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A4   U.S. NEWS
                     Saturday 14 July 2018

            Acrimony, insults and a Congress endlessly split over Trump

            By LISA MASCARO                                                                                                     el.
              AP  Congressional  Corre-                                                                                         Those  spats  paled  in  com-
            spondent                                                                                                            pared to what came next.
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., a
            long-awaited      question-                                                                                         bulldog investigator during
            ing of the FBI agent at the                                                                                         Barack  Obama’s  admin-
            heart  of  the  2016  election                                                                                      istration,  asked  Strzok  to
            probe was always expect-                                                                                            read aloud his disparaging
            ed to be one for the history                                                                                        text messages about Trump
            books. But Congress outdid                                                                                          to  FBI  attorney  Lisa  Page,
            itself.                                                                                                             with  whom he  was  having
            After  10  hours  of  finger-                                                                                       an affair.
            pointing,  F-bomb  reading                                                                                          “OMG, he’s an idiot,” Strzok
            and in-your-face testimony                                                                                          read  one.  Then  another,
            between special agent Pe-                                                                                           “What  the  F  happened  to
            ter Strzok and a joint panel                                                                                        our country, Lis?”
            of 70 lawmakers, the parti-                                                                                         Issa: “OK, read it again that
            san  divide  over  the  inves-                                                                                      way.”
            tigation  of  Russian  inter-                                                                                       Strzok:  “Was  it  not  intelligi-
            ference  in  the  election  of                                                                                      ble?
            President Donald Trump re-                                                                                          Issa:  “I  just  want  to  hear  it
            mains  precipitously  deep,                                                                                         one more time.”
            with  no  political  bridge  in   FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok prepares to testify before the the House Committees on   Strzok:  “OK,  sir,  happy  to
            sight.                       the Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform during a hearing on “Oversight of FBI and   indulge you. ... ‘What the F
            On the one side are Demo-    DOJ Actions Surrounding the 2016 Election,” on Capitol Hill, Thursday, July 12, 2018, in Washington.   happened  to  our  country,
            crats who heard in Strzok’s                                                                        Associated Press   Lis?’”
            testimony  an  unflinching,  for  the  ability  of  Congress  “I  understand  we’re  living  aimed at rooting out com-  In another exchange, Rep.
            if  flawed,  G-man  trying  to  to function.              in  a  political  era  in  which  munists, the probe of Hillary  Louie  Gohmert,  R-Texas,
            stop Russian interference in  “Politicians  love  to  grand-  insults and insinuation often  Clinton’s  role  after  the  at-  asked  the  FBI  agent  if  he
            American  democracy.  On  stand and that was a per-       drown out honesty and in-    tack on Benghazi, Libya.     used the same “smirk” and
            the  other  are  Republicans  fect  venue  for  all  of  them  tegrity,” he began. “But the  From  the  start,  Rep.  Bob  lied  to  his  wife  about  the
            who  see  anti-Trump  text  to  do  so,”  said  Rep.  Tom  honest  truth  is  that  Russian  Goodlatte, R-Va., the Judi-  affair.  Democrats  howled
            messages Strzok sent to his  Rooney,  F-Fla.,  who  said  interference  in  our  elec-  ciary  chairman,  struggled  in protest, one questioning
            lover as evidence of alarm-  the proceedings reminded  tions  constitutes  a  grave  to maintain control.           if Gohmert needed to take
            ing bias at the highest lev-  him  of  the  Bill  Clinton  im-  attack  on  our  democ-  After the top Democrat on  his medication.
            els of government.           peachment  sessions  he  racy.  Most  disturbingly,  it  the  Oversight  panel,  Rep.  During a break, Rep. Doug
            The  aftermath  produced  watched as a young man  has been wildly successful,  Elijah  Cummings  of  Mary-          Collins,  R-Ga.,  who  grilled
            one  certainty:  Congress  is  two decades ago. In fact,  sowing  discord  in  our  na-  land, erected large posters  Strzok on his security clear-
            hopelessly split in conduct-  some of the same veteran  tion and shaking faith in our  of  the  individuals  indicted  ance,   acknowledged
            ing executive branch over-   lawmakers  were  still  there  intuitions.”               so  far  in  the  government’s  there   were   “probably
            sight of the Trump adminis-  playing  starring  roles,  he  But that was a topic for an-  Russia  probe,  Goodlatte  some comments that were
            tration.  Lawmakers  reflect  said. “And I would contend  other  day.  The  joint  hear-  ordered them taken down,  over the top, sure, on both
            their constituents, and after  that Mr. Strzok was doing it  ing  of  the  Judiciary  and  calling  them  “inappropri-  sides.”
            running  on  partisan  over-  a little, too.”             Oversight  panels  quickly  ate.”                         But  Collins  said  Americans
            drive for years, they staked  In  his  opening  remarks,  morphed  into  a  spectacle  “Is there a rule for that, Mr.  can see through the theat-
            out   defiantly   opposing  Strzok,  a  career  FBI  agent,  that lawmakers compared  Chairman?”       Cummings  rics.  “They  do  understand
            sides. The level of acrimony  set the stage for what was  to earlier showdowns — the  retorted.  “Cite  the  rule!”  this  investigation  needs  to
            poses  a  real-life  stress  test  about to unfold.       Joe  McCarthy  hearings  came voices from the pan-        happen.”q

            Intel official: Cyber threat warnings ‘blinking red’

                                                                      By DEB RIECHMANN             tional Intelligence Director  attack was imminent.
                                                                       Associated Press            Dan Coats.                   “Here  we  are  nearly  two
                                                                      WASHINGTON       (AP)   —  “The Department of Home-       decades  later  and  I’m
                                                                      Warning  lights  about  cy-  land  Security  and  the  FBI,  here  to  say  the  warn-
                                                                      ber threats to U.S. national  in  coordination  with  inter-  ing  lights  are  blinking  red
                                                                      security  are  “blinking  red”  national  partners,  have  again,” Coats said.
                                                                      and  the  digital  attempts  detected  Russian  govern-   Coats spoke at Hudson In-
                                                                      to undermine America are  ment actors targeting gov-      stitute, a Washington think
                                                                      occurring daily, not just at  ernment and businesses in  tank,  shortly  after  the  Jus-
                                                                      election time, the nation’s  the  energy,  nuclear,  wa-  tice  Department  indicted
                                                                      top  intelligence  official  ter,  aviation  and  critical  12  Russian  intelligence  of-
                                                                      said Friday.                 manufacturing     sectors,”  ficers accused of hacking
                                                                      Russia  has  been  the  most  Coats said.                 into Democratic email ac-
                                                                      aggressive  foreign  actor,  He  compared  the  cyber  counts during the 2016 U.S.
                                                                      but cyber threats also are  threat today with how U.S.  presidential  election  and
                                                                      coming  from  China,  Iran  officials  said  before  9/11  releasing  stolen  informa-
            In this March 6, 2018, file photo, Director of National Intelligence   and North Korea as well as  that  intelligence  channels  tion  in  the  months  before
            Dan Coats testifies before the Senate Armed Services Committee
            on Capitol Hill in Washington.                            criminal  networks  and  in-  were  “blinking  red”  with  Americans headed to the
                                                     Associated Press   dividual  hackers,  said  Na-  warning signs that a terror  polls.q
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