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Saturday 14 July 2018
Conservative states balk at voter-approved medical marijuana
By SEAN MURPHY and AN- deprive people of the key
DREW DEMILLO goal, which is letting peo-
Associated Press ple use medical marijuana
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Pot without being punished,”
advocates celebrated the said Karen O’Keefe, direc-
culmination of a yearslong tor of state policies for the
effort to ease restrictions Marijuana Policy Project.
on the use of cannabis last Efforts to heavily restrict
month when nearly 60 per- medical marijuana in Ar-
cent of Oklahoma voters kansas — including an
approved medical mari- outright ban on smoking it
juana. and an attempt to delay
Oklahoma’s proponents the program’s launch un-
had even included a two- til marijuana was legalized
month deadline for the nationwide — failed in the
implementation in their majority-Republican Legis-
measure so as to avoid the lature last year. But the pro-
years of delays they had gram’s launch has stalled
seen elsewhere. and medical marijuana
But that has not stopped likely won’t be available
state health officials and until sometime next year.
the Republican gover- The problem stems from
nor from making drastic In this Tuesday, July 10, 2018 photo, Chip Paul, who helped write the medical marijuana state legal challenges over the
changes . Within weeks of question and push for its passage, answers a question for a reporter before a meeting of the state’s licensing process
the election, they signed Oklahoma Board of Health in Oklahoma City. for medical marijuana. The
off on tough new restric- Associated Press state Supreme Court last
tions, including a ban on You follow the rules. And After more than 70 percent In Texas, the GOP-led Leg- month cleared the way
the sale of smokable pot. then you win and you get of Florida voters approved islature approved a restric- for the program to begin,
The change was support- screwed.” medical marijuana in 2016, tive medical marijuana law reversing a lower judge’s
ed by groups represent- Even in conservative states the Republican-controlled in 2015, then proceeded to ruling that the licensing
ing doctors, hospitals and such as Oklahoma, which Legislature there imposed institute strict regulations. It process was flawed and
pharmacists who opposed became the 30th in the U.S. a similar ban on smokable allowed only three dispen- violated the constitution-
medical marijuana, but in- to legalize medical mari- pot. A judge last month saries in a state of 27 mil- al amendment legalizing
furiated supporters of the juana , attitudes are shift- ruled that such a ban was lion people and imposed medical marijuana. An un-
state question and has al- ing in favor of easing re- unconstitutional. the highest licensing fees successful applicant had
ready led to lawsuits. strictions on pot. But there In Arkansas, 53 percent of in the country. Marijuana sued over the process.
“It’s like they snatched de- remains resistance from voters approved medical advocates say the restric- More than 5,500 patients
feat out of the jaws of vic- policymakers, especially marijuana in 2016, but a le- tions on how medical mari- have been approved to
tory,” said Chip Paul, who in Republican-controlled gal challenge has delayed juana can be used or the use medical marijuana in
helped write Oklahoma’s areas, where the rollout the program. Michigan vot- additional burdens placed the state, and Arkansas will
medical marijuana state of medical marijuana has ers approved medical mar- on doctors may wind up issue them registry cards
question and push for its frequently been restricted ijuana in 2008, only to be undermining the initiatives about a month before the
approval. “You try to do by lawmakers or bogged followed by years of court and laws. “The extent of drug is expected to be le-
something the proper way. down in court battles. fights. limitations really serves to gally available.q
8 MS-13 gang members in
U.S. illegally indicted in Texas
By RYAN TARINELLI “Their trademark is vio- special agent in charge of
Associated Press lence,” Cox said at a Friday Homeland Security Inves-
DALLAS (AP) — Federal news conference in Dallas. tigations, said the gang
authorities have indicted “They are required to com- members are in the U.S. il-
eight MS-13 gang members mit acts of violence in or- legally, mostly from El Sal-
in the U.S. illegally who used der to be involved with the vador.
machetes and other weap- gang and to participate as President Donald Trump
ons to carry out a string of gang members.” has singled out the gang
violent attacks against rival Seven people were in cus- as a threat to the United
gang members in North tody Friday morning. Cox States, prompting criticism
Texas last year. reported Friday morning when he called its mem- U.S. Attorney Erin Nealy Cox, center, holds a news conference
U.S. Attorney Erin Nealy Cox that an eighth person, who bers “animals.” on Friday, July 13, 2018 in Dallas.
said Friday that the street was not identified, is at MS-13 gang members Associated Press
gang is one of the largest in large. The 18-count indict- committed at least six at- metal bat was involved in the U.S. in the 1980s by Sal-
the U.S. and described their ment includes attempted tacks in Dallas and nearby another. Rival gang mem- vadoran immigrants and
tactics as cold, calculating murder in aid of racketeer- Irving last year, according bers were victims of the has sunk roots in the coun-
and ruthless. A major rule of ing and assault with a dan- to a press release from the attacks by MS-13 gang try.
the gang is that members gerous weapon in aid of Department of Justice. It members, according to the Some of its members are
must attack and kill rivals, racketeering. said a sledgehammer was statement. U.S. citizens and not subject
she said. Katherine Greer, a deputy used in one attack, while a The gang was founded in to deportation.q