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SPORTSThursday 10 March 2016

Pound: Sharapova guilty of ‘willful negligence’ in drug test 

STEPHEN WILSON                   This is a Thursday, Jan. 14, 2016. file photo of Canadian Dick                        a drug that is basically to      Baku, Azerbaijan. The drug
AP Sports Writer               Pound, Chairman of WADA’s (World Anti-Doping Agency) Inde-                              help heart problems was          was not banned at that
LONDON (AP) — Maria            pendent Commission (IC), presents the findings of his Commis-                           administered,” he said.          time.
Sharapova was guilty of        sion’s Report surrounding allegations of doping in sport, during a                      Pound disclosed that in-         The study found that 13
“willful negligence” for us-   press conference in Munich, Germany.                                                    ternational tennis officials     winners or medalists were
ing meldonium, and in-                                                                                                 had flagged up the use of        taking meldonium, 66 ath-
ternational tennis officials                                                                       Associated Press    meldonium to the WADA            letes tested positive for it,
were aware that many                                                                                                   committee that monitors          and the drug was detect-
players were taking the        year, taking full responsibil-                          sole enterprise you bet-        the use of various drugs         ed in athletes in 15 of the
drug before it was banned      ity for her mistake.                                    ter make sure the basis for     and recommends whether           21 sports on the program.
this year, former World Anti-  “An athlete at that level                               that commercial success, if     to put them on the banned        The research contributed
Doping Agency president        has to know that there will                             nothing else, remains unas-     list.                            to WADA’s decision to add
Dick Pound said Wednes-        be tests, has to know that                              sailable,” Pound added in       “Clearly, within the tennis      meldonium to the banned
day.                           whatever she or he is taking                            the interview with the AP       circle at least, they were       list.Sharapova is being pro-
Pound told The Associated      is not on the list, and it was                          on the sidelines of the Tack-   aware that a lot of the          visionally suspended by the
Press that Sharapova could     willful negligence to miss                              ling Doping in Sport confer-    players were using it (mel-      International Tennis Feder-
face a ban of up to four       that,” Pound said. “She was                             ence at Twickenham Sta-         donium) and said that            ation, which will hold hear-
years unless she can prove     warned in advance I gath-                               dium.                           there must be something          ings on the case and de-
mitigating circumstances       er. The WADA publication                                Current WADA president          to this, so they referred it to  cide on any long-term ban.
to explain her positive test   is out there. She didn’t pay                            Craig Reedie questioned         the WADA list committee,”        “She faces up to four years
for meldonium at the Aus-      any attention to it. The ten-                           why Sharapova was pre-          Pound said.                      sanction for this,” Pound
tralian Open in January.       nis association issued sever-                           scribed meldonium.              So far, Sharapova is the         said. “There will have to be
Meldonium, a Latvian-          al warnings, none of which                              “If the reports are true and    only tennis player with a        a review of whatever miti-
manufactured drug de-          she apparently read.”                                   this was happening when         known positive test for mel-     gating factors there may
signed to treat heart con-     “I am sorry, if you are run-                            she was a teenager, then        donium.                          be, and not many leap
ditions, was added to the      ning a $30 million a year                               you begin to wonder why         Meldonium, which is not          to mind.” Pound said he
World Anti-Doping Agen-                                                                                                approved by the U.S. Food        did not understand why
cy’s banned list on Jan. 1                                                                                             and Drug Administration,         Sharapova would have
after authorities noticed                                                                                              was banned by WADA               been taking the drug for so
widespread use of the sub-                                                                                             because it aids oxygen           long.
stance among athletes.                                                                                                 uptake and endurance.            The player said Monday
In announcing her positive                                                                                             Several other athletes in        that she had taken meldo-
test at a news conference                                                                                              various international sports     nium for a decade follow-
in Los Angeles on Monday,                                                                                              have already been caught         ing various health problems
Sharapova said she had                                                                                                 using it since it was banned     including regular sickness-
been using the drug for                                                                                                Jan. 1.                          es, early signs of diabetes
10 years for various medi-                                                                                             A study published Wednes-        and “irregular” results from
cal issues. The five-time                                                                                              day in the British Journal       echocardiography exams.
Grand Slam champion                                                                                                    of Sports Medicine found         “Looking at it from 10,000
and world’s highest-earn-                                                                                              that up to 490 athletes may      feet and from outside, you
ing female athlete said she                                                                                            have been taking meldoni-        say, ‘I am sorry but that
hadn’t realized meldonium                                                                                              um during last year’s inau-      doesn’t hold together,’”
had been prohibited this                                                                                               gural European Games in          Pound said.q

In this Oct. 31, 2014, file photo, Red Bull driver Sebastian Vettel,                       Continued from Page 17      jor Events Trust Fund, public    today.”
of Germany, drives through the course during the first practice                                                        money spent largely to pay       The track also booked a
session for the Formula One U.S. Grand Prix auto race at the Cir-                      not only follows Haas F1        Formula One’s rights fees.       race weekend concert by
cuit of the Americas, in Austin, Texas.                                                Team, but Formula One           \ But that money was cut         pop superstar Taylor Swift,
                                                                                       as a whole,” said Haas F1       by nearly $6 million last        which Epstein said should
                                                                    Associated Press   Team Principal Guenther         year when the fund was           draw even more fans.
                                                                                       Steiner.                        put under control of Gov.        “We’re investing in our fu-
“As an American team, it’s race on home soil. It helps                                 Epstein declined to dis-        Greg Abbott’s office and         ture to bring new fans out,”
very important to have a cultivate a fan base that                                     close how much the track        state officials tweaked the      Epstein said.
                                                                                       paid Ecclestone and F1,         formulas used to calculate       And to lure back fans
                                                                                       but money has been the          reimbursement.                   scared away by last year’s
                                                                                       root of the track’s struggles   Epstein said track officials     rain, the track is offering
                                                                                       to keep the race afloat.        determined they could            ticket holders a 105 percent
                                                                                       Severe weather and flood-       meet the state’s new             refund if it rains 2 inches or
                                                                                       ing swamped the 2015            guidelines for reimburse-        more in the 24 hours before
                                                                                       race weekend and all but        ment in order to recover         the race.
                                                                                       wiped out attendance at         the entire $25 million. And      Epstein said track officials
                                                                                       the race where Mercedes’        the track recently got a sig-    are confident they can
                                                                                       Lewis Hamilton clinched his     nificant local tax break on      make the race financially
                                                                                       third consecutive champi-       its property value.              viable “for a long time.”
                                                                                       onship.                         “It was in pretty great jeop-    “We think that this year’s
                                                                                       And soon after the race,        ardy for the first 60 days af-   event will restore fund-
                                                                                       state officials had more        ter the last (race),” Epstein    ing to the level we need.
                                                                                       bad news.                       told The Associated Press.       If we’re wrong, it’s a bad
                                                                                       Track officials expected up     “We had major obstacles          miscalculation and I can’t
                                                                                       to $25 million per year for 10  to clear and it took clear-      assure you it’s going to go
                                                                                       years from the state’s Ma-      ing all of those to get us to    forward,” Epstein said.q
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