Page 24 - ATODAY
P. 24


BUSINESSThursday 10 March 2016

US stocks post slight gains, led by oil and gas firms                                                                                            Amazon leases 20
                                                                                                                                                   jets to build out
BERNARD CONDON                 percent, to 4,674.38. The      unprecedented efforts to                          of the longest economic           logistics network 
AP Business Writer             S&P 500 climbed 10 points,     encourage investors to                            expansions, and thus one
NEW YORK (AP) — Stocks         or 0.5 percent, to 1,989.26.   take more risk by lowering                        the longest bull markets,        NEW YORK (AP) — Amazon
rose on the seventh anni-      The gains were broad, with     interest rates on bonds and                       we have experienced,”            is taking to the skies.
versary of the bull market     nine of 10 industry sectors    other safer assets.                               he said. “Easy money still       The e-commerce pow-
on Wednesday as crude          of the S&P 500 rising. The     The current bull market is                        rules.”                          erhouse has finalized an
oil resumed its climb from a   jump in crude sent several     the third-longest of the 11                       The Federal Reserve meets        agreement to lease 20
13-year low.                                                                                                    next week, but most inves-       Boeing jets from Air Trans-
The gains were modest as       Trader Tommy Kalikas works on the floor of the New York Stock                    tors do not think it will raise  port Services Group Inc. as
investors await key policy     Exchange. Stocks rose on the seventh anniversary of the bull                     short-term interest rates it     it builds out its U.S. delivery
decisions from Europe’s        market on Wednesday as crude oil resumed its climb from a                        controls from near zero. It      capabilities.
central bank on Thursday       13-year low.                                                                     raised them for the first time   Amazon has been invest-
and from the U.S. Federal                                                                                       in nine years in December.       ing heavily in its shipping in-
Reserve next week. Energy                                                              (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  At the end of its policy         frastructure, adding sorting
companies rebounded                                                                                             meeting on Thursday, the         centers, which sort pack-
from big drops the day be-     energy companies soar-         since World War II, accord-                       European Central Bank is         ages by zip code and de-
fore, gaining 1.5 percent.     ing. Chesapeake Energy         ing to research firm S&P                          widely expected to an-           liver them to post offices.
The stock market has been      climbed 8 percent, Devon       Capital IQ.                                       nounce more efforts to           And it has started to roll
climbing for three weeks       Energy rose 7 percent and      Chief Investment Officer                          stimulate the 19-country         out thousands of trucks to
as reports on hiring, retail   Newfield Exploration rose 6    Krishna Memani of Op-                             eurozone.                        speed up package deliv-
spending and manufactur-       percent.                       penheimer Funds said he’s                         Possible moves include           ery from its warehouses to
ing suggest the U.S. econ-     The S&P 500 has tripled        optimistic the bull market                        another cut in the deposit       the sorting centers.
omy is strengthening and       since bottoming out at         will extend its run because                       rate for funds from com-         Amazon says the goal is
that fears that a slowdown     676.53 exactly seven years     modest economic growth                            mercial banks to even fur-       not to compete with pack-
in China would tip the U.S.    ago during the financial       means little inflation, and                       ther below zero. The hope        age delivery carriers such
into recession are over-       crisis. Stocks have been       no need for the Federal Re-                       is that will get banks to stop   as FedEx Corp. and UPS
blown. The Standard and        pushed up by higher cor-       serve to move too quickly                         holding onto their money         but work on improving its
Poor’s 500 index is up 9 per-  porate earnings, though        to reverse its stimulus poli-                     and lend more.                   own logistics to offer faster
cent from its mid-February     not in the past year, and      cies.                                             The ECB also could increase      delivery for customers as
low.                           by the Federal Reserve’s       “We believe this will be one                      its bond-buying program to       well as providing shipping
“People are becoming                                                                                            pump more money into the         services for third-party sell-
more optimistic and mar-                                                                                        region’s economy.                ers on the site, a service
kets are recovering,” said                                                                                      Among U.S. stocks making         called Fulfilled by Ama-
Seth Masters, chief invest-                                                                                     big moves Wednesday, Air         zon. Amazon’s $99 annual
ment officer at AB Ber-                                                                                         Transport Services jumped        Prime loyalty program of-
nstein. The hope is that                                                                                        $1.96, or 17 percent, to         fers free two-day shipping
“monetary authorities are                                                                                       $13.73 after turning in solid    on many items.
committed to doing what it                                                                                      results and saying it will op-   Air Transport Services said
takes and not derail it.”                                                                                       erate an air transport net-      the company had been
The Dow Jones industrial av-                                                                                    work for Amazon. Pet-food        working on the agreement
erage climbed 36.26 points,                                                                                     company Blue Buffalo Pet         with Amazon since last
or 0.2 percent, to 17,000.36.                                                                                   Products rose $4.19, or 23       summer.
The Nasdaq composite in-                                                                                        percent, $22.75 after post-      Amazon will lease 20 747
creased 25.55 points, or 0.6                                                                                    ing strong earnings.             freighter jets. The 20 leases
                                                                                                                                                 are for five to seven years.
Cathay Pacific profit nearly doubles as fuel cost falls                                                                                          The agreement for the op-
                                                                                                                                                 eration of the aircraft will
KELVIN CHAN                    nual profit nearly doubled     line said that net income                         ($1.1 billion) from HK$911       be for five years.
AP Business Writer             in 2015 as passenger de-       jumped 90.5 percent from                          million in 2014.                 Amazon is also taking a
HONG KONG (AP) — Ca-           mand grew and tumbling         the year before to 6 billion                      The company, which also          stake in the Wilmington,
thay Pacific Airways said      oil prices cut its fuel bill.  Hong Kong dollars ($773                           operates Asian regional          Ohio-based company. It
Wednesday that its an-         Hong Kong’s biggest air-       million). Cathay and other                        carrier Dragonair, said          will get warrants to buy
                                                              airlines are among the big-                       passenger numbers grew           during a five-year period
                                                              gest beneficiaries of the                         7.9 percent but revenue          up to 19.9 percent of the
                                                              drop in the price of crude                        slipped 3.4 percent to           company’s shares at $9.73
                                                              oil, which has fallen from                        HK$102.3 billion ($13.2 bil-     per share.
                                                              more than $100 a barrel in                        lion). Chairman John Slosar      Dave Clark, Amazon’s
                                                              mid-2014 to the $30 level in                      said operating conditions        senior vice president of
                                                              recent months.                                    improved last year but he        worldwide operations and
                                                              The airline said the amount                       expected some challeng-          customer service, said in
                                                              it spent on jet fuel, which is                    es to persist into 2016.         an emailed statement that
                                                              its single biggest expense,                       “Strong competition from         the agreement will help
                                                              fell 18 percent to HK$33 bil-                     other airlines in the region,    supplement its existing de-
                                                              lion ($4.2 billion) last year.                    foreign currency move-           livery network and ensure
                                                              That’s even after taking                          ments and weak premium           the company has the air
                                                              into account bigger losses                        class passenger demand           cargo capacity to support
                                                              from taking out contracts                         will put pressure on passen-     one- and two-day delivery
                                                              aimed at minimizing fuel-                         ger yield,” Slosar said in a     for its customers.
                                                              bill volatility that locked the                   statement.                       In midday trading, shares
                                                              carrier into higher prices.                       Cathay said that the first of    of Air Transport Services
                                                              The losses from such fuel                         12 A350 jets ordered from        jumped 18 percent to
                                                              cost hedging ballooned                            Airbus will be delivered in      $13.91.
                                                              last year to HK$8.5 billion                       May.
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