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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 14 July 2018

            132 die in Pakistan election violence ahead of Sharif return

            By ZAHEER BABAR                                                                                                     military, which has ruled the
            ABDUL SATTAR                                                                                                        country directly or indirectly
            Associated Press                                                                                                    for most of its 71-year histo-
            LAHORE,  Pakistan  (AP)  —                                                                                          ry, saying Pakistan now has
            The  deadliest  attacks  in                                                                                         a “state above the state.”
            Pakistan’s  troubled  elec-                                                                                         During  his  term  in  office,
            tion  campaign  killed  at                                                                                          Sharif  criticized  the  mili-
            least  132  people,  includ-                                                                                        tary’s  involvement  in  civil-
            ing a candidate, on Friday                                                                                          ian  affairs  and  its  efforts  in
            just before the arrest of dis-                                                                                      fighting extremists.
            graced  former  Prime  Min-                                                                                         Pakistani  and  internation-
            ister Nawaz Sharif upon his                                                                                         al  rights  groups  have  ac-
            return to the country.                                                                                              cused  the  military  of  seek-
            In  the  southwestern  prov-                                                                                        ing to maintain its influence
            ince  of  Baluchistan,  a  sui-                                                                                     in Pakistani politics by keep-
            cide  bomber  killed  128                                                                                           ing Sharif out of power. The
            people,  including  a  politi-                                                                                      military denied the accusa-
            cian  running  for  a  provin-                                                                                      tions saying their assistance
            cial  legislature.  Four  others                                                                                    in carrying out the elections
            died in a strike in Pakistan’s                                                                                      was  requested  by  Paki-
            northwest, spreading panic                                                                                          stan’s  Election  Commis-
            in the country.                                                                                                     sion.  The  army  will  deploy
            The  attacks  came  hours                                                                                           350,000  security  personnel
            before    Sharif   returned                                                                                         to polling stations  through-
            from London along with his                                                                                          out the country on election
            daughter  Maryam  to  face   People hold an injured supporter of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif after a clash with police in   day.  Underscoring  the  se-
            a  10-year  prison  sentence   Lahore, Pakistan, Friday, July 13, 2018.                                             curity  threat,  were  Friday’s
            on corruption charges, an-                                                                         Associated Press  bombings the first of which
            ti-corruption  officials  said.  for the election on the Balu-  Sharif arrived in the eastern  positioned  at  the  roadside  killed  four  people  in  the
            Maryam Sharif faces seven  chistan Awami Party ticket.    city of Lahore from London  ready  to  close  off  main  northwest near the election
            years in jail.               Raisani is the brother of the  where he was visiting his ail-  boulevards  should  crowds  rally  of  a  senior  politician
            He  was  taken  into  cus-   former  Baluchistan  chief  ing  wife  when  a  Pakistani  start to gather.            from an Islamist party.
            tody  to  serve  his  sentence  minister,   Aslam   Raisani.  court  convicted  him  and  In a video message Friday  The   explosion   targeted
            however  he  is  expected  Caretaker      Home    Minis-  his daughter of corruption.  reportedly from aboard his  candidate  Akram  Khan
            to appeal and seek bail. It  ter  Agha  Umar  Bungalzai  Sharif’s  son-in-law  is  cur-  aircraft  en  route  to  Paki-  Durrani,  who  escaped  un-
            wasn’t  clear  when  his  ap-  told  The  Associated  Press  rently  serving  his  one-year  stan, Sharif said he was re-  hurt, and wounded 20 peo-
            peal would be filed but he  another  300  people  were  prison  sentence  on  the  turning  knowing  he  would  ple, said local police chief
            has until Monday.            wounded in Friday’s bomb-    same charge, which stems  be taken directly to prison.    Rashid Khan.
            In  the  southern  town  of  ing.  The  U.S.  State  Depart-  from the purchase of luxury  Sharif  has  been  banned  Durrani is running in the July
            Mastung,  candidate  Siraj  ment in a statement strong-   apartments  in  Britain  that  from  participating  in  poli-  25 vote against popular for-
            Raisani and 127 others died  ly  condemned  this  week’s  the court said were bought  tics,  and  his  brother  Shah-  mer lawmaker Imran Khan.
            when  a  suicide  bomb-      attacks  on  political  candi-  with illegally acquired mon-  baz  Sharif  now  heads  his  He  is  a  candidate  of  Mut-
            er  blew  himself  up  amid  dates  and  their  supporters  ey. Ahead of his return, po-  Pakistan  Muslim  League  tahida  Majlis-e-Amal,  an
            scores  of  supporters  who  in Pakistan.                 lice swept through Lahore,  and is campaigning for re-    election alliance of radical
            had gathered at a rally.     “These  attacks  are  cow-   arresting  scores  of  Sharif’s  election on July 25.     religious groups.
            The  Islamic  State  group  ardly  attempts  to  deprive  Pakistan  Muslim  League  In  a  televised  appeal  to  The attacks came days af-
            claimed  responsibility  for  the Pakistani people of their  party  workers  to  prevent  supporters  from  London  ter  a  suicide  bomber  dis-
            the  attack  in  a  statement  democratic  rights,”  it  said.  them from greeting him at  earlier this week, Sharif said  patched  by  the  Pakistani
            carried on its Aamaq news  “We will continue to stand  the airport.                    he was not afraid of prison  Taliban killed secular politi-
            agency.                      with the people of Pakistan  Barbed  wire  was  strung  and asked people to vote  cian  Haroon  Ahmed  Bilour
            The group gave no reason  and the broader South Asia  across some roads leading  for  his  party.  He  also  used  and  20  others  at  his  rally
            for the bombing that killed  region in their fight against  to the Lahore airport on Fri-  the  opportunity  to  again  in  the  northwestern  city  of
            Raisani,  who  was  running  terrorism.”    Meanwhile,  day  and  barricades  were  criticize Pakistan’s powerful  Peshawar.q
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