Page 23 - ATODAY
P. 23
Thursday 10 March 2016
Phishing season in full swing as tax deadline looms
BREE FOWLER Christmas, with attacks in This screen grab from the Internal Revenue Service website shows a sample W-2 form. Employ-
AP Technology Writer the form of fake delivery ers are being tricked into sending detailed employee tax information to scammers as part of
NEW YORK (AP) — Tax day notifications. Thieves also an emerging tax fraud campaign. Two prominent technology firms, Seagate Technologies and
is a little more than a month often tie phishing emails to Snapchat, are among recent victims.
away, which means phish- major sporting events, or
ing season is in full swing. natural disasters like over- Associated Press
The IRS says it’s seen a seas earthquakes, says
“surge” this year in phishing Raj Samani, chief technol- And while poor English and banks, or other companies IS THERE ANY WAY TO PRE-
emails, with thieves bait- ogy officer for Europe, the long, complex web links they do business with, but VENT IT?
ing special hooks for pay- Middle East and Africa at were previously sure signs didn’t opt into emails from. Basic cyberhygiene can
roll and human-resources Intel Security. of phishing, they’re not as He also notes that banks go a long way toward pre-
workers in hopes of snag- “They’re very much up with prevalent anymore. Many generally don’t include venting a data breach,
ging a company’s entire the latest news and infor- overseas hackers are no Web links in emails. even if a link in a phishing
stash of employee Social mation,” Samani says. “If longer using clunky trans- Those links will likely take a email gets accidentally
Security numbers and oth- they can spend a little more lation websites, because person to a fake website clicked on.
er personal information. time and get a 0.1 percent there are fluent English where they will be asked to Using different passwords
Meanwhile, tax-season increase in click-throughs, speakers who specialize in login and those credentials for different accounts, two-
phishing attacks against then their campaign be- translating phishing emails will ultimately be stolen, he factor authentication and
individuals are also up. comes hugely more profit- for a fee, Samani says. says. changing passwords fre-
Last month, the IRS said it able and successful.” Meanwhile, it’s become And attacks don’t just quently all can be a big
had seen a quadrupling ___ easier to shorten the Web come in the form of email. help. In addition, compa-
of phishing- and malware- WHAT’S THE DIFERENCE links that direct a people to They can come as text nies should test their em-
related incidents for this BETWEEN PHISHING AND fake websites, he says. messages too, with those ployees by periodically
year’s tax season. SPEAR FISHING? Narang adds that people links often containing virus- sending out fake phishing
Experts warn that phishing Narang likens phishing to a should be wary of emails es, Samani says. emails to see who falls for
emails often masquerade person casually throwing a purported to be from ___ them, Narang says.q
as legitimate communi- rod in a lake and waiting
cation from your bank, for a bite. Phishing emails Amazon leases 20 jets to build out logistics network
human resources depart- don’t contain a lot of spe-
ment or email provider. But cifics, but are quick and NEW YORK (AP) — Amazon logistics to offer faster deliv- 19.9 percent of the com-
in reality, they’re part of a easy to send out in mass is taking to the skies. ery for customers as well as pany’s shares at $9.73 per
scheme designed to steal quantities. The e-commerce pow- providing shipping services share.
the confidential informa- “Spear phishing” is much erhouse has finalized an for third-party sellers on the Dave Clark, Amazon’s
tion stored in your comput- more targeted and person- agreement to lease 20 site, a service called Fulfilled senior vice president of
er, or to gain access to the alized. The people behind Boeing jets from Air Trans- by Amazon. Amazon’s $99 worldwide operations and
network it’s attached to. those attacks spend time port Services Group Inc. as annual Prime loyalty pro- customer service, said in
And this time of year, that researching their targets in it builds out its U.S. delivery gram offers free two-day an emailed statement that
information can be used to order to create highly cus- capabilities. shipping on many items. Air the agreement will help
file a false tax return. tomized emails that look Amazon has been invest- Transport Services said the supplement its existing de-
While people are more much more legitimate and ing heavily in its shipping in- company had been work- livery network and ensure
aware of the danger of are much more likely to be frastructure, adding sorting ing on the agreement with the company has the air
phishing more than ever clicked on. centers, which sort pack- Amazon since last summer. cargo capacity to support
before, the lures continue The rise of social media ages by zip code and de- Amazon will lease 20 747 one- and two-day delivery
to evolve and increase in has made this a lot easier. liver them to post offices. freighter jets. for its customers.
sophistication, making it Thanks to Facebook and And it has started to roll The 20 leases are for five Shares of Air Transport Ser-
tough for the average per- Twitter, details including a out thousands of trucks to to seven years. The agree- vices jumped 17 percent to
son to discern which emails person’s place of employ- speed up package deliv- ment for the operation of close at $13.73. Earlier the
are legitimate and which ment, where they bank, ery from its warehouses to the aircraft will be for five stock reached $14.90, an
ones aren’t. like to shop and the names the sorting centers. years. all-time high.
Here are a few answers to and ages of their children Amazon says the goal is Amazon is also taking a Inc. shares dipped 79 cents
common questions about are just a few clicks away. not to compete with pack- stake in the Wilmington, to $559.47. Shares of FedEx
phishing: ___ age delivery carriers such Ohio-based company. It and UPS both edged down
___ WHAT OTHER RED FLAGS as FedEx Corp. and UPS but will get warrants to buy dur- about 1 percent, to $141.98
WHY IS IT SO BAD THIS TIME SHOULD I BE ON THE LOOK- work on improving its own ing a five-year period up to and $99.56, respectively.q
Phishing peaks during tax In an effort to get more
season, partially because people to click on a link
it’s a time of year that many before thinking about the
people are accustomed possible consequences,
to entering their most per- many phishing emails will
sonal information — such give an impression of scar-
as their Social Security city, or include some kind
number or bank account of time limit.
information — on websites, For example, an email
Satnam Narang, senior se- made to appear to be
curity-response manager from a person’s bank or
for security software maker email provider may state
Symantec, says. that if that person doesn’t
Thieves can then use that click on the enclosed link
captured information to file within 24 hours, they will
a false return. be locked out of their ac-
Phishing also spikes around count.