instituted  new  travel  pro-  ing by top officials became  tion in Washington, D.C.
            HHS  “improperly  used  fed-  and regulatory issues of de-  cedures for all political ap-  a running story as the Trump  —  HHS  paid  more  than
            eral  funds  related  to  Sec.  partment  staff  were  any-  pointees, calling them “the  administration  took  power  $11,500  on  commercial
            Price’s government travel,”  thing other than good faith  most  rigorous  controls  on  in  Washington  on  a  presi-  flights for a Price trip to Chi-
            the report said.             mistakes.”                   travel  in  the  organization’s  dential  promise  to  “drain  na,  Vietnam  and  Japan.
            Of 21 trips reviewed by the  Peters would not comment  history.” Such travel is now  the swamp.”                    But Price ultimately flew on
            inspector  general’s  investi-  on  any  additional  repay-  reviewed  by  the  ethics  of-    The  latest  Cabinet  casu-  military  transport  at  a  cost
            gators,  only  one  complied  ments by Price. He said in-  fice.                       alty was Environmental Pro-  of more than $430,000.
            with  all  federal  travel  re-  vestigators did not attempt  But Hargan also seemed to  tection Agency head Scott  HHS  lost  track  of  what  it
            quirements. The report said  to interview Price.          quibble,  saying  “the  work  Pruitt,  who  resigned  this  spent  for  the  commercial
            none  of  the  charter  flights  In its formal response to the  of  an  audit  is  to  review  month  amid  ethics  investi-  airline  ticket  until  the  in-
            complied.                    report,  HHS  agreed  with  compliance  with  proce-      gations.                     spector general’s investiga-
            Price,  who  built  a  reputa-  most of the inspector gen-  dures, not make legal con-  Price was forced out in the  tors identified the expense.
            tion as a budget hawk dur-   eral’s   recommendations  clusions. As a matter of law,  fall  of  2017  after  his  travel  The  government  ultimately
            ing  earlier  congressional  for  tightening  up  official  none  of  the  travel  at  issue  drew  the  ire  of  President  got  a  refund  for  the  com-
            service,  has  apologized  travel and requested detail  was unauthorized.”             Donald  Trump,  who  was  mercial ticket.
            and  repaid  the  govern-    on the $341,000 that inves-  The inspector general’s re-  also  upset  over  the  GOP  HHS  said  current  Secretary
            ment nearly $60,000.         tigators  said  the  govern-  port raised questions about  failure  to  repeal  “Obam-  Alex  Azar  flies  commer-
            The  report  said  authorities  ment should recoup.       how  Price’s  travel  was  au-  acare.”                   cial  on  official  business,
            should  seek  full  recovery  The  inspector  general  said  thorized.  For  example,  in-  A  successful  orthopedic  with a few exceptions that
            of  the  $341,000  deemed  HHS should determine how  vestigators  found  that  on  surgeon  before  winning  a  have       involved   requests
            wasteful spending.           best to recover the money.   five  of  12  charter  flights,  congressional  seat  from  from the White House. Azar
            Price  spokesman  Nicholas  On Friday, HHS Deputy Sec-    legal  approval  came  only  the  Atlanta  suburbs,  Price  pays for his personal travel
            Peters said in a statement,  retary  Eric  Hargan  said  in  during or after the trip.  rose to become one of the  back  home  to  Indiana  on
            “there  is  no  indication  in  a separate statement that  Extravagant  spending  on  top  GOP  experts  on  bud-   weekends.q

            Report: TSA missed inspections of Cuba-U.S. carriers

            WASHINGTON (AP) — Con-       tion Security Administration  ing. A TSA spokesman said  The spokesman said TSA fol-   tween  the  U.S.  and  Cuba
            gressional  investigators  say  only performed about half  Friday  that  “external  fac-  lowed  guidelines  to  follow  increased after the Obama
            TSA failed to perform many  the required inspections on  tors” hindered the agency’s  up when inspections turned  administration  eased  re-
            inspections of carriers oper-  five  carriers  that  investiga-  ability  to  perform  inspec-  up  shortcomings,  a  point  strictions  on  visiting  the  is-
            ating  flights  from  Cuba  to  tors studied.             tions as often as expected  on which the GAO agreed.      land  nation  in  2016.  The
            the U.S. between 2012 and  The GAO said that in many  — generally every six to 12  Republicans  on  the  House  Trump  administration  tight-
            2016.                        cases TSA couldn’t reliably  months.  The  agency  told  Homeland  Security  Com-      ened the rules last year to
            The Government Account-      track  U.S.-bound  charter  GAO that the Cuban gov-       mittee requested the GAO  discourage  tourist  visits  to
            ability Office said in a new  operations.  TSA  said  it  is  ernment  sometimes  asked  study.                     Cuba,  but  several  U.S.  air-
            report  that  the  Transporta-  working  to  improve  track-  to reschedule inspections.  Commercial   flights   be-  lines still fly there.q
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