Page 4 - ATA 5 Feb"15
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LOCALThursday 5 February 2015
Comedians From the Tonight Show & The David Letterman Show
Performing at the Marriott Aruba Resort Throughout This Month!
-Top American standup purchase a premium four- Brooklyn Project. television programs; he is com.
comedians perform in Ray hour open bar, and each Tony recently performed at the host of the new Gong You can also purchase tick-
Ellin’s phenomenal show at person gets $10 FREE Slot Radio City Music Hall. Show Live, a resurrection ets at the Amsterdam Ball-
the Marriott Resort and Stel- Play cash with each ticket. Fans know Dan Naturman of the classic 70’s television room showroom door at
laris Casino starting Febru- The lineup for the first week, from his many appear- show. He also hosted the 7:30pm.
ary 9th until March 10th. from February 9th until ances on the Tonight Show, popular talk show Late Net, The tickets are $34. And
PALM BEACH - “Aruba Ray’s David Letterman Show, and hosted the television each Comedy Ticket gives
Comedy Show” - named February 16th is and his special on Comedy shows The Movie Loft, Brain every audience member
the best show in Aruba - is FANTASTIC - Dan Central. Dan was recently Fuel, and New York Now. $10 in FREE Slot Play in the
returning to the Marriott Naturman, Ray a semi-finalist on the hit He also produced and di- Stellaris Casino at the Marri-
Resort next week, starting Ellin, and Tony NBC show America’s Got rected the very success- ott (ID required!). And each
Monday February 9th. Woods. Talent! ful film The Latin Legends Comedy Ticket will also
Advance tickets are avail- Tony Woods is RAY ELLIN will be hosting of Comedy, distributed by provide a 20% discount to
able at www.ArubaCom- recognized by and performing on the 20th Century Fox. the Aruba La Vista buffet. both his fans shows. Known as “Aruba The shows are at 830pm, Plus, audience members
This fantastic show, which is and his peers Ray” because of his pas- every night, in the Amster- can purchase an optional
the best entertainment op- as one of the sion for Aruba, Ray has dam Ballroom in the Mar- four hour premium open
tion in Aruba, has received most engaging been coming to Aruba ev- riott Resort, down the hall bar for only $20! The pre-
rave reviews from both comedians in ery month for the past three from the casino.
tourists and locals, with it show business. years, and produces and Doors open at 8pm. mium open bar continues
being a fantastic way to He has toured all hosts these incredible com- It is suggested to arrive ear- after the show in the casino
spend a night out. over the world, edy shows on the island. He ly - seating is first come first until midnight. An incred-
The comedians are truly building a large is a popular comedian in serve. ible deal, and a full night
some of the best from New following in the New York, and has brought The showroom is intimate out.
US, UK, Austra- his talent and colleagues - - it is suggested you pur- Ask your concierge for as-
York, and perform in a re- lia, and Europe. to Aruba. chase tickets in advance sistance.
laxed, intimate setting at Tony has ap- Ray has appeared on many at www.ArubaComedy. Additional info: These three
the Marriott. In addition, peared on HBO, comedians perform regu-
there is also an option to Comedy Central, Show- larly in New York City’s big-
time, the Conan O’Brien gest venues.
show, NBC’s Last Comic The showroom is very com-
Standing, and the film The fortable, but seating is first
come first serve! So you
should try to arrive early
Drinks are available for pur-
chase, but there is NO drink
Anyone can attend, how-
ever the show is suggested
for a mature audience.
For more information call
the Aruba Marriott Resort
and Stellaris Casino at 520-
6606, or call 749-4363.q